Key policies, directives and regulations

The government conducts its procurement activities according to a framework made up of the policies, directives, and regulations listed below.

Policies and directives

The following policies and directives govern our procurement activities. Some departments and other government organizations may have also established additional policies and directives to govern aspects of their own procurement activities.

Aboriginal Procurement Policy (including Aboriginal Procurement Set Aside)

Improves economic opportunities for Indigenous-owned businesses.

Canada’s Economic Impact Assessment (EIA) for Major Military and Coast Guard Procurements

Protects Canada’s economic interests and ensures the Government does business with trusted partners who value doing business with Canada.

Canadian Content Policy (Supply Manual Annex 3.6)

Encourages industrial development in Canada by limiting, in certain circumstances, competition for government procurement opportunities to suppliers of Canadian goods and services.

Code of Conduct for Procurement

A statement of expectations for suppliers and their sub-contractors. It covers areas where suppliers are expected to take a principled and ethical approach in managing social and environmental issues. 

Common Services Policy

Aims to ensure that departments and agencies can acquire responsive, cost-effective support for their program delivery.

Directive on the Management of Materiel

Ensures that materiel is acquired, maintained, and disposed of in a way that best supports the delivery of programs and services to Canadians. 

Directive on the Management of Procurement

Ensures necessary assets and services are obtained when procuring goods and services. These support the delivery of programs and services to Canadians while ensuring best value to Canada.

Industrial and Regional Benefits Policy

Leverages defence and Canadian Coast Guard procurements to contribute to jobs, innovation, and economic growth across the country. The policy requires companies awarded defence procurement contracts to do business activities in Canada equal to the value of the contracts they have won.

Ineligibility and Suspension Policy

Sets out when or how a supplier may be declared ineligible or suspended from doing business with the government. This policy is part of the Office of Supplier Integrity and Compliance, which ensures that the government does business with ethical suppliers.

Policy on Social Procurement 

Supports the inclusion of socio-economic measures in PSPC procurements, with a goal of achieving best value for Canada and Canadians.  

Policy on the Planning and Management of Investments 

Ensures that the Government of Canada has the necessary assets and services in place to support program delivery to Canadians. 

Policy on Title to Intellectual Property Arising Under Crown Procurement Contracts

Aims to increase the country’s economic growth by leveraging Intellectual Property (IP). 

Vendor Performance Management Policy 

Supports procurements by using vendor past performance information to improve transparency, promote innovation and ensure best value.

Acts and regulations

Our procurement activities are carried out according to the following major statutes and regulations. 

Defence Production Act

Governs the procurement of defence supplies.

Department of Public Works and Government Services Act

Established the Department of Public Works and Government Services, now Public Services and Procurement Canada, and amends and repeals certain acts. 

Federal Accountability Act

Provides conflict of interest rules, restrictions on election financing, and measures respecting administrative transparency, oversight, and accountability. 

Financial Administration Act 

Provides rules for the financial administration of the Government of Canada, the establishment and maintenance of the accounts of Canada, and the control of Crown corporations.

Government Contracts Regulations

Applies to all goods, services and construction contracts that are entered into by a contracting authority and that require payment by Canada, with certain exceptions. 

Other related legislation 

The following acts and regulations address subjects that may affect certain procurement and other acquisition-related activities:

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