Purchase of agronomic data from companies
Status Awarded
Contract number 7000004320
Solicitation number 01B46-2021-094
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Status Awarded
Contract number 7000004320
Solicitation number 01B46-2021-094
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Tenders must be received by: 2:00 PM, Local Time
On Decembre 15, 2021 at the following email address:
The development of artificial intelligence algorithms requires large
amounts of data—preferably observational data (collected in a commercial
context). Agronomic or agri-environmental service clubs generally have
access to their producers’ data and thus centralize large volumes of data.
We are looking for a service club that has high-quality georeferenced data.
This data will be analyzed using other data sources such as satellite
imagery, weather data, or aggregated economic data. This company will
need to agree to act as a supplier for its producers’ data and as an
intermediary when data is collected in the field, which would allow AAFC
researchers to initiate a unique artificial intelligence program using
commercial data.
Refer to the description above for full details.