OPMC-Request for proposals-Advertising agency
Status Awarded
Contract number DDPINT-410-21-1533
Solicitation number DDPINT-410-21-1533
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Status Awarded
Contract number DDPINT-410-21-1533
Solicitation number DDPINT-410-21-1533
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
This Request for Proposal (the “RFP”) is issued to solicit Proposals for the services of an advertising agency that will design and execute advertising campaigns for its two (2) distinct brands and products:
- the Old Port of Montreal;
- the Montreal Science Centre and its IMAX TELUS cinema; and
- any other product of the Company (the “Scope of Work”).
This is described in more detail in the Scope of Work Schedule.
Refer to the description above for full details.