Solicitation number NOI 13/00022
Publication date
Closing date and time 2013/09/11 14:00 EDT
Instructions: Canadian companies interested in receiving the full Notification of Intent (NOI) including the Summary of Requirements may do so by contacting the Canadian Joint Delegation to NATO. Canadian companies interested in this opportunity must be nominated by the Canadian Joint Delegation to NATO including the following information: Name of the Firm, Telephone number, Fax number, E-mail address and Point of Contact. Note deadline of 11 September 2013 to contact the Canadian Joint Delegation, quoting Opportunity # 27/13. Further Details: The purpose of this NOI is to provide Broadcast, Ship-Shore, MRL and Voice Communication capabilities to Romania and to NATO in accordance with BRASS Baseline specifications. The system will manage and conduct the provision, implementation monitoring and acceptance of BRASS compliant Automatic Control & Monitoring System (ACMS in Naval Communications Centre NAZARCEA/CONSTANTA (NAVCOMMCEN) in order to improve its performances and services interoperable with NATO units. New transmitting and receiving sites shall be established in MIDIA/CONTANTA and MANGALIA to improve HF coverage. Security Classification: The Invitation for Bid (IFB) package will only contain NATO UNCLASSIFIED material. Prospective Bidders should be aware that contractor personnel will be called on to work at a NATO site in conjunction with the contract and such contractor personnel shall be required to have security clearances to the level of “NATO SECRET”. Prospective Bidders will be invited to participate in a two-day site survey that can be held approximately 4-6 weeks after the IFB release. Therefore, the Bidders are reminded to take actions to have a valid security clearance of a minimum of NATO SECRET for the people who will attend the Site Survey. Potential Bidders: Must be from a participating NATO country. This will be a single contract with one contractor. No partial bidding will be allowed. Bids will be evaluated using the lowest priced technically compliant Bid. Comments: Bidders will be required to declare a bid validity of twelve (12) months from closing date for receipt of bids, supported by a Bid Guarantee of Euro 500,000. Delivery Date: The IFB is planned to be issued by the end of September 2013, with a Bid Closing Date in December 2013 and an anticipated contract award in March 2014. The project is expected to be completed 23 months after Contract Award Date. Estimated Value: 7,300,000 EUROs The point of contact at the Delegation is: Chantal Tremblay First Secretary Investment Canadian Joint Delegation to NATO / Délégation canadienne conjointe auprès de l'OTAN Boulevard Leopold III 1110 Bruxelles, Belgique Tel - 011 32 2 707 7137 (from Canada) Fax - 011 32 2 707 7140 (from Canada)
Contract duration
Refer to the description above for full details.
Trade agreements
No trade agreements are applicable to this solicitation process
Contact information
Contracting organization
- Organization
Department of National Defence
- Address
101 Colonel By DrOttawa, Ontario, K1A0K2Canada
- Contracting authority
- Mangone, AnnaMaria
- Phone
- 819-997-3335
- Address
101 Colonnel ByOttawa, ON, K1A 0K2CA
Buying organization(s)
- Organization
Department of National Defence
- Address
101 Colonel By DrOttawa, Ontario, K1A0K2Canada
Bidding details
Details for this tender opportunity are provided in the Description tab.
Please contact the contracting officer to get the full solicitation documentation, access information on how to bid, or if you have any questions regarding this tender opportunity.
Note that there may be fees to access the documents or bid. These should be outlined in the Description tab.
We recommend that you contact the contracting officer as soon as possible, as there may be deadlines for receiving questions.