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Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: Intégration de la modernisation du recrutement

Date de publication 2023/11/22

Date et heure de clôture 2023/12/13 14:00 HNE

CykoMetrix détails

Site Web de l’entreprise

Assessment (survey), Human Data Analytics, and Human Data AI

We augment ATS, HRCM, LMS, and other systems with both traditional assessment data and automatically deduced human data (AI). We define human data as the thousands of dimensions of Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Other characteristics including behaviours. Our innovation can be applied in recruiting to assess individuals' KSAOs. This is especially useful when compared with the KSAOs that are inherent in job specifications contributing to automating matches. Further, our innovation can be used to inform the personalisation (1:1 Marketing) of outreach materials and tactics in recruiting by providing data that informs what aspects of CF culture, career, and life may be most relevant to the person or groups being targeted for recruiting. During onboarding, our innovation can be applied to contribute to a data-driven approach to training. learning, and development. We are especially useful to coaches and mentors providing objective human data to assist them in guiding development. Our innovation is cloud-based and can also be replicated in a private cloud. Our AI is not based on deep learning algorithms and as such each result can be explained or audited. As a platform, the use-cases may be extended into many other areas where human data will contribute to human-centred designs, transformations, and programs. Our business model is indirect and we are seeking partners to leverage our platform in their projects, proposals, and practices.

Prénom JEFF


Nom de famille Campbell

Titre ou poste

Business Development


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