Ubuntu Global Consulting

est intéressé par un partenariat pour cette occasion de marché :

Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: Projet d’appuis de service sur le terrain (PSAT) Kenya, Somalie et Afrique du Sud (RÉÉMISSION)

Date de publication 2023/04/19

Date et heure de clôture 2023/05/30 14:00 HAE

Ubuntu Global Consulting détails

Social and Economic Development Services

Consists of a team of two dynamic, diverse and multidisciplinary consultants working within civil society for over 15 years of combined experience. Valuable experience in the Global South, where team members have lived and conducted research. Likewise, the team has worked in America and the CARICOM region, Africa, India, USA and Europe focused on gender equality, sexual and reproductive rights, children’s rights, youth participation, democracy and inclusive governance. Clients include: Multilaterals, Public and Private sectors - Plan International, Sweden and UK, CIVICUS, UNESCO, IDB, WORDL BANK, IFC, CIPE, Rio Tinto etc.

Prénom Pelumi


Nom de famille Fadare

Titre ou poste




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