Amend 034 - Propane Delivery and Tank Rental - W6895-200059 - Mutual Propane Limited
Contract numberW6895-200059/001/WPG
Solicitation numberW6895-200059/A
Publication date
Contract award date
Last amendment date
Contract value
1 050 000.00
This contract was awarded to:
Mutual Propane Ltd
The Department of National Defence (DND) has a requirement for a Regional Individual Standing Offer (RISO) for the supply, delivery, transportation and off-loading of liquefied petroleum gas (propane) and propane tanks in accordance with the Canadian Standards Board Specifications CAN-CGSB 3.14-2013 and the terms and conditions contained herein, as required by various locations within DND Wainwright in Wainwright, Alberta, DND 4 Wing Cold Lake in Cold Lake, Alberta and Primrose Lake Evaluation Range (PLER), located approximately 40 kilometers north of DND Cold Lake.
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