International Environmental Support Services 18-142656-BH
Status Awarded
Contract number 2001173
Solicitation number 18-142656-BH
Publication date
Contract award date
Status Awarded
Contract number 2001173
Solicitation number 18-142656-BH
Publication date
Contract award date
This contract was awarded to:
The Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD) is seeking a Contractor to provide services in support of the mandate of Engineering and Commissioning Services (AWT) of DFATD. AWT is responsible for assessing the environmental liabilities of Crown-owned properties and leased properties and reporting these liabilities to the Treasury Board Secretariat. The work is carried out in support of DFATD’s Contaminated Sites Management Plan.
The types of environmental services that will be required of the Contractor may include:
An Environmental Site Investigation (ESI) may be conducted for a variety of reasons ranging from property transaction agreements, potential surface and/or sub-surface contamination caused by on site activities, potential contamination inside the building, or other sources of contamination. Such assessments can include extensive geotechnical, hydrogeological, and possibly archaeological components in the scope of work. If remediation is to be undertaken, some level of Environmental Assessment as prescribed by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act will also be required. Depending on the type of facility and scope of remedial efforts, a Designated Substance Survey may also be required. If the remediation involves excavation, an understanding of geotechnical requirements in terms of shoring and general excavation management will be needed. For all projects, general expertise in project management will be required with an emphasis on Risk Management including Risk Communication in addition to the typical elements of Integration, Scope, Time, Budget, and Quality.
The properties being assessed will all be outside of Canada.
The Work or a portion of the Work to be performed under the Contract will be on an "as and when requested basis" using a Task Authorization (TA). The Work described in the TA must be in accordance with the scope of the Contract.
Refer to the description above for full details.