Toews Environmental Consulting & Aquatic Sciences

est intéressé par un partenariat pour cette occasion de marché :

Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: Repost - RFP 938494 for Environmental and Climate Consulting Services Open Order

Date de publication 2023/04/21

Date et heure de clôture 2023/05/09 18:00 HAE

Toews Environmental Consulting & Aquatic Sciences détails

Site Web de l’entreprise

Experienced Professional Environmental Chemist and Biologist

TECAS is an independent consultancy providing specialist advisory services in environmental chemistry and aquatic ecology as well as project management for complex multidisciplinary scientific and engineering projects. TECAS’ principal limnologist, Jay Toews, P. Biol., P.Chem., has 28 years of experience and extensive expertise in algae, nutrients, fish habitat assessment, effluent receiving water assessments, lake and pond management, and contaminants assessment and remediation. Jay assesses water quality and potential management strategies with a thorough understanding of the ecological, chemical, hydrologic and hydraulic dynamics of individual waterbodies. He applies this understanding to developing meaningful nutrient budgets, setting nutrient targets, establishing regulatory criteria, and guiding environmental protection and management strategies. Continually active in Alberta, TECAS currently is developing a receiving stream water quality model to guide the design of a wastewater treatment plant near Lesser Slave Lake. TECAS is also pioneering novel, non-destructive methods for Species At Risk assessment and recently has identified sources and causes of water quality non-compliance in a potable water treatment plant. Jay Toews, P. Biol. P.Chem. has a proven track record in identifying site-specific issues and applying limnological research to practical solution development appropriate to the local situation.

Prénom Jay


Nom de famille Toews

Titre ou poste

Owner and Senior Limnologist


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