SAP Ariba system maintenance

SAP Ariba will be unavailable for scheduled maintenance at the times listed below. We apologize for any inconvenience.

  • Saturday, February 08 from 7:00 pm until 11:00 pm (Eastern Time) 

Mechanical Systems Repair - Master Agreement

Contract number W4M00-20C038/001/PWZ

Solicitation number W4M00-20C038/A

Contract award date

Expiry date

Amendment date

Contract value CAD 0.00

    Contract details
    This contract was awarded to:
    Global Mechanical Ltd.
    Work under this standing offer includes the provision of skilled licensed labour, tools, equipment, supervision and material as requested by Department of National Defence in the form of call ups for mechanical systems repairs at the 17 Wing, CFB Winnipeg, Mb. Services are to be provided on an “as required" basis. It is anticipated that only 1 firm will be issued a standing offer. The Standing Offer will be established for a period of two (2) years with three (3) optional one (1) year periods.
    Business address
    43 Burnett ave
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2G 1c2
    Notice type
    Request for Standing Offer
    Number of employees
    Selection criteria
    Lowest Price
    Region(s) of delivery

    Contract duration

    The contract will be for a period of 51 month(s), from 2020/03/24 to 2024/06/30.

    Commodity - UNSPSC

    • 72140000 - Heavy construction services

    Trade agreements

    • Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA)

    Reason for limited tendering

    A contracting officer can use limited tendering for specific reasons outlined in the applicable trade agreements. The reason for this contract is described below:

    • None
    Contact information

    Contracting organization

    Department of Public Works and Government Services (PSPC)
    11 Laurier St, Phase III, Place du Portage
    Gatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5
    Contracting authority
    Lee, Victoria (SPAC/PSPC)

    Buying organization(s)

    Department of National Defence (DND)
    101 Colonel By Dr
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1A0K2
    Date modified: