TBIPS HC 1000199206 - Four (4) B.7 Business Transformation Architect - L2
Status Awarded
Contract number 4600001540
Solicitation number HC 1000199206
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Status Awarded
Contract number 4600001540
Solicitation number HC 1000199206
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
GSIN: D307 Automated Information System Design and Integration Services
Reference Number:
Solicitation Number:
HC 1000199206
Organization Name:
Solicitation Date:
Closing Date:
2018-04-05 14:00 Eastern Daylight Saving Time EDT
Anticipated Start Date:
Estimated Delivery Date:
Estimate Level of Effort:
165 days per resource, per year
Contract Duration:
The Outline Agreement period will be for three (3) years from the date of contract award.
Solicitation Method:
Applicable Trade Agreements:
AIT, Canada-Chile, Canada-Columbia, Canada-Panama, Canada-Peru, NAFTA, WTO-GPA
Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement Applies:
Number of Contracts:
Requirement Details
Tendering Procedure: Selective Tendering
This requirement is open only to those TBIPS Supply Arrangement Holders who qualified under Tier 1 for services in the National Capital Region for the following category:
Four (4) B.7 Business Transformation Architect – L2
The following SA Holders have been invited to submit a proposal:
1. Accenture Inc.
2. Bridgetown Consulting Inc.
3. CGI Information Systems and Management Consultants Inc.
4. Cistel Technology Inc.
5. Donna Cona Inc.
6. Emerion
7. Facilité Informatique Canada Inc.
8. General Dynamics Information Technology Canada Ltd.
9. Hays Specialist Recruitment (Canada) Inc.
11. IBM Canada Ltd.
12. Randstad Interim Inc.
13. TeraMach Technologies Inc.
14. Tiree Facility Solutions Inc.
15. Veritaaq Technology House Inc.
Description of Work:
Health Canada requires the services of four (4) B.7 Business Transformation Architect – L2.
The Health Products and Food Branch (HPFB) has made significant progress, over the last few years, by investing in modern technologies in order to provide a better service to Canadians. HPFB plans to continue investing in electronic communication which will enable seamless flow of safety-related information efficient communication between medical products sponsors to regulatory authorities.
As such, HPFB requires four (4) experienced Business Transformation Architects to help support the development and implementation (e.g. defining critical success factors, mapping processes, and supporting impact analyses, regulating business tires) of new Investment Plan Projects under integrated system approach.
HPFB has adopted the stage-gate project management model and made investments in modern technologies which resulted in major progresses on the following projects: Regulatory Enrolment Process, Application Reduction Roadmaps and High Relevance Environment. HPFB plans to continue investing on strategic transformation and it is assumed that the new set of investment plan projects, from planning to close-out, will span a three (3) year period.
The Business Transformation Architects will be required to comply with Information Technology (IT) infrastructure, improve regulatory process automation and support various projects and sensitive information such as Patent Information Adverse Event Information and Drug Data.
The TBIPS B.7 Level 2 Business Transformation Architect consultants will be required “on an as and when needed” basis. Task Authorizations (TA) will be issued against the Service Outline Agreement to support the various Investment Plan initiatives.
Multiple TAs may be in process at any given time; as such, resources may be working on several concurrent projects and/or activities.
*Task Authorizations (TA) will be issued against one (1) Service Outline Agreement to support the various Investment Plan initiatives*
**Bidders must submit one bid for four resources**
***The work is currently being performed by the following contractor:
Contractor Name: Cistel Technology Inc.
Contract dates: October 29, 2015 to October 31, 2018 (contract will expire early April 2018)
Contract Value: $1,999.676.25
Security Requirement: Common PS SRCL #06 applies
Minimum Corporate Security Required: None
Minimum Resource Security Required: Enhanced Reliability
Contract Authority
Name: Stephanie Cleroux
Phone Number: 613-941-2082
Email Address: stephanie.cleroux@canada.ca
Inquiries regarding this RFP requirement must be submitted to the Contracting Authority named above. Request for Proposal (RFP) documents will be e-mailed directly from the Contracting Authority to the Qualified Supply Arrangement Holders who are being invited to bid on this requirement. BIDDERS ARE ADVISED THAT “BUYANDSELL.GC.CA” IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS. The Crown retains the right to negotiate with any supplier on any procurement. Documents may be submitted in either official language.
NOTE: Task‐Based Informatics Professional Services (TBIPS) Method of Supply is refreshed three (3) times per year. If you wish to find out how you can be a “Qualified SA Holder”, please contact RCNMDAI.‐NCRIMOS@pwgsc.gc.ca
Refer to the description above for full details.