TSPS - Project Management Support Services - Saskatchewan
Solicitation number EV385-220943/A
Publication date
Closing date and time 2021/12/02 16:00 EST
Trade Agreement: Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) Tendering Procedures: Suppliers on permanent list or able to meet qualification requirements Competitive Procurement Strategy: Best Overall Proposal Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement: No Nature of Requirements: TASK AND SOLUTIONS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (TSPS) REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) FOR THE REQUIREMENT OF Project Manager Real Property - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan This requirement is open to the below list of pre-qualified suppliers under the Task and Solutions Based Professional Services (TSPS). Task and Solutions Professional Services (TSPS) Supply Arrangement (SA) E60ZT-18TSPS/D REQUIREMENT FILE NUMBER: EV385-220943 TIER 1 (equal to or great than the Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement (CKFTA) threshold up to an including $3.75 million: client or PWGSC) This requirement is for the Department of Public Works and Government Services Canada Stream: 4. TASK BASED Project Manager for Real Property (TSPS) Stream Category: 4.2 Project Manager for Real Property Number of contracts to be awarded: One (1) Request for Proposal (RFP) documents will be e-mailed directly from the PWGSC Contracting Authority to the Qualified Supply Arrangement Holders who are being invited to bid on this requirement. [BIDDERS ARE ADVISED THAT RFP DOCUMENTS ARE NOT AVAILABLE ON THE GOVERNMENT ELECTRONIC TENDERING SYSTEM (https://buyandsell.gc.ca/tenders).] Number of Resources and Level of Effort: 2 x 4.2 Senior Project Manager 2 x 4.2 Intermediate Project Manager 1 x 4.2 Junior Project Manager Supplier Security Clearance: DOS - Reliability Document Safeguarding: Required - Protected B Security Requirements Checklist (SRCL): Common PS SRCL #9 Region/Metropolitan Area: Calgary (Alberta) REQUIREMENT: The Department of Public Works and Government Services Canada, Real Property Services, Western Region, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, requires external Project Management support services to be provided by experienced Project Management Support Service Project Manager(s) to assist PWGSC to manage the implementation of various assorted projects serviced from the Saskatoon PWGSC office. It is anticipated the period of work for the various Project Managers will be from 2022-03-01 to 2026-03-31. List of Pre-Qualified Suppliers This requirement is open only to the following companies who qualified under the stated consultant categories, level of expertise, security level, region and tier: 1. 7792395 Canada Inc. 2. Adirondack Information Management Inc., The AIM Group Inc. in Joint Venture 3. Altis Human Resources (Ottawa) Inc. 4. BLUE WATER SOURCING INC 5. CBRE Limited 6. CIMA+ S.E.N.C. 7. Cistel Technology Inc. 8. Colliers Project Leaders Inc. 9. Colliers Project Leaders Inc., Tiree Facility Solutions Inc. in Joint Venture 10. Contract Community Inc. 11. Deloitte Inc. 12. Eagle Professional Resources Inc. 13. Ernst & Young LLP 14. G. Bird Holdings Inc. 15. Goss Gilroy Inc. 16. HDP Group Inc 17. IBISKA Telecom Inc. 18. IT/NET OTTAWA INC, KPMG LLP, in joint venture 19. KPMG LLP 20. Lannick Contract Solutions Inc. 21. Lansdowne Technologies Inc. 22. Maverin Business Services Inc. 23. Michael Wager Consulting Inc. 24. Mobile Resource Group Inc 25. Olav Consulting Corp 26. OLAV CONSULTING CORP., MOSHWA ABORIGINAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION, IN JOINT VENTURE 27. Orbis Risk Consulting Inc. 28. Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP 29. Protak Consulting Group Inc. 30. QMR Staffing Solutions Incorporated 31. Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton Consulting Inc. 32. Revay and Associates Limited 33. RFP Solutions Inc. 34. Samson & Associés CPA/Consultation Inc 35. TECH4SOFT INC., Expertise Technology Consulting Inc., in joint venture 36. The AIM Group Inc. 37. Thomas&Schmidt Inc. 38. Tiree Facility Solutions Inc. 39. Turner & Townsend CM2R Inc. 40. Wood Canada Limited 41. WSP Canada Inc. 42. Zernam Enterprise Inc Enquiries: Enquiries regarding this RFP requirement must be submitted to the PWGSC Contracting Authority listed below. _______________________________ The TSPS Method of Supply is a result of a formal competitive process which was established as a result of extensive consultations with industry. The Method of Supply provides suppliers with an on-going opportunity to become prequalified for participation in future bidding opportunities. To obtain more information about how to become a pre-qualified supplier for TSPS, please contact Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) at: spts.tsps@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca. For general information on the various PWGSC Methods of Supply, or to obtain specific information on a PWGSC professional service method of supply, please visit PWGSC's Buy andSell website at: https://buyandsell.gc.ca/for-businesses/selling-to-the-government-of-canada/register-as-a-supplier/register-to-provide-services. OWNERSHIP OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: Any intellectual property arising from the performance of the Work under the Contract will vest in Canada. ---------------------------------------------------- CONTRACTING AUTHORITY Lorraine Jenkinson Procurement Specialist Public Works and Government Services Canada Procurement Branch, Western Region Canada Place, Suite 1000 9700 Jasper Avenue NW Edmonton AB, T5J 4C3 Telephone: 587-337-2458 E-mail address: lorraine.jenkinson@pwgsc-tpsgc.gc.ca ------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SUPPLIERS RE. BID SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS Due to the impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic, temporary measures are being taken on-site at the Western Region Bid Receiving Unit to encourage social distancing. The health and safety of staff and suppliers remains our top priority. Suppliers are strongly encouraged to submit bids electronically using the Canada Post epost Connect application for the subject bid solicitation. This service allows suppliers to submit bids, offers and arrangements electronically to PWGSC Bid Receiving Units. This online service enables the electronic transfer of large files up to Protected B level. To use epost Connect to submit your bid, or to get more information on its use, please send an email to the Western Region Bid Receiving Unit’s generic address at roreceptionSoumissions.wrbidreceiving@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca Faxed bids will be accepted at 1-418-566-6167. Hard copy (submitted in person or via mail/courier) bids will not be accepted for the subject bid solicitation. Given current circumstances and network limitations, some active procurements may be delayed. To stay up to date on the status of specific procurements, please consult Buysandsell.gc.ca. Delivery Date: Above-mentioned The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement. Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada.
Contract duration
Refer to the description above for full details.
Trade agreements
Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA)
Contact information
Contracting organization
- Organization
Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Address
11 Laurier St, Phase III, Place du PortageGatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5Canada
- Contracting authority
- Jenkinson, Lorraine
- Phone
- (587) 337-2458 ( )
- Email
- lorraine.jenkinson@pwgsc-tpsgc.gc.ca
- Fax
- (418) 566-6167
- Address
Canada Place/Place du Canada
Suite 1000
10th Floor/10e étage
9700 Jasper Ave/9700 ave JasperEdmonton, Alberta, T5J 4C3
Buying organization(s)
- Organization
Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Address
11 Laurier St, Phase III, Place du PortageGatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5Canada
Bidding details
Details for this tender opportunity are provided in the Description tab.
Please contact the contracting officer to get the full solicitation documentation, access information on how to bid, or if you have any questions regarding this tender opportunity.
Note that there may be fees to access the documents or bid. These should be outlined in the Description tab.
We recommend that you contact the contracting officer as soon as possible, as there may be deadlines for receiving questions.