Status Awarded
Contract number PA-000122
Solicitation number AL1748
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Status Awarded
Contract number PA-000122
Solicitation number AL1748
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Environmental consulting and/or consulting engineering firms to provide environmental site assessment services on an “as and when requested basis” at contaminated sites within the National Capital Region in Ottawa, Ontario and Gatineau, Quebec.
The NCC may request as part of the purchase order process, but is not necessarily limited to the following consultant services under the resulting Agreement:
One method of supply used by the NCC to satisfy the requirements of identified internal users is to arrange a Standing Offer Agreement (SOA) to provide goods, services or both to the NCC during a specified period. The identified internal users to be served may then be a delegated purchasing authority and may access the source of supply directly, as and when requested, by issuing purchase orders detailing the exact quantities of goods or services they wish to order from the Offeror at a particular time during the effective period of the Offeror’s offer and in accordance with the predetermined conditions. This method of supply is particularly useful in acquiring frequently ordered commercially and non-commercially available goods or services when the total volume or value of goods or level of services that may be required by one or more identified users can be estimated beforehand, but it is not possible at the outset to identify the exact requirements for any given user at a specific time in the future.
Refer to the description above for full details.