Janitorial services, Rouge National Urban Park

Status Awarded

Contract number 5P300-20-0365

Solicitation number 5P300-20-0365/A

Publication date

Contract award date

Contract value

CAD 44,431.60


    This contract was awarded to:

    SQM Janitorial Services inc.



    The only acceptable email address for responses to the bid solicitation is pc.receptiondessoumissionsest-bidreceivingeast.pc@canada.ca. Bids submitted by email directly to the Contracting Authority or to any email address other than pc.receptiondessoumissionsest-bidreceivingeast.pc@canada.ca will not be accepted.

    The only acceptable facsimile for responses to bid solicitations is 1-877-558-2349.

    The maximum email file size that Parks Canada is capable of receiving is 15 megabytes. The Bidder is responsible for any failure attributable to the transmission or receipt of the emailed bid due to file size.

    The Bidder should be cognisant of the size of the email as a whole, and not only the attachments. Please take into consideration that some attachments, when sent, may be resized during the email transfer. If the email size is too large, the Bidder should send the bid in multiple emails properly labeled with the solicitation number, project name, and indicate how many emails are included (ex. 1 of 2).

    Emails with links to bid documents will not be accepted. Bid documents must be sent as email attachments.


    Parks Canada requires janitorial services at the Rouge National Urban Park Visitor Experience facilities for a year commencing from date of contract to April 30, 2022.

    The Contractor will be responsible to provide a range of janitorial services including all labor, supervision, transportation, equipment and supplies within the Visitor Experience washrooms and Welcome centers. The Contractor will also be responsible to open the public washrooms in the morning by unlocking the doors. Through the contract, the described janitorial services below are to be performed with care of the highest quality by the Contractor to ensure the health and safety of all employees and visitors.

    The Contractor will be responsible for all planning, scheduling, administration and management necessary to provide the cleaning services including recruiting and retaining qualified staff, assuring quality control, ensuring staff are trained and equipped to perform their tasks and providing quality products and equipment as specified herein to quality completion of these services. The Contractor will ensure that all work provided meets the standards specified by RNUP below.

    Period of Contract

    The period of the Contract is from date of Contract to April 30, 2022 inclusive.


    There is a security requirement associated with this bid solicitation.

    New personnel security clearance requests will require mandatory fingerprints to initiate the criminal record check. The validity of an existing personnel security clearance issued by the Government of Canada is not affected by the change in the criminal record check process. Applicants who require a personnel security clearance are responsible for all costs associated with fingerprinting.


    All enquiries of a technical and contractual nature are to be submitted to the Contracting Authority.

    Enquiries regarding this bid must be submitted in writing and should be received no later than five (5) business/calendar days prior to the date set for solicitation closing to allow sufficient time to provide a response. Enquiries received after that time may result in an answer NOT being provided.


    National Parks Regulations require that all work is to be performed in accordance with the ordinances, laws, rules and regulations set out in the Rouge National Urban Park Act.

    Bidders that consider themselves qualified to provide this Work and intend to submit bids on this project should obtain documents from the Government Electronic Tendering Service through the Government of Canada tendering service at www.buyandsell.gc.ca/tenders . Addenda, when issued, will be available from the Government of Canada tendering service. Bidders that elect to base their bids on documents obtained from other sources do so at their own risk. Late submissions will not be considered.

    The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement.

    Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada. Parks Canada has made every effort to provide equivalent documents in both official languages, however, if you find any discrepancies between the English and French documents, please notify the contract officer listed in this opportunity as soon as possible so that we can rectify the situation.

    AMENDMENT 001 to answer questions from potential bidders

    Business address
    14-1031 Meyerside Drive
    Mississauga, ON, L5T 2H5
    Procurement method
    Competitive – Open Bidding

    Contract duration

    Refer to the description above for full details.

    Commodity - GSIN

    • K100A - Cleaning and Maintenance, Janitorial
    Contact information

    Contracting organization

    Parks Canada
    30 Victoria Street
    Gatineau, Quebec, J8X 0B3
    Contracting authority
    Sonia Beauchesne
    3, Passage du Chien-D'Or
    Québec, QC, G1R 3Z8

    Buying organization(s)

    Parks Canada
    30 Victoria Street
    Gatineau, Quebec, J8X 0B3
    Date modified: