Lifetrack coaching and consulting Ltd

est intéressé par un partenariat pour cette occasion de marché :

Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: AMA SPSV - Services des vérifications internes

Date de publication 2022/11/28

Date et heure de clôture 2022/12/12 14:00 HNE

Lifetrack coaching and consulting Ltd détails

Site Web de l’entreprise

Risk Advisory Services, Process Improvement, Executive Coach

We provide internal audit services to both profit and not-for-profits. We have also helped clients design and implement the Internal Audit Function. Our principal consultant is a Certified internal auditor with over 15 years of Internal Audit experience. We can lead audit engagements or provide resources to help with ongoing engagements.

Prénom Elo


Nom de famille Odogbo

Titre ou poste

Principal Consultant


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