Consulting Services - Transportation Planning & Delivery - As and When

Numéro de sollicitation RFSO-050-22

Date de publication

Date et heure de clôture 2022/09/20 19:00 HAE

    The District invites detailed Proposals from Consultant firms (‘Proponents’) with expertise in transportation planning and transportation delivery as described herein to be prequalified for the provision of a range of services to support transportation planning efforts on an “as and when needed” basis under a “Standing Offer Agreement” (“SOA”).

    The District intends to retain three (3) or more firms for transportation planning and three (3) or more firms for transportation delivery as a result of this RFSO. Proponents can submit Proposals for either the A. Transportation Planning Stream or the B. Transportation Delivery Stream or both streams of work. A single firm may be prequalified for both streams of work if, the District, in its sole discretion, deems the firm to be the best qualified for both streams of work. Proponents interested in this opportunity are invited to submit a Proposal.

    Durée du contrat

    Voir la description ci-dessus pour voir tous les détails.

    Accords commerciaux

    • Veuillez consulter la description ou les documents de l'appel d'offres

    Organisation contractante

    District of North Vancouver
    Adresse courriel
    Détails de l'offre

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    Type d’avis