Calgary Public Library - Exterior Urban Design and Security Assessment
Solicitation number AB-2024-07663
Publication date
Closing date and time 2024/08/27 10:00 EDT
The Library is seeking a creative and qualified proponent to: Conduct an assessment of the exterior spaces and current conditions within the Central Library property line (see attached) from an urban design and CPTED perspective; Provide a report containing recommendations, ideas and design concepts for revision to current site and/or new design elements that will: - Help mitigate challenges associated with increased levels of social disorder that have the potential to impact perceptions of safety and security in the exterior spaces of the Central Library; - Achieve a stronger balance between positive and negative use of space and behaviours, including the enhancement of productive engagement within the exterior spaces, (keeping in mind various seasonal implications) and strengthening connections between people and place; - Identify strategies to enhance activation and management of the space; - Conduct an initial pilot of some of the ideas (timeline and budget permitting)
Contract duration
Refer to the description above for full details.
Contact information
Contracting organization
- Organization
Calgary Public Library
- Address
800 3 Street SECalgary, CA-AB, T2G 2E7CA
- Contracting authority
- Michael Mathyk
- Email
- Address
800 3 St SECalgary, CA-AB,CA
Bidding details
Full details for this tender opportunity are available on a third-party site
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