Spectral Devices Inc

est intéressé par un partenariat pour cette occasion de marché :

Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: 9F055-230081 - Démonstration d’Essais au Sol

Date de publication 2023/10/23

Date et heure de clôture 2023/12/12 14:00 HNE

Spectral Devices Inc détails

Site Web de l’entreprise https://www.spectraldevices.com

We are a Canadian manufacturer of multispectral cameras.

We manufacture high performance multispectral cameras for a variety of purposes. Our cameras have been used in a variety of scenarios including remote sensing from cubesats, UAVs, and robotic systems in greenhouses. We offer a suite of multispectral imaging products, including snapshot cameras, linescan cameras, LED illuminated imaging systems, multicamera imagers for microscopy, high-quality lenses, and custom optical filters. In addition, we have developed custom multispectral systems for the food industry, horticultural research, and cinematography. One such system was recently recognized with an international award from the EU (https://starts-prize.aec.at/en/broken-spectre/).

Prénom Jeffrey


Nom de famille Carson

Titre ou poste

President and CEO


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