Landscaping and Grounds Maintenance Services to the Embassy of Canada to Italy

Status Awarded

Contract number 7429669

Solicitation number 21-181057

Publication date

Contract award date


    This contract was awarded to:


    The Embassy of Canada to Italy, is soliciting proposals for commercial landscaping and grounds maintenance services for the 2 properties described below;

    The Official Residence

    The Official Residence (OR) is located at Via Porta Latina 11, Roma 00179. The property is known as Villa Grandi and covers a surface area of approximately 22,000 m² of which consists of 550 m² of buildings (villa and other buildings), 15,450 m² of lawns and flowerbeds, and 6,000 m² of driveways and gravel paths.

    The Embassy of Canada to Italy (Chancery)

    The Chancery is located at Via Salaria 243, Roma 00199. The property is known as Villa Grazioli and covers a surface area of approximately 6,400 m², of which 3,500 m² are flowerbeds, lawns, etc., 700 m² are for the villa and other buildings, and 2,200 m² are driveways, paths and parking spaces.

    The objective of this requirement is to provide landscaping and grounds maintenance services without interruption, at the OR and Chancery grounds in Rome, Italy, as per industry standards and best practices, thus maintaining the appearance and health of the grounds and the representational image of Canada in Italy.

    Business address
    Procurement method
    Competitive – Open Bidding

    Contract duration

    Refer to the description above for full details.

    Commodity - GSIN

    • K107A - Landscaping and Horticultural Services
    • K107DA - Grounds Maintenance
    Contact information

    Contracting organization

    Foreign Affairs, Trade And Development (Department Of)
    125 Sussex Dr
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1A0G2
    Contracting authority
    Embassy of Canada to Italy
    Shellen Liao - DMCO Property

    Buying organization(s)

    Foreign Affairs, Trade And Development (Department Of)
    125 Sussex Dr
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1A0G2