Advanced Technology Vehicle Testing
Status Awarded
Contract number T8080-220097
Solicitation number T8080-220097
Publication date
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Contract value
Status Awarded
Contract number T8080-220097
Solicitation number T8080-220097
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Transport Canada's ecoTECHNOLOGY for Vehicles ( eTV ) Program tests the safety, environmental impact and driving performance of new technologies for passenger cars and heavy-duty trucks.The Government of Canada is bringing in stronger regulations to reduce greenhouse gas pollution by passenger cars and trucks. This will also bring standards in line with those in the United States. To meet the standards, manufacturers are quickly creating many new products. Testing results from the eTV Program help provide the information needed to create regulations and standards for these new products. Additional program details can be found at .
Transport Canada’s Innovation Centre requires advanced technology mileage accumulation driver services to assist with mileage accumulation and exercise of the program’s advanced technology vehicles. The drivers will assist in maintaining the inventory of test vehicles in good working order by driving the vehicles on a regular basis, and in accordance with specific test procedures and routes, as specified by Transport Canada (TC).
Additional details concerning the specific requirements for drivers are included in this Terms of Reference document.
TC will require the services of up to four resources.
The Contractor’s proposal must include a copy of each Candidates’ driver’s license. The proposed resources must have a combination of classes AZ (Z for air brakes certification), G and M license (as described in the table below) or an equivalent classification in Canada. For example, one proposed resource could have an AZ-G license and the other resources could have a Class 1 QC license. (Other combinations upon evaluation could be considered).
Proposed Period of the Contract
The proposed period of the contract will be from September 22, 2022 date to September 21, 2023, including 2 optional years (24 months).
Security Requirement
There is a Security requirement associated with the work.
Refer to the description above for full details.