Type II Crew Services RSA

Numéro de sollicitation 188898

Date de publication

Date et heure de clôture 2024/03/18 17:00 HAE

    The Province, as represented by the Minister of Forests, through BC Wildfire Services, invites Responses from Respondents to provide Type II Crew Services for Wildfire Response Services and Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery (“MPRR”) Services related to both wildfire management and all natural hazards, as further described in section 3 of this RSA.

    While the Type II Crew Services will be provided primarily within British Columbia, successful Respondents may also be asked, but not required, to provide Type II Crew Services in other Canadian jurisdictions. Respondents are invited to apply to provide Wildfire Response Services as the primary scope of the Standing Arrangement. In addition, Respondents may, but are not required to, also apply to qualify for MPRR Services. Respondents are not required to apply to provide both types of Services, but Respondents cannot apply to provide solely MPRR Services.

    Wildfire Response Services includes the provision of Crews and equipment as outlined in the Standing Arrangement Schedule A1 and A2 and A3. Type II Crews will perform efficiently and safely on all types of wildland fire regardless of the state of control or fire class intensity. The Type II Crews can perform to a high standard in a variety of Initial Attack and Sustained Action wildfire environments. The Crew will be capable of conducting an initial fire assessment and clearly communicate the assessment to the fire centre and await further direction. Type II Crews may work independently or in conjunction with BCWS crews and/or Officers. 
    MPRR Services include mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery activities in relation to all natural hazards, as further described in section 3.3 of the RSA and Schedule A2 of the Standing Arrangement attached as Appendix A.

    Services are to be provided on an as, if and when requested basis and no representations, commitments or guarantees are made with respect to the timing, number or value of Service Requests that may be requested from a Contractor over the term. A Standing Arrangement established pursuant to this RSA does not confer an exclusive right to provide the Services to the Province. The Province reserves the right to procure Services by any other means, including use of other agreements, or by other procurement or contracting methods. There will not be any limitations to the number of Standing Arrangements awarded or any limitations to Business Locations around the province.

    Respondents are required to propose at a minimum one 4-pack (i.e., a four-person Type II Crew) that meets the experience, training, and fitness standard as per the requirements set out in section 3.3.4 and 3.3.5 of the RSA and the Standing Arrangement Schedule A1.

    There are several significant changes to this RSA and resulting Standing Arrangement from previous years. As such, Respondents should carefully review both the RSA and the Standing Arrangement (attached as Appendix A), including all the schedules. If there are any inconsistencies between Appendix A and the RSA, the Standing Arrangement in Appendix A will prevail.

    Durée du contrat

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    Organisation contractante

    BC Wildfire Service
    Adresse courriel
    Détails de l'offre

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    Type d’avis

    Soutien aux petites et moyennes entreprises

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