Wharf based Offloading Systems Maintenance
Status Awarded
Contract number 4600000323
Solicitation number 30001403
Publication date
Contract award date
Status Awarded
Contract number 4600000323
Solicitation number 30001403
Publication date
Contract award date
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is responsible for the ongoing maintenance and repair of wharf-based off-loading systems (hereafter referred to as jib cranes), used for the lifting of catch from vessels to wharves. DFO requires the services of an electrical contracting firm to perform regular inspections, maintenance and repairs to jib cranes, area lighting and related electrical systems in various locations throughout the Newfoundland and Labrador Region. It is the Department’s intention to accept tenders for this service and establish a Standing Offer for such work, as indicated in the following document.
The term of the Standing Offer is for five (5) years on an as and when required basis. A standing
offer is an agreement and not a contract. The Crown reserves the right to issue a standing offer
to more than one bidder.
Bidders must refer to the safety requirements in the specification before performing any site
inspection or preliminary work on site.
Refer to the description above for full details.