Request for Information Regarding an External Service for Compliance Testing of Single-use Plastic Straws, Cutlery, and Checkout Bags

Solicitation number 5000076186

Publication date

Closing date and time 2023/12/15 15:00 EST

Last amendment date


    Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) is responsible for administering and enforcing regulations published under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA). On June 20, 2022, the Government of Canada published the Single-use Plastics Prohibition Regulations (the Regulations), under CEPA. These Regulations include testing criteria for certain single-use plastic items (cutlery, straws, and checkout bags) intended to demonstrate what items will be considered “single-use”.

    ECCC worked with Health Canada’s Product Safety Laboratory to develop testing methods for compliance testing of certain plastic items. The methods for testing straws, cutlery, and checkout bags are available on request.

    ECCC is interested in investigating options to have this testing performed privately.

    This is a Request for Information (RFI) only, and not a bid solicitation. Participation in this process is encouraged but is not mandatory.

    The purpose of this RFI is to gather information from respondents regarding their ability to conduct testing of plastic items using the methods developed by ECCC and Health Canada, and to provide results of that testing to ECCC for compliance purposes. Responses will help determine if services are available to provide compliance testing for the Regulations that will support ECCC enforcement officers. Responses will also be used to help with enforcement planning and provide information for budgeting purposes. To this end, respondents are requested to provide cost estimates to deliver the testing described, preferably on a per-test basis.

    In addition to responding to the specifications listed in this document, ECCC is interested in receiving input and suggestions as to the best way to support both a scheduled and on-demand enforcement program.

    Contract duration

    Refer to the description above for full details.

    Trade agreements

    • No trade agreements are applicable to this solicitation process

    Reason for limited tendering

    A contracting officer can use limited tendering for specific reasons outlined in the applicable trade agreements. The reason for this contract is described below:

    • None

    Partner with another business

    Are you interested in partnering with other businesses for this opportunity? Add your company to the list of businesses who are interested in partnering.

    This list does not replace or affect the tendering procedures for this procurement process. Businesses are still required to respond to bid solicitations, and to compete based on the set criteria. For more information please read the Terms of use.

    Contact information

    Contracting organization

    Environment and Climate Change Canada

    867 Lakeshore Road

    Burlington, Ontario , L7S 1A1
    Contracting authority
    Heidi Noble
    (289) 348-2015
    Bidding details

    Full details regarding this tender opportunity are available in the documents below. Click on the document name to download the file. Contact the contracting officer if you have any questions regarding these documents.

    Tender documents
    Document title Amendment no. Language Unique downloads Date added

    Access the Getting started page for details on how to bid, and more.

    Eligibility and terms and conditions

    Government of Canada tender and awards notices, solicitation documents, and other attachments are fully accessible and available free of charge and without having to register on CanadaBuys.

    Information may be available on another source prior to being available on CanadaBuys. You may have received this information through a third-party distributor. The Government of Canada is not responsible for any tender notices and/or related documents and attachments not accessed directly from

    Government of Canada tender or award notices carry an OpenGovernment License - Canada that governs its use. Related solicitation documents and/or tender attachments are copyright protected. Please refer to our terms and conditions page for more information.

    Summary information

    Notice type
    Request for Information
    English, French
    Region(s) of delivery
    Region of opportunity
    Contract duration
    0 month(s)
    Procurement method
    Competitive – Open Bidding
    Selection criteria
    Not applicable
    Commodity - UNSPSC
    Click the links below to see a list of notices associated with the UNSPSC.

    Support for small and medium businesses

    If you have questions about this tender opportunity, please contact the contracting officer, whose information is found in the Contact information tab. 

    Refer to our Support page if you need help or have questions about the government procurement process, including how to bid or how to register in SAP Ariba. You can also contact Procurement Assistance Canada, which has offices across Canada.


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