Consulting Services - Policing Service Delivery Model Proposals

Numéro de sollicitation 6017

Date de publication

Date et heure de clôture 2022/08/17 16:35 HAE

    The Corporation of the Township of Esquimalt (the Township) wishes to explore service delivery models for policing including the possibility of providing policing and law enforcement by means of an independent municipal police department governed by a police board. The Township intends to engage the services of professional Consultant(s) to provide expert advice in the preparation of proposals for policing and law enforcement service delivery models.

    The work will include preparation of a complete and detailed description of the proposed policing model or models and preparation of a detailed proposal, including a transition plan and cost estimates. With the aid of an inter-departmental staff working group, the Consultant(s) will be responsible to conduct community consultation on the proposals and prepare reports for review by Council and by staff at the Ministry of Public Safety (the Ministry). This may then be followed by preparation of a request for approval of the proposal for final consideration by the Ministry.

    The objective of this request for proposal is to provide the Township with qualified proponents capable of carrying out the work herein defined. The subsequent proponent submissions will form the basis for evaluation, interview and selection.

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    Organisation contractante

    Corporation of the Township of Esquimalt
    Autorité contractante
    Debra Hopkins
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