Termination - RFP - TBIPS-Omnibus - CORADIX Technology Consulting Ltd.
Contract number 47419-226879/004/EL
Solicitation number 47419-226879/A
Contract award date
Expiry date
Amendment date
Contract value CAD 9,189,998.52
Contract number 47419-226879/004/EL
Solicitation number 47419-226879/A
Contract award date
Expiry date
Amendment date
Contract value CAD 9,189,998.52
This contract was awarded to:
The contract will be for a period of 42 month(s), from 2020/09/14 to 2024/03/22.
This is the total value of this contract, which includes the initial contract value and the sum of all amendments.
CAD 9,189,998.52