Tender opportunities

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50 of 286
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Multiple Victoria Class Submarine Spares Goods 2024/02/28
2024/03/28 Department of National Defence
MSVS O-rings Kit Goods 2022/03/01
2022/03/11 Department of National Defence
Cancelled-W8486-228281/A Goods 2021/12/30
2022/01/11 Department of National Defence
Multiple Victoria Class Spares Goods 2019/07/02 2019/08/13 Department of National Defence
Joints Torique Goods 2018/12/21 2019/01/11 Department of National Defence
O-Rings Goods 2018/12/05
2019/01/07 Department of National Defence
O-Ring Goods 2018/06/14 2018/06/29 Department of National Defence
O-Rings (Victoria Class Submarines) Goods 2018/01/11 2018/01/29 Department of National Defence
O-RING Goods 2017/12/04 2018/01/19 Department of National Defence
SPARES FOR VICTORIA CLASS SUBMARINE Goods 2016/02/10 2016/03/21 Public Works and Government Services…
O-RING Goods 2016/02/01 2016/03/14 Department of National Defence
STOCK REPLENISHMENT FOR THE CP140 AIRCRAFT. Goods 2012/12/07 2013/01/11 Department of National Defence
O-RING Goods 2012/03/06 2012/04/04 Department of National Defence
Cooler, fluid, industrial and O-Ring Goods 2022/03/04
2022/04/04 Department of National Defence
Multiple Victoria Class Spares Goods 2020/10/09 2020/11/04 Department of National Defence
Multiple Victoria Class Spares Goods 2020/09/16 2020/10/28 Department of National Defence
Multiple Victoria Class Spares Goods 2018/09/04 2018/10/15 Department of National Defence
VALVE,SAFETY RELIEF, RELAY, REDUCING, O-RING Goods 2018/06/27 2018/08/07 Department of National Defence
O-RING / RETAINER, PACKING Goods 2018/03/28
2018/04/09 Department of National Defence
Multiple Victoria Class Spares Goods 2018/03/16 2018/04/30 Department of National Defence
O-Ring / Joint Torigue & Rotary Switch Goods 2018/03/09 2018/04/06 Department of National Defence
O-RING AND NON-METALLIC HOSE ASSEMBLY Goods 2017/12/12 2018/01/30 Department of National Defence
Cancelled-W84842-182801 Goods 2017/09/26 2017/11/15 Department of National Defence
CC130/CP140 PROP STOCK REPLENISH. Goods 2015/11/18 2015/12/08 Department of National Defence
Stock Replenishment CC130/CP140 PRO Goods 2015/11/09 2015/12/21 Department of National Defence
AIRCRAFT SPARES - CC130 Goods 2015/01/28
2015/03/11 Department of National Defence
Spare Parts for the Bison/Coyote and LAV III Vehicles Goods 2013/06/20 2013/08/02 Department of National Defence
Multiple VICTORIA Class Diesel Engine Spares Goods 2021/10/29 2021/12/01 Department of National Defence
Night Vision Google (NVG) spares parts to replenish Depot levels. Goods 2017/07/11
2017/08/08 Department of National Defence
Multiple Victoria Class Spares : Screws, O-Rings, Nuts and Disks Goods 2023/02/09 2023/03/21 Department of National Defence
Multiple VICTORIA Class Spares : O-Rings, Seals and Anti-Flash Device Goods 2022/06/07
2022/07/12 Department of National Defence
VICTORIA Class Spares – O-Rings, Gaskets, Washers Goods 2022/05/17 2022/06/28 Department of National Defence
VICTORIA Class – Diesel Engine Spares Goods 2021/12/08
2022/01/05 Department of National Defence
Multiple Victoria Class Spares Goods 2020/12/03
2021/01/15 Department of National Defence
Multiple Victoria Class Spares Goods 2020/06/08 2020/08/14 Department of National Defence
Valves and O-Rings Goods 2019/07/04
2019/07/05 Department of National Defence
Valves, O-Ring, and Packing Goods 2019/04/04
2019/04/11 Department of National Defence
Aviation Replacement Parts for CC115 Buffalo Goods 2019/02/01 2019/02/11 Department of National Defence
Multiple Victoria Class Spares Goods 2018/11/30 2019/01/09 Department of National Defence
Victoria Class Spares Goods 2018/10/25 2018/12/10 Department of National Defence
Spares- Diesel Engine- Victoria Fleet Goods 2018/10/04
2018/11/30 Department of National Defence
Multiple Victoria Class Spares Goods 2018/07/31 2018/09/10 Department of National Defence
Valve, Stop Check/ Packing / Preformed / O-Rings Goods 2018/02/14 2018/03/27 Department of National Defence
O-Ring / Washer, Flat / Cooler, Industrial Goods 2017/11/03
2017/11/17 Department of National Defence
Stock Buy for CC115 Buffalo Goods 2017/07/26
2017/09/07 Department of National Defence
Stock Buy for CC115 Buffalo Goods 2017/05/18 2017/07/06 Department of National Defence
Various Stock Buy for use on CC138 Twin Otter Goods 2016/11/29 2017/01/24 Department of National Defence
SPARES FOR VICTORIA CLASS SUBMARINE Goods 2016/05/11 2016/06/20 Public Works and Government Services…
SPARES FOR VICTORIA CLASS SUBMARINE Goods 2014/07/18 2014/08/27 Public Works and Government Services…
CC130 STOCK BUY Goods 2013/08/01 2013/08/16 Department of National Defence
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 290
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Vehicular Equipment Components Goods 2019/11/04 N/A Department of National Defence
MSVS O-rings Kit Goods 2022/03/16 N/A Department of National Defence
Cancelled-W8486-228281/001/SV Goods 2022/02/09 N/A Department of National Defence
Various: Lights, O-Ring,Cable Assembly, Bushing Goods 2021/05/17 N/A Department of National Defence
Multiple Victoria Class Spares Goods 2018/12/24 N/A Department of National Defence
Stock Replenishment CC130/CP140 PRO Goods 2016/01/15 N/A Department of National Defence
AIRCRAFT SPARES - CC130 Goods 2015/03/17 N/A Department of National Defence
Spare Parts Goods 2015/01/19 N/A Department of National Defence
Spare Parts Goods 2015/01/19 N/A Department of National Defence
Spare Parts Goods 2015/01/19 N/A Department of National Defence
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List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
L3 COMMUNICATIONS W8486-195632/001/HN Department of National Defence 2019/11/27 CAD 564,468.00
L3 COMMUNICATIONS W8486-195632/001/HN Department of National Defence 2019/07/03 CAD 564,468.00
Source Atlantic Ltd W8482-194645/002/VCI Department of National Defence 2019/01/18 CAD 798.00
SIMEX DEFENCE INC. / DEFENSE SIMEX INC. W8482-194160/001/VCI Department of National Defence 2018/11/28 CAD 9,526.00
MilCom Technical Inc W8486-173420/002/HN Department of National Defence 2017/02/14 CAD 64,371.00
Mills/Sterling Aerospace, Inc. W8486-163204/006/HL Department of National Defence 2016/07/15 CAD 102.00
Mills/Sterling Aerospace, Inc. W8486-163194/008/HL Department of National Defence 2016/06/20 CAD 118.00
SIMEX DEFENCE INC. / DEFENSE SIMEX INC. W8485-163181/001/BY Department of National Defence 2016/03/29 CAD 964.00
SIMEX DEFENCE INC. / DEFENSE SIMEX INC. W8485-163181/001/BY Department of National Defence 2016/03/22 CAD 964.00
Mills/Sterling Aerospace, Inc. W8485-163227/001/BY Department of National Defence 2016/02/18 CAD -2,379.00

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