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SAP Ariba will be unavailable for scheduled maintenance at the times listed below. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

  • Saturday, October 19 from 9:00pm until Sunday, October 20 12:59am (EDT) 

24-58181 Diamond Windows, Amendment #1

Solicitation number 24-58181

Publication date

Closing date and time 2024/10/22 14:00 EDT

Last amendment date


    24-58181 Diamond Windows - Amendment #1

    October 17, 2024.

    This Amendment #1 shall form part of the tender documents and all conditions shall apply and be read in conjunction with the RFP.

    Question 1

    I would need to confirm a key technical requirement for the diamond windows specified in the RFP.
    Due to export controls, we can provide CVD diamond windows with visible light transmittance less than or equal to 60%.
    However, the technical specifications provided in the solicitation (which include surface figure, roughness, and other mechanical tolerances) do not explicitly mention the required visible light transmittance for the windows.
    Could you please clarify if there is a specific requirement for visible light transmittance in this case?
    If so, could you provide the acceptable range or threshold for this parameter to ensure the product will meet all performance criteria?

    Answer 1:

    There is no requirement for visible light transmittance. There is a requirement for transmittance in the infrared range (e.g. 10 micrometer wavelength): 70% or higher, in line with optical-grade CVD diamond.


    The National Research Council Canada’s (NRC) Aerospace Research Centre (AERO) has a requirement for two (2) identical diamond disks (Diamond Windows) for delivery to Ottawa ON. The Diamond Windows are required as a part of aircraft installation of a Far-Infrared Radiometer. The aircraft is pressurized, so there has to be a window separating the instrument optical front-end from the ambient atmosphere. One disk will serve as such a window for the instrument’s optical path. The second, identical disk will be subjected to mechanical tests required for the airworthiness certification of the installation.


    1.1 Security Requirements

    There is no security requirement associated with the requirement.

    1.2 Statement of Requirement

    To provide two (2) identical diamond disks (Diamond Windows) in accordance with the detailed Statement of Requirement attached as Annex A.

    1.3 Debriefings

    Bidders may request a debriefing on the results of the bid solicitation process. Bidders should make the request to the Contracting Authority within 15 working days from receipt of the results of the bid solicitation process. The debriefing may be in writing, by telephone or in person.


    2.1 Standard Instructions, Clauses and Conditions

    All instructions, clauses and conditions identified in the bid solicitation by number, date and title are set out in the Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions Manual (…) issued by Public Works and Government Services Canada.

    Although the CanadaBuys site describes the clauses and conditions as archived, the clauses and conditions are valid. The Government of Canada is in the process of updating all contract templates.
    Until the new process is in effect, NRC will be using the clauses and conditions labelled as archived.
    To access the various clauses and conditions, please follow the instructions below.

    You are invited to submit one (1) electronic Technical Bid and one (1) electronic Financial Bid in two separate attachments to fulfil the following requirement forming part of this Request for Proposal (RFP). One attachment must be clearly marked ‘Technical Bid’ and the other attachment must be marked ‘Financial Bid’. All financial information must be fully contained in the Financial Bid, and only in the Financial Bid. Bidders who provide financial information in the technical bid will be disqualified. All Bids should include the front page of this RFP duly completed.

    2010A (2022-12-01), General Conditions - Goods (Medium Complexity), apply to and form part of the Contract.

    Bidders who submit a bid agree to be bound by the instructions, clauses and conditions of the bid solicitation and accept the clauses and conditions of the resulting contract.

    Bids submitted must be valid for not less than sixty (60) calendar days from the closing date of the Request For Proposal (RFP).
    2.1.1 It is the Bidder's responsibility to:

    (a) return a signed copy of the bid solicitation, duly completed, IN THE FORMAT REQUESTED;

    (b) direct its bid ONLY to the Bid Receiving address specified under 2.3 Submission of Bids;

    (c) ensure that the Bidder's name, the bid solicitation reference number, and bid solicitation closing date and time are clearly visible;

    (d) provide a comprehensive and sufficiently detailed bid, including all requested pricing details, that will permit a complete evaluation in accordance with the criteria set out in the bid solicitation.

    Timely and correct transmission of bids to the specified bid email address is the sole responsibility of the Bidder. The National Research Council Canada (NRC) will not assume or have transferred to it those responsibilities. All risks and consequences of incorrect transmission of bids is the responsibility of the Bidder.

    2.1.2 Bids may be accepted in whole or in part. The lowest or any bid will not necessarily be accepted. In the case of error in the extension of prices, the unit price will govern. NRC may enter into contract without negotiation.

    2.1.3 While NRC may enter into contract without negotiation, Canada reserves the right to negotiate with bidders on any procurement.

    2.1.4 Notwithstanding the bid validity period stipulated in this solicitation, Canada reserves the right to seek an extension from all responsive bidders, within a minimum of three (3) days prior to the end of such period. Bidders shall have the option to either accept or reject the extension.

    2.1.5 If the extension referred to above is accepted, in writing, by all responsive bidders, Canada will continue with the evaluation of the bids and its approval processes.

    2.1.6 If the extension referred to above is not accepted, in writing, by all responsive bidders, Canada will, at its sole discretion, either continue to evaluate the bids of those who have accepted the extension and seek the necessary approvals; or cancel the solicitation; or cancel and reissue the solicitation.
    2.2 Condition of Material – Bid
    Material supplied must be new and conform to the latest issue of the applicable drawing, specification and/or part number that is in effect on the bid solicitation closing date.

    2.3 Submission of Bids

    Bids must be submitted only electronically to the National Research Council Canada (NRC) Bid Receiving email address, no later than 14:00 EDT (NRC's Server Time), October 22, 2024, to the following NRC email address:

    The NRC has restrictions on incoming e-mail messages. The maximum e-mail message size including all file attachments must not exceed 10MB. Zip files or links to bid documents will not be accepted. Incoming e-mail messages exceeding the maximum file size and/or containing zip file attachments will be blocked from entering the NRC e-mail system. A bid transmitted by e-mail that gets blocked by the NRC e-mail system will be considered not received.

    Bids must not be sent directly to the Contracting Authority.

    All submitted bids become the property of NRC.
    Due to the nature of the bid solicitation, hard copy bids (paper or soft copies on media) and bids transmitted by facsimile to NRC will not be accepted.

    2.4 Late Bids

    All risks and consequences of incorrect delivery of electronic bids are the responsibility of the Bidder. The National Research Council Canada will not be responsible for late bids received at destination after the closing date and time, even if it was submitted before. Electronic bids received after the indicated closing time based on NRC servers’ received time will be irrevocably rejected. Bidders are urged to send their bid in sufficient time, in advance of the closing time to reduce any technical issues. The National Research Council Canada will not be held responsible for bids sent before closing time but received by the NRC servers after the closing time.

    2.5 Enquiries - Bid Solicitation

    All enquiries must be submitted in writing to the Contracting Authority no later than five (5) calendar days before the bid closing date. Enquiries received after that time may not be answered.

    To ensure the equality of information among Bidders, responses to general enquiries will be made available to all bidders unless such publications would reveal proprietary information. The bidder who initiates the question will not be identified. Technical questions that are considered proprietary by the bidder must be clearly identified. NRC will respond individually to the bidder if it considers the questions proprietary. If NRC does not consider the question proprietary, the bidder submitting it will be allowed to withdraw the question, or have the question and answer made available through the Open Bidding System (OBS) to all bidders.

    Bidders who attempt to obtain information regarding any aspect of this RFP during the solicitation period through any NRC contacts other than the Contracting Authority identified herein, may be disqualified (for that reason alone).

    It is the responsibility of the Bidder to obtain clarification of the requirement contained herein, if necessary, prior to submitting its proposal. The Bidder must have written confirmation from the Contracting Authority for any changes, alterations, etc., concerning this RFP.

    Bidders should reference as accurately as possible the numbered item of the bid solicitation to which the enquiry relates. Care should be taken by Bidders to explain each question in sufficient detail in order to enable Canada to provide an accurate answer. Technical enquiries that are of a proprietary nature must be clearly marked "proprietary" at each relevant item. Items identified as "proprietary" will be treated as such except where Canada determines that the enquiry is not of a proprietary nature. Canada may edit the question(s) or may request that the Bidder do so, so that the proprietary nature of the question(s) is eliminated, and the enquiry can be answered to all Bidders. Enquiries not submitted in a form that can be distributed to all Bidders may not be answered by Canada.
    2.6 Applicable Laws

    Any resulting contract must be interpreted and governed, and the relations between the parties determined, by the laws in force in Ontario.

    Bidders may, at their discretion, substitute the applicable laws of a Canadian province or territory of their choice without affecting the validity of their bid, by deleting the name of the Canadian province or territory specified and inserting the name of the Canadian province or territory of their choice. If no change is made, it acknowledges that the applicable laws specified are acceptable to the Bidders.

    2.7 Bid Challenge and Recourse Mechanisms

    (a) Several mechanisms are available to potential suppliers to challenge aspects of the procurement process up to and including contract award.

    (b) Canada encourages suppliers to first bring their concerns to the attention of the Contracting Authority. The CanadaBuys website, under the heading “Following up on a bid” contains information on potential complaint bodies such as:

    • Office of the Procurement Ombud (OPO)
    • Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT)

    (c) Suppliers should note that there are strict deadlines for filing complaints, and the time periods vary depending on the complaint body in question. Suppliers should therefore act quickly when they want to challenge any aspect of the procurement process.

    2.8 Review of Complaint

    The Office of the Procurement Ombud (OPO) was established by the Government of Canada to provide an impartial, independent venue for Canadian bidders to raise complaints regarding the award of certain federal contracts under $33,400 for goods and $133,800 for services. If you have concerns regarding the award of a federal contract below these dollar amounts, you may contact OPO by e-mail at, by telephone at 1-866-734-5169, or by web at

    3.1 Bid Preparation Instructions

    Canada requests that the Bidder submits its bid in separate attachment sections (when applicable) as follows:

    Section I: Technical Bid
    Section II: Financial Bid (Prices must appear in the Financial Bid only. No prices must be indicated in any other section of the bid.)
    Section III: Certifications

    There shall be no payment by the National Research Council (NRC) for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of proposals in response to this request. No payment shall be made for costs incurred for clarification(s) and/or demonstration(s) that may be required by NRC. The National Research Council reserves the right to reject any or all proposals submitted, or to accept any proposal in whole or in part without negotiation. A contract will not necessarily be issued as a result of this competition. NRC reserves the right to amend, cancel or reissue this requirement at any time.

    In April 2006, Canada issued a policy directing federal departments and agencies to take the necessary steps to incorporate environmental considerations into the procurement process Policy on Green Procurement ( To assist Canada in reaching its objectives, bidders should:

    1) Include all environmental certification(s) relevant to your organization (e.g., ISO 14001, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), Carbon Disclosure Project, etc.

    2) Include all environmental certification(s) or Environmental Product Declaration(s) (EPD) specific to your product/service (e.g., Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), ENERGYSTAR, etc.)

    Canada is committed to greening its supply chain. Environmentally preferable goods and services are those that have a lesser or reduced impact on the environment over the life cycle of the good or service, when compared with competing goods or services serving the same purpose. Environmental performance considerations include, among other things: the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and air contaminants; improved energy and water efficiency; reduced waste and support reuse and recycling; the use of renewable resources; reduced hazardous waste; and reduced toxic and hazardous substances. In accordance with the Policy on Green Procurement (, for this solicitation:

    - Bidders are encouraged to offer or suggest green solutions whenever possible.
    - Bidders are requested to provide all correspondence including (but not limited to) documents, reports and invoices in electronic format unless otherwise specified by the Contracting Authority or Project Authority, thereby reducing printed material.
    - Bidders should recycle (shred) unneeded copies of non-classified/secure documents (taking into consideration the Security Requirements).
    - Product components used in performing the services should be recyclable and/or reusable, whenever possible.
    - Bidders are encouraged to offer goods and/or services certified to a reputable eco-label.
    - Bidders should use equipment that has high energy efficiency or produces low air emissions.
    - Bidders are encouraged to offer environmentally preferred products which supports a sustainable environment for nature and wildlife.
    - Bidders are encouraged to offer environmentally preferred products which ensure the comfort and air quality of building occupants.

    Bidders are encouraged to consult the following websites:

    Section I: Technical Bid

    In their technical bid, Bidders should explain and demonstrate how they propose to meet the requirements and how they will carry out the Work.

    Section II: Financial Bid

    (a) Pricing: Bidders must submit their financial bid in accordance with the Basis of Payment including Annex B – Basis of Payment. The applicable taxes must be indicated separately.

    (b) All Costs to be Included: The financial bid must include all costs for the requirement described in the bid solicitation for the entire Contract Period. The identification of all necessary equipment, software, peripherals, cabling and components required to meet the requirements of the bid solicitation and the associated costs of these items is the sole responsibility of the Bidder.

    (c) Blank Prices: Bidders are requested to insert “$0.00” for any item for which it does not intend to charge or for items that are already included in other prices set out in the tables. If the Bidder leaves any price blank, Canada will treat the price as “$0.00” for evaluation purposes and may request that the Bidder confirm that the price is, in fact, $0.00. No bidder will be permitted to add or change a price as part of this confirmation. Any bidder who does not confirm that the price for a blank item is $0.00 will be declared non-responsive.

    3.1.1 Electronic Payment of Invoices – Bid

    Payments from the National Research Council Canada (NRC) are made by electronic payment. Direct deposit payments will be made in Canadian dollars and can only be deposited into Canadian bank accounts.
    Only bank accounts outside of Canada are eligible to enroll as a Wire transfer payment method.

    3.1.2 Exchange Rate Fluctuation

    The requirement does not offer exchange rate fluctuation risk mitigation. Requests for exchange rate fluctuation risk mitigation will not be considered. All bids including such provision will render the bid non-responsive.

    Section III: Certifications

    Bidders must submit the certifications and additional information required under Part 5.

    4.1 Evaluation Procedures

    (a) Bids will be assessed in accordance with the entire requirement of the bid solicitation including technical, financial, and evaluation criteria.
    (b) An evaluation team composed of representatives of Canada will evaluate the bids.

    4.1.1 Technical Evaluation

    Proposals will be assessed in accordance with the mandatory evaluation below. Bidders shall provide a detailed response to each criterion. NRC reserves the right to verify any and all information provided by the bidder in their proposal. Mandatory Technical Criteria

    The following requirements are the mandatory technical evaluation criteria which will be evaluated during the Bid Evaluation. In addition, the Contractor will be required to meet all of the mandatory technical requirements for the duration of the Contract.

    Bidders are requested to cross reference the mandatory technical criteria in a concise format by using page, paragraph(s) & sub-paragraphs as applicable to their supporting technical documentation.

    The Diamond Windows (disks) must meet all of the following mandatory technical evaluation criteria (CRITERIA). Bidders must demonstrate their compliance with all of the CRITERIA by providing substantial information describing completely and in detail how each requirement is met or addressed.

    Bidder must indicate how they meet the performance specification by recording this information in this column REFERENCE TO SUBSTANTIATION IN THE TECHNICAL BID.
    In this column, Bidders must cross-reference where this performance specification is indicated in their supporting documents
    M1 The disks must be made of Optical grade CVD Diamond and must have laser cut edges
    M2 The disks must have a round geometry and must have diameter of 89 mm plus-minus 0.1 mm
    M3 The disks must have thickness of 1.35 mm plus-minus 0.1 mm
    M4 The disks must have Surface Figure under 6Fringes PV (Side 1 & 2) and must have Surface Roughness Ra under 10nm (Side 1 & 2)
    M5 The disks sides must be parallel with wedge under 6 arc min.

    4.1.2 Financial Evaluation

    The financial evaluation will be conducted by calculating the Total Aggregated Cost of the Fixed Price for the initial requirement and the optional requirement requested in accordance with the pricing tables provided in Annex B – Basis of Payment.

    Evaluation of Price - Bid

    The price of the bid will be evaluated in Canadian dollars, Applicable Taxes excluded, DAP ‘Delivered at Place’ Ottawa ON Incoterms® 2020, Canadian customs duties and excise taxes excluded.

    Applicable Sales Tax: The GST, PST, QST or HST, whichever is applicable, shall be considered an applicable tax for the purposes of this RFP and extra to the price herein. The amount of applicable sales tax shall be disclosed and shown as a separate item.

    4.2 Basis of Selection

    Mandatory Technical Criteria

    A bid must comply with the requirements of the bid solicitation and meet all mandatory technical evaluation criteria to be declared responsive. The responsive bid with the lowest evaluated price will be recommended for award of a contract.


    Bidders must provide the required certifications and additional information to be awarded a contract.

    The certifications provided by Bidders to Canada are subject to verification by Canada at all times. Unless specified otherwise, Canada will declare a bid non-responsive, or will declare a contractor in default if any certification made by the Bidder is found to be untrue whether made knowingly or unknowingly, during the bid evaluation period or during the contract period.

    The Contracting Authority will have the right to ask for additional information to verify the Bidder’s certifications. Failure to comply and to cooperate with any request or requirement imposed by the Contracting Authority will render the bid non-responsive or constitute a default under the Contract.
    5.1 Certifications Required with the Bid

    Bidders must submit the following duly completed certifications as part of their bid.

    5.1.1 Integrity Provisions - Declaration of Convicted Offences

    In accordance with the Integrity Provisions of the Standard Instructions, all bidders must provide with their bid, if applicable, the declaration form available on the Forms for the Integrity Regime website (…), to be given further consideration in the procurement process.
    5.2 Certifications Precedent to Contract Award and Additional Information

    The certifications and additional information listed below should be submitted with the bid but may be submitted afterwards. If any of these required certifications or additional information is not completed and submitted as requested, the Contracting Authority will inform the Bidder of a time frame within which to provide the information. Failure to provide the certifications or the additional information listed below within the time frame provided will render the bid non-responsive.

    5.2.1 Integrity Provisions – Required Documentation

    In accordance with the section titled Information to be provided when bidding, contracting or entering into a real property agreement of the Ineligibility and Suspension Policy (, the Bidder must provide the required documentation, as applicable, to be given further consideration in the procurement process.

    In addition to all other information required in the procurement process, the Bidder must provide the following:

    • Bidders who are incorporated, including those bidding as a joint venture, must provide a complete list of names of all individuals who are currently directors of the Bidder or, in the case of a private company, the owners of the company.

    • Bidders bidding as sole proprietorship, as well as those bidding as a joint venture, must provide the name of the owner(s).


    5.2.2 Product Conformance

    The Bidder certifies that all goods proposed conform, and will continue to conform throughout the period of the contract, to the requirement detailed under Annex A.

    __________________________________ ________________
    Bidder's authorized representative signature Date


    The following clauses and conditions apply to and form part of any contract resulting from the bid solicitation.

    6.1 Security Requirements

    There is no security requirement applicable to the Contract.

    6.2 Statement of Requirement

    The Contractor must provide the items detailed under the "Requirement" at Annex A.
    6.3 Standard Clauses and Conditions
    All clauses and conditions identified in the Contract by number, date and title are set out in the Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions Manual (…) issued by Public Works and Government Services Canada.

    6.3.1 General Conditions

    2010A (2022-12-01), General Conditions - Goods (Medium Complexity), apply to and form part of the Contract.

    6.3.2 Supplemental General Conditions

    4001 (2015-04-01), Hardware Purchase, Lease and Maintenance apply to and form part of the Contract.

    6.4 Term of Contract

    6.4.1 Period of the Contract

    The period of the Contract begins on the date the Contract is awarded and ends one (1) year after delivery and acceptance of the Requirement.

    6.4.2 Delivery Date

    All the deliverables must be received on or before December 10, 2024.

    6.4.3 Delivery Points

    Delivery of the requirement will be made to delivery point specified below:
    National Research Council Canada
    Ottawa ON K1A 0R6

    6.4.4 Shipping Instructions - Delivered at Place

    Goods must be consigned and delivered to the destination specified in the Contract:

    Delivery at Place (DAP) Ottawa ON K1A 0R6 Incoterms® 2020 for shipments from a commercial contractor.

    NRC Customs contacts for any Customs and Transportation Logistics enquiries:

    - Daniel Frampton: (613) 993-9113 /
    - Christian Latreille: (613) 993-2259 /

    As part of NRC’s commitment to Greening Government Operations, the Contractor is encouraged to minimize, include recycled content, re-use, or reduce/eliminate toxics in packaging, when possible.

    6.4.5 Packaging

    The methods used for preservation and packaging must be in conformity with the Contractor’s normal standard for domestic shipment or, if necessary, with standards for overseas shipment as below deck cargo.

    6.4.6 Delivery and Unloading

    1. Delivery trucks must be equipped with an unloading device which will permit unloading at sites with no hydraulic, stationary or other type of unloading facility.
    2. When making deliveries, sufficient personnel must be provided to permit unloading of any type of vehicle without the assistance of federal government personnel.
    3. At some sites, the delivery truck must be unloaded while parked at the curb. When material is placed on the sidewalk, it must be placed in proximity to the designated entrance so as to be readily accessible to transport by mechanical handling equipment utilized by site personnel.

    6.5 Authorities

    6.5.1 Contracting Authority

    The Contracting Authority for the Contract is:
    Katie Homuth
    Senior Contracting Officer
    National Research Council Canada (NRC)
    Finance and Procurement Services (FPS) Branch
    1200 Montreal Road, Building M-58, Ottawa ON K1A 0R6
    E-mail address: / Phone: 343-549-4539

    The Contracting Authority is responsible for the management of the Contract and any changes to the Contract must be authorized in writing by the Contracting Authority. The Contractor must not perform work in excess of or outside the scope of the Contract based on verbal or written requests or instructions from anybody other than the Contracting Authority.

    6.5.2 Technical Authority [to be completed at contract award]

    The Technical Authority for the Contract is:

    Name: _________
    Title: _________
    Organization: __________
    Address: __________

    Telephone: ___ ___ _______
    E-mail address: ___________

    The Technical Authority is the representative of the department or agency for whom the Work is being carried out under the Contract and is responsible for all matters concerning the technical content of the Work under the Contract. Technical matters may be discussed with the Technical Authority; however, the Technical Authority has no authority to authorize changes to the scope of the Work. Changes to the scope of the Work can only be made through a contract amendment issued by the Contracting Authority.

    6.5.3 Contractor's Representative [to be completed by the Bidder]

    Name: _________
    Title: _________
    Address: __________

    Telephone: ___ ___ _______
    E-mail address: ___________
    6.6 Payment

    6.6.1 Basis of Payment

    The Contractor will be paid for costs reasonably and properly incurred in the performance of the work under this Contract in accordance with the following:

    In consideration of the Contractor satisfactorily completing all of its obligations under the Contract, the Contractor will be paid a fixed price as specified in Annex B – Basis of Payment for a cost of $ _________ (insert the amount at contract award). Customs duties are excluded and Applicable Taxes are extra.

    Canada will not pay the Contractor for any design changes, modifications or interpretations of the Work, unless they have been approved, in writing, by the Contracting Authority before their incorporation into the Work.

    6.6.2 Method of Payment - Single Payment

    Canada will pay the Contractor upon completion and delivery of the Work in accordance with the payment provisions of the Contract if:
    a. an accurate and complete invoice and any other documents required by the Contract have been submitted in accordance with the invoicing instructions provided in the Contract;
    b. all such documents have been verified by Canada;
    c. the Work delivered has been accepted by Canada.

    6.6.3 Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions (SACC) Manual Clauses

    C2000C (2007-11-30), Taxes - Foreign-based Contractor
    C2605C (2008-05-12), Canadian Customs Duties and Sales Tax - Foreign-based Contractor

    6.6.4 Electronic Payment of Invoices – Contract

    The Contractor accepts to be paid using any of the following Electronic Payment Instrument(s):

    a. Direct Deposit (Domestic Only);
    b. Wire Transfer (International Only);
    6.7 Inspection and Acceptance

    The Technical Authority is the Inspection Authority. All reports, deliverable items, documents, good and all services rendered under the Contract are subject to inspection by the Inspection Authority or representative. Should any report, document, good or service not be in accordance with the Statement of Requirement and to the satisfaction of the Inspection Authority, as submitted, the Inspection Authority will have the right to reject it or require its correction at the sole expense of the Contractor before recommending payment.

    6.8 Invoicing Instructions

    6.8.1 The Contractor must submit invoices in accordance with the section entitled "Invoice Submission" of the general conditions. Invoices cannot be submitted until all work identified in the invoice is completed.

    6.8.2 Invoices must be distributed as follows:

    (a) Invoices and order confirmations MUST be sent via e-mail to:

    (b) To facilitate the payment process, it is important that the Contractor quote the contract number on all the invoices, shipping bills and packing slips. Failure to do so will delay payment and the date used for calculating interest on overdue accounts.


    6.9 Certifications and Additional Information

    6.9.1 Compliance

    Unless specified otherwise, the continuous compliance with the certifications provided by the Contractor in its bid or precedent to contract award, and the ongoing cooperation in providing additional information are conditions of the Contract and failure to comply will constitute the Contractor in default. Certifications are subject to verification by Canada during the entire period of the Contract.

    6.10 Applicable Laws

    The Contract must be interpreted and governed, and the relations between the parties determined, by the laws in force in Ontario.

    6.11 Priority of Documents

    If there is a discrepancy between the wording of any documents that appear on the list, the wording of the document that first appears on the list has priority over the wording of any document that subsequently appears on the list.

    (a) the Articles of Agreement;
    (b) the supplemental general conditions
    4001 (2015-04-01), Hardware Purchase, Lease and Maintenance;
    (c) the general conditions 2010A (2022-12-01), General Conditions - Goods (Medium Complexity);
    (d) Annex A - Statement of Requirement;
    (e) Annex B - Basis of Payment;
    (f) the Contractor's bid dated _______ (insert date of bid) (If the bid was clarified or amended, insert at the time of contract award: “, as clarified on _______” or “, as amended on_________” and insert date(s) of clarification(s) or amendment(s)).

    6.12 SACC Manual Clauses

    B1501C (2018-06-21) Electrical equipment
    B7500C (2006-06-16) Excess Goods
    D2000C (2007-11-30) Marking
    D2001C (2007-11-30) Labeling
    D9002C (2007-11-30) Incomplete Assemblies
    G1005C (2016-01-28) Insurance – No Specific Requirements
    6.13 Dispute Resolution

    The Parties agree to make every reasonable effort, in good faith, to settle amicably all disputes or claims relating to the Contract, through negotiations between the Parties’ representatives authorized to settle. If the Parties do not reach a settlement within 25 working days after the dispute was initially raised to the other party in writing, either Party may contact the Office of the Procurement Ombud (OPO) to request dispute resolution/mediation services. OPO may be contacted by e-mail, by telephone at 1-866-734-5169, or by web at
    6.14 Review of complaint

    The Office of the Procurement Ombud (OPO) was established by the Government of Canada to provide an impartial, independent venue for Canadian bidders to raise complaints regarding the administration of certain federal contracts, regardless of dollar value. If you have concerns regarding the administration of a federal contract, you may contact OPO by e-mail at, by telephone at 1-866-734-5169, or by web at


    Diamond Windows

    The National Research Council Canada’s (NRC) Aerospace Research Centre (AERO) has a requirement for two (2) identical diamond disks (Diamond Windows) for delivery to Ottawa ON. The Diamond Windows are required as a part of aircraft installation of a Far-Infrared Radiometer. The aircraft is pressurized, so there has to be a window separating the instrument optical front-end from the ambient atmosphere. One disk will serve as such a window for the instrument’s optical path. The second, identical disk will be subjected to mechanical tests required for the airworthiness certification of the installation.

    1.0 Specifications:

    1.1 The Contractor must provide two (2) identical diamond disks (Diamond Windows) with the technical specifications listed below:

    Technical Specifications: The Diamond Windows (disks) must:

    1.1.1 be made of Optical grade Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Diamond;

    1.1.2 must have round geometry;

    1.1.3 must have diameter of 89 mm plus-minus 0.1 mm;

    1.1.4 must have thickness of 1.35 mm plus-minus 0.1 mm;

    1.1.5 must have Surface Figure under 6Fringes PV (Side 1 & 2);

    1.1.6 must have Surface Roughness Ra under 10nm (Side 1 & 2);

    1.1.7 be parallel with wedge under 6 arc min;

    1.1.8 have laser cut edges.

    2.0 Delivery Information:

    2.1 The delivery date for the requirement is on or before December 10, 2024.

    2.2 The delivery address for the requirement:

    National Research Council Canada (NRC)
    Ottawa, Ontario
    K1V 2B1

    Contract duration

    The estimated contract period will be 12 month(s), with a proposed start date of 2024/12/11.

    Trade agreements

    • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

    Reason for limited tendering

    A contracting officer can use limited tendering for specific reasons outlined in the applicable trade agreements. The reason for this contract is described below:

    • None

    Partner with another business

    The functionality to add your company name to the list of interested businesses is temporarily unavailable.

    This list does not replace or affect the tendering procedures for this procurement process. Businesses are still required to respond to bid solicitations, and to compete based on the set criteria. For more information please read the Terms of use.

    Contact information

    Contracting organization

    National Research Council Canada

    1200 Montreal Road

    Ottawa, ON, K1A 0R6
    Contracting authority
    Katie Homuth
    (343) 549-4539

    1200 Montreal Road|1200 chemin Montréal

    Ottawa, ON, K1A 0R6
    Bidding details

    Full details regarding this tender opportunity are available in the documents below. Click on the document name to download the file. Contact the contracting officer if you have any questions regarding these documents.

    Tender documents
    Document title Amendment no. Language Unique downloads Date added

    Access the Getting started page for details on how to bid, and more.

    Eligibility and terms and conditions

    Government of Canada tender and awards notices, solicitation documents, and other attachments are fully accessible and available free of charge and without having to register on CanadaBuys.

    Information may be available on another source prior to being available on CanadaBuys. You may have received this information through a third-party distributor. The Government of Canada is not responsible for any tender notices and/or related documents and attachments not accessed directly from

    Government of Canada tender or award notices carry an OpenGovernment License - Canada that governs its use. Related solicitation documents and/or tender attachments are copyright protected. Please refer to our terms and conditions page for more information.

    Summary information

    Notice type
    Request for Proposal
    English, French
    Region(s) of delivery
    Region of opportunity
    Contract duration
    12 month(s)
    Procurement method
    Competitive - Traditional
    Selection criteria
    Lowest Price
    Commodity - UNSPSC
    Click the links below to see a list of notices associated with the UNSPSC.

    Support for small and medium businesses

    If you have questions about this tender opportunity, please contact the contracting officer, whose information is found in the Contact information tab. 

    Refer to our Support page if you need help or have questions about the government procurement process, including how to bid or how to register in SAP Ariba. You can also contact Procurement Assistance Canada, which has offices across Canada.


    Date modified: