Cleaning services for the Embassy of Canada to Hungary, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, in Budapest

Status Awarded

Contract number 7445480

Solicitation number 22-200143

Publication date

Contract award date


    This contract was awarded to:

    MAIDS Kft.

    Cleaning services for the Embassy of Canada to Hungary, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, in Budapest
    The Embassy of Canada to Hungary, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, in Budapest
    is soliciting proposals for Janitorial and Commercial Cleaning Services for the Embassy located at 1027 Budapest, Ganz u. 12-14, Hungary.
    The office where the cleaning services are required is located in a five-storey, purpose-built building.
    The objective of this requirement is to obtain a scalable solution that will offer the services of qualified resources to be assigned to accomplish cleaning and other manual tasks at the Mission’s properties in Budapest thus maintaining cleanliness and providing decent working and living conditions for their occupants. The future contractor is to provide two full time cleaning staff, two substitutes to perform high quality, everyday cleaning services in the Chancery building of the Embassy of Canada in Budapest, and occasional cleaning at related staff quarters, if required. Works performed must comply with general hygienic protocol and special requirements related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Procurement method
    Competitive – Open Bidding

    Contract duration

    Refer to the description above for full details.

    Commodity - GSIN

    • K100A - Cleaning and Maintenance, Janitorial
    Contact information

    Contracting organization

    Foreign Affairs, Trade And Development (Department Of)
    125 Sussex Dr
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1A0G2
    Contracting authority
    Levasseur, Nancy
    125 Sussex
    Ottawa, On, K1A 0G2

    Buying organization(s)

    Foreign Affairs, Trade And Development (Department Of)
    125 Sussex Dr
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1A0G2
    Date modified: