Entretien du site d’AchatsCanada

Le site web AchatsCanada sera hors service pour un entretien planifié aux heures indiquées ci-dessous. Nous nous excusons pour tout inconvénient.   

  • le vendredi, 24 mai de 19h00 à 23h00 (heure de l’Est) 

  • le dimanche, 26 mai de 19h45 à 21h45 (heure de l’Est) 

Sikorski Drone Services

est intéressé par un partenariat pour cette occasion de marché :

Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: Forest Research Site Work

Date de publication 2023/01/25

Date et heure de clôture 2028/04/15 17:00 HAE

Sikorski Drone Services détails

Site Web de l’entreprise https://www.sikorskiservices.ca

manage forests and monitor the health of trees

Drones are now used in forestry to help manage forests and monitor the health of trees. They’re also used to map landscapes, measure forest density, and collect data on tree characteristics. One of the main reasons that drones are such a good tool for forestry is that they allow for precision and accuracy when it comes to spatial data. This is because drones can fly very low to the ground and take high-resolution images and videos that are ideal for mapping purposes. Drones are also effective at gathering data on tree characteristics like height, diameter, age, and location. This is useful information for monitoring the health of a forest and making informed decisions about how to manage it.Drones are also used to help in the fight against forest fires, they can be used to collect data about the spread of the fire, its intensity, where more resources need to be allocated and for finding survivors. Drones are also being used to carry out controlled burns to reduce the impact of forest fires and stop their spread. Drones can also be used for surveillance and security purposes, they are being used to monitor illegal activity like unlicensed logging and locating criminals or lost people.

Prénom Andrzej


Nom de famille Sikorski

Titre ou poste



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