Clean Air Day
Status Awarded
Contract number 4500445541
Solicitation number 1000242092
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Status Awarded
Contract number 4500445541
Solicitation number 1000242092
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
The primary goal for CAD is to increase public and stakeholder engagement on the issues around air pollution and the effects on health and the environment. This will be done by delivering on a national bilingual outreach strategy through social media and the web to raise the profile on Clean Air Day across the country.
To achieve this, the Contractor will work with the Water and Air Quality Bureau (WAQB) at Health Canada to develop a national bilingual outreach strategy that will engage the public, key stakeholders and take the lead on bilingual content creation around the issues of air pollution and its subsequent effects on health and the environment.
Refer to the description above for full details.