Forestry and Parks - Request for Proposal - EDSON WILDFIRE RECLAMATION of WILDHAY COMPLEX 2023
Solicitation number AB-2024-09214
Publication date
Closing date and time 2024/11/28 09:00 EST
Last amendment date
Alberta Forestry and Parks, in its mandate to prevent and suppress wildfires within the Province is required to reclaim disturbed forest land caused by wildfire suppression operations. These sites were essential for effective wildfire operations and include fireguards, creek crossings, pipeline crossings, and helipads. Wildfire reclamation is required to prevent or reduce the potential of soil erosion and ensure soil stabilization on or near the fire line. Reclamation of disturbances also promotes the recovery of the disturbed land base for wildlife habitat (i.e. caribou) and vegetative growth. Due to soil conditions, the reclamation work must be done when the ground conditions are in a frozen state.
The Wildhay Complex consists of two wildfires; EWF-037, located at N53 54.603 W117 33.543 and EWF-040, located at N53 56.135 W117 46.570.
EWF-037 is 554.3 hectares in size. During suppression efforts, there was approximately 20 km of fireguard constructed. This involves heavy equipment pushing ground vegetation (shrubs, grasses, and trees) aside to expose mineral soil and restrict/slow wildfire progression. To assist ground crews; 3 stream crossings, 1 pipeline crossing and 1 staging area were built and will require reclamation as well.
EWF-040 is 607.5 hectares in size. During suppression efforts, there was approximately 18 km of fireguard constructed. This involves heavy equipment pushing ground vegetation (shrubs, grasses, and trees) aside to expose mineral soil and restrict/slow wildfire progression. To assist ground crews; 2 helipads, 1 stream crossing, 1 pipeline crossing and 1 staging area were built and will need reclamation as well.
Reclamation with mechanical equipment is required to recover the land base to a near natural state. The fireguard travels through mainly spruce and pine stands, taking advantage of natural clearings when possible. Reclaiming the fireguard will require pulling back the topsoil, woody debris, and any displaced trees onto the grubbed fire guard. The trees are to be broken up mechanically or manually slashed so to be made to lie flat to the ground. Leaning or damaged trees that cannot be reached mechanically without causing significant additional damage to the forest, will be manually felled and/or bucked to lie flat to the ground.
Contract duration
The estimated contract period will be 3 month(s), with a proposed start date of 2024/12/06.
Trade agreements
World Trade Organization Agreement on Government Procurement (WTO GPA)
Contact information
Contracting organization
- Organization
Forestry and Parks
- Address
J.G. O'Donoghue Building 7000-113 StreetEdmonton, CA-AB, T6H 5T6CA
- Contracting authority
- Pat Scobie
- Email
- Address
111 54 St, #203Edson, CA-AB, T7E 1T2CA
Bidding details
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