Alteryx Licenses
Status Awarded
Contract number 2022-3589
Solicitation number RFQ 2022-3589
Publication date
Contract award date
Status Awarded
Contract number 2022-3589
Solicitation number RFQ 2022-3589
Publication date
Contract award date
Notice of Proposed Procurement
constituting (i) a Notice of Intended Procurement and Summary Notice under CETA and Canada-UK TCA, and (ii) a Tender Notice under the CFTA
CDIC is a federal Crown corporation with headquarters in Ottawa and is responsible for providing insurance against the loss of part or all of deposits and for promoting and otherwise contributing to the stability of the financial system in Canada. These objectives are pursued for the benefit of persons having deposits with CDIC member institutions and in such a manner as will minimize the exposure of CDIC to loss. CDIC is also the resolution authority for CDIC member institutions.
Further information about CDIC can be obtained at
1.1 Estimated Contract Value
2.0 Description
The Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (“CDIC”) has a requirement to procure Alteryx licenses as further described in Schedule “A” (Statement of Work) of this RFQ.
For details see the RFQ.
3.0 Procurement Method
This RFQ establishes an Open Tendering process to enter into one (1) non-exclusive Contract.
4.0 Term of Resulting Contract
It is anticipated that the term of any resulting Contract will be for three years.
As this is anticipated to be a recurring Contract, it is CDIC’s intention to issue a notice of intended procurement in respect of a new RFQ prior to the expiry of the term of the resulting Contract.
5.0 Address for Submission of Questions and Quotations; Question Acceptance Deadline and Closing Date
The question acceptance deadline and the closing date are set out in the “Dates” section of the RFQ. CDIC may extend either or both of such dates.
Questions and quotations must be submitted to .
6.0 Mandatory Requirements
Bidders must be authorized resellers of Alteryx licenses.
7.0 Rated Requirements
There are no rated requirements applicable to this RFQ.
8.0 Supplier Selection
All quotations will be examined in accordance with the following process:
Step 1: Confirmation of Completeness and Compliance to the Mandatory Requirements of the RFQ (Pass/Fail basis)
Step 2: Evaluation of Financial Offer (100% weight factor)
Step 3: Ranking of Bidders
Bidders will be ranked in order of lowest price. The top-ranked bidder will receive notification of award of a purchase order, (subject to, and without limitation to, any other provision in this RFQ, including but not limited to Section 11 (CDIC’s Reserved Rights)).
9.0 Trade Agreement
This procurement is subject to:
10.0 Use of BUY AND SELL
CDIC will only use BUY AND SELL as its web-based forum to post solicitations. As such, the attached procurement document has only been posted on BUY AND SELL, and all related documents, notices, addendums, and questions and responses thereto will only be posted on BUY AND SELL.
CDIC does not authorize, or make any representations or warranties in respect of, any postings relating to its procurements found on any other web-based forum.
11.0 Language
Questions and quotations may be submitted in either the English or French language.
Refer to the description above for full details.