Solicitation number W8486-137867/B

Publication date

Closing date and time 2014/01/30 14:00 EST

    Trade Agreement: WTO-AGP/NAFTA/AIT/Canada FTAs with
    Tendering Procedures: All interested suppliers may submit a bid
    Attachment: None
    Competitive Procurement Strategy: Lowest/Lower Bid
    Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement: No
    Nature of Requirements: 
    To supply ACROW Fixed Bridge (48M, 24M and 18M) System
    components.  The Standing Offer (SO) will support a total of
    eleven bidges used by the Department of National Defence (DND)
    for training and domestic operations.  Deliveries are
    as-and-when requested by DND, commencing from the date of issue
    of the SO for a period of 12 months.  The total amount that
    could be called up by Canada against the proposed SO is
    estimated at $350,000.00 for the 12 month period.
    This requirement is for the establishment of a one-year National
    Individual Standing Offer for National Defence for the supply of
    spare parts for their ACROW Fixed Bridges (models 48M, 24M and
    18M) on an as-and-when requested basis.
    Line1, GSIN: N3540, 3540-00-278-1251, STRETCHER, STRAPPING, HAND
    PART: B13A10
    NSCM: 08155  -  Acme Strapping Inc., Scarborough, ON, CA
    PART: TH
    NSCM: 35055  -  Shur-Fast fasterners Inc., Montreal, PQ, CA
    PART: MIP-1450
    NSCM: 0UYW0  -  Midwest Industrial Packaging Inc., Lake Forest,
    IL, US  
    Line2, GSIN: N3540, 3540-21-849-2628, STRETCHING AND SEALING
    Part Number: AL12, 
    NSCM: 35055  -  Shur-Fast fasterners Inc., Montreal, PQ, CA
    Line3, GSIN: N3540, 3540-21-886-3356, STRETCHING AND SEALING
    Part Number: AH114, 
    NSCM: 35055  -  Shur-Fast fasterners Inc., Montreal, PQ, CA
    Line5, GSIN: N3940, 3940-21-904-7968, SLING, ENDLESS, 
    Part Number: EN2-903X7, 
    NSCM: 0DHY0  -  Can-Sling Ltd, Rexdale, ON, CA
    Line6, GSIN: N3990, 3990-01-307-6053, TIE DOWN, CARGO, VEHICLE
    PART: 4N40A40A-24-360P-WS
    NSCM: 31272  -  Ancra International LLC, Azusa, CA, US
    PART: 543242-024SLBOM1
    NSCM: 0KHZ6  -  Kinedyne Corporation, Lawrence, KS, US
    Line7, GSIN: N4020, 4020-21-878-4644, ROPE, FIBROUS, 
    Part Number: 40-GP-2M, 
    NSCM: 35068  -  Canadian General Standards Board, Gatineau, QC,
    Line9, GSIN: N4030, 4030-21-108-7384, SHACKLE, 
    Part Number: 10018, 
    NSCM: 35907  -  Director General Land Equipment, Ottawa, ON, CA
    Line10, GSIN: N4030, 4030-21-108-7386, STAKE, GUY, 
    Part Number: 10017, 
    NSCM: 35907 -  Director General Land Equipment
    Line11, GSIN: N4030, 4030-21-902-1257, BODY, ANCHOR, EARTH, 
    Part Number: K-303378, 
    NSCM: 38278  -  Dibblee Tools Ltd, Pointe Claire, QC, CA
    Line12, GSIN: N4730, 4730-21-904-8124, FITTING, LUBRICATION, 
    Part Number: 31196, 
    NSCM: 3AM27  -  Rapco Equipment Inc., St Laurent, QC, CA 
    Line13, GSIN: N4730, 4730-99-311-5051, FITTING, LUBRICATION, 
    Part Number: H1-5-BF, 
    NSCM: U7969 - Harrison Engineering Lubrication Lt., Bolton, LA,
    Line14, GSIN: N5120, 5120-00-243-2981, HAMMER, HAND
    NSCM: 80244 - General Services Administration, Arlington, VA, US
    Part Number: GGG-H86, 
    NSCM: 81348 - Federal Specifications US
    Line15, GSIN: N5120, 5120-01-500-0898, HAMMER,HAND, 
    Part Number: 5907A16, 
    NSCM: 39428 - McMaster-Carr Supply Company, Elmhurst, IL, US 
    Line16, GSIN: N5120, 5120-21-105-1432, HAMMER,HAND
    PART: 39GP2TYPE3
    NSCM: 35068 - Canadian General Standards Board, Gatineau, QC, CA
    PART: H-133-12
    NSCM: 79202 - Warwood tool Company, Wheeling, WV, US
    Line17, GSIN: N5120, 5120-21-108-7563, JACK, RACK BAR, 
    Part Number: 1528, 
    NSCM: 18740 - Yale Industrial Products Inc., Charlotte, NC, US
    Line18, GSIN: N5120, 5120-21-112-4726, HAMMER, HAND
    PART: 5911A15
    NSCM: 39428 - McMaster-Carr Supply Company, Elmhurst, IL, US
    PART: 31005
    NSCM: 89063 - Garland Manufacturing Company, Saco, ME, US
    PART: CR5
    NSCM: 80201 - SKF USA Inc., Elgin, IL, US
    PART: CRM5
    NSCM: 80201 - SKF USA Inc., Elgin, IL, US
    Line19, GSIN: N5130, 5130-01-299-0175, UNIVERSAL JOINT, SOCKET
    Part Number: IP82, 
    NSCM: 55719 - IDSC Holdings, LLC, Kenosha, WI, USA
    Line20, GSIN: N5140, 5140-21-896-7287, BAG, TOOL, 
    Part Number: 8390213, 
    NSCM: 35907 - Director General Land Equipment, Ottawa, ON, CA
    Line26, GSIN: N5325, 5325-21-910-0758, RING, RETAINING, 
    Part Number: AB79A, 
    NSCM: K0284 - Storey Thomas (Engineers) Ltd., Weybridge, SY, GB
    Line29, GSIN: N5420, 5420-21-103-4607, BALANCED BEAM ASSEMBLY
    PART: EN1141
    NSCM: K0243-Ministry of Defence (Army) HQ Engin,
    Stratford-Upon-Avon, WA, GB 
    Line37, GSIN: N8105, 8105-21-914-2768, BAG,TEXTILE
    PART: MEXE27319
    NSCM: U0795 - QINETIQ, Chertsey, SY, GB
    PART: A430903-FG-01
    NSCM: 3AK58 - RWM Tech Ltd., Ottawa, ON, CA
    PART: MEXEC27319
    NSCM: K0973 -Ministry of Defence, ChristChurch, DO, GB 
    Line38, GSIN: N5306, 5306-21-103-4619, BOLT, TEE HEAD
    PART: APC1092
    NSCM: 3AG42 - Acrow Ltd., Bolton, ON, CA
    PART: EN1007
    NSCM: K0973 - Ministry of Defence, ChristChurch, DO, GB
    Line39, GSIN: N5420, 5420-21-103-4776, RIBAND, 
    Part Number: APC 1091, 
    NSCM: 3AG42 - Acrow Ltd., Bolton, ON, CA
    Line40, GSIN: N5420, 5420-21-902-3219, CHESS, Part
    NSCM:35907  -  Director General Land Equipment, Ottawa, ON, CA
    Line 41, NATO Stock Number (NSN) 5280-20-007-0606, GAGE SET,
    INSPECTION.  Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON (3AG42) part number (P/N)
    1909, or equal.
    Line 42, NSN 5305-21-914-9317, SCREW, CAP, HEXAGON HEAD.  Acrow
    Ltd., Bolton ON (3AG42) P/N APC1095, or equal.
    Line 43, NSN 5306-21-910-1703, BOLT BLANK.  Acrow Ltd., Bolton
    ON (3AG42) P/N APC546ML, or equal.
    Line 44, NSN 5310-21-914-5834, NUT, PLAIN, HEXAGON.  Acrow Ltd.,
    Bolton ON (3AG42) P/N APC584-A, or equal.
    Line 45, NSN 5315-21-910-1047, PIN, LOCK.  Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON
    (3AG42) P/N APC584ML-A, or equal.
    Line 46, NSN 5315-21-912-5911, PIN, STRAIGHT, HEADED.  Acrow
    Ltd., Bolton ON (3AG42) P/N APC1004, or equal.
    Line 47, NSN 5315-21-913-5808, PIN, STRAIGHT, HEADED.  Acrow
    Ltd., Bolton ON (3AG42) P/N APC1002C, or equal.
    Line 48, NSN 5315-21-913-5809, PIN, LOCK.  Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON
    (3AG42) P/N APC1002D, or equal.
    Line 49, NSN 5325-21-913-3247, RING, RETAINING.  Acrow Ltd.,
    Bolton ON (3AG42) P/N AB52, or equal.
    Line 50, NSN 5420-20-001-7180, ROCKING ROLLER TEMPLATE.  Acrow
    Ltd., Bolton ON (3AG42) P/N APC 2061, or equal.
    Line 51, NSN 5420-20-001-7182, ACROW PLAIN ROLLER, TEMPLATE. 
    Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON (3AG42) P/N APC 2060-BB58, or equal.
    Line 52, NSN 5420-21-256-9431, PIN.  Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON
    (3AG42) P/N APC 1002-A, or equal.
    Line 53, NSN 5420-21-910-1034, BRACKET, CARRYING BAR.  Acrow
    Ltd., Bolton ON (3AG42) P/N APC1003, or equal.
    Line 54, NSN 5420-21-910-1035, PEDESTAL, RAMP.  Acrow Ltd.,
    Bolton ON (3AG42) P/N APC1002, or equal.
    Line 55, NSN 5420-21-910-1036, STRINGER, BRIDGE.  Acrow Ltd.,
    Bolton ON (3AG42) P/N APC1001, or equal.
    Line 56, NSN 5420-21-910-1037, STRINGER, BRIDGE.  Acrow Ltd.,
    Bolton ON (3AG42) P/N APC1000, or equal.
    Line 57, NSN 5420-21-913-5327, PIN, PANEL, BRIDGE.  Acrow Ltd.,
    Bolton ON (3AG42) P/N AB51, or equal.
    Line 58, NSN 5420-21-913-6799, BASE, RAMP PEDESTAL.  Acrow Ltd.,
    Bolton ON (3AG42) P/N APC 1002 A, or equal.
    Line 59, NSN 5420-21-920-1756, BRIDGE ERECTION SET,, FIXED
    BRIDGE.  Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON (3AG42) P/N LE332 MOD1, or equal.
    Line 60, NSN 5420-21-920-1938, ROLLER GUIDE.  Acrow Ltd., Bolton
    ON (3AG42) P/N APC 1098, or equal.
    Line 61, NSN 5420-21-920-7441, GATE.  Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON
    (3AG42) P/N APC 1002-B, or equal.
    Line 62, NSN 5420-21-920-9286, ROCKING ROLLER.  Acrow Ltd.,
    Bolton ON (3AG42) P/N APC2002-A, or equal.
    Line 63, NSN 5420-21-920-9297, PLAIN ROLLER.  Acrow Ltd., Bolton
    ON (3AG42) P/N APC2001-A, or equal.
    Line 64, NSN 9520-21-914-2000, BEAM, STRUCTURAL.  Acrow Ltd.,
    Bolton ON (3AG42) P/N APC1094, or equal.
    Line 65, NSN 5420-99-027-0788, BEARING.  Mabey Bridge Limited,
    UK (U7336) P/N AB587; or Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON (3AG42)P/N AB587,
    or equal.
    Line 66, NSN 5420-99-083-2237, BRACE, RAKER.  Mabey Bridge
    Limited, UK (U7336) P/N  AB513; or Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON (3AG42)
    P/N AB513, or equal.
    Line 67, NSN 5420-99-110-2036, BRACKET, JACKING.  Mabey Bridge
    Limited, UK (U7336) P/N AB647; or Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON (3AG42)
    P/N AB647, or equal.
    Line 68, NSN 5420-99-125-8698, BRACE, SWAY.  Mabey Bridge
    Limited, UK (U7336) P/N AB516; or Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON (3AG42)
    P/N AB516, or equal.
    Line 69, NSN 5420-99-129-8911, END POST.  Mabey Bridge Limited,
    UK (U7336) P/N AB706; or Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON (3AG42) P/N
    AB706, or equal.
    Line 70, NSN 5420-99-156-4407, CHORD, REINFORCEMENT.  Mabey
    Bridge Limited, UK (U7336) P/N AB622; or Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON
    (3AG42) P/N AB622, or equal.
    Line 71, NSN 5420-99-375-3339, END POST.  Mabey Bridge Limited,
    UK (U7336) P/N AB705; or Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON (3AG42) P/N
    AB705, or equal.
    Line 72, NSN 5420-99-376-2516, BRACE, TRANSOM.  Mabey Bridge
    Limited, UK (U7336) P/N AB518; or Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON (3AG42)
    P/N AB518, or equal.
    Line 73, NSN 5420-99-411-1139, BRACE, TOP CHORD.  Mabey Bridge
    Limited, UK (U7336) P/N AB522; or Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON (3AG42)
    P/N AB522, or equal.
    Line 74, NSN 5420-99-728-6695, BRACE, PLAN.  Mabey Bridge
    Limited, UK (U7336) P/N AB514; or Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON (3AG42)
    P/N AB514, or equal.
    Line 75, NSN 5420-99-731-5631, RAKER.  Mabey Bridge Limited, UK
    (U7336) P/N AB703; or
    Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON (3AG42) P/N AB703, or equal.
    Line 76, NSN 5420-99-957-0795, BASEPLATE.  Mabey Bridge Limited,
    UK (U7336) P/N AB009; or Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON (3AG42) P/N
    AB0009, or equal.
    Line 77, NSN 5420-99-968-0388, CHORD, TAPER.  Mabey Bridge
    Limited, UK (U7336) P/N  AB662; or Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON (3AG42)
    P/N AB662, or equal.
    Line 78, NSN 9520-99-300-7598, BEAM, STRUCTURAL.  Mabey Bridge
    Limited, UK (U7336) P/N AB507; or Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON (3AG42)
    P/N AB507, or equal.
    Line 79, NSN 5420-99-477-5880, CHORD, TAPER.  Mabey Bridge
    Limited, UK (U7336) P/N AB663, or Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON (3AG42)
    P/N APC 1083 or AB663, or equal.
    Line 80, NSN 5420-99-496-1348, LINK, LAUNCHING.  Mabey Bridge
    Limited, UK (U7336) P/N AB654; or Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON (3AG42)
    P/N APC 1080 or AB654, or equal.
    Line 81, NSN 5420-99-527-3485, PANEL, BRIDGE.  Acrow Ltd.,
    Bolton ON (3AG42) P/N AB701A1, or equal.
    Line 82, NSN 5315-99-496-1295, PIN, GROOVED, HEADLESS.  Mabey
    Bridge Limited, UK (U7336) P/N AB079; or Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON
    (3AG42) P/N AB079, or equal.
    Line 83, NSN 5306-99-016-0835, BOLT, SHOULDER.  Mabey Bridge
    Limited, UK (U7336) P/N AB584HAD; or Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON
    (3AG42) P/N AB584HAD, or equal.
    Line 84, NSN 5306-99-257-7542, BOLT, MACHINE.  Mabey Bridge
    Limited, UK (U7336) P/N AB536HAD; or Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON
    (3AG42) P/N AB536HAD; or equal.
    Line 85, NSN 5306-99-304-5228, BOLT, MACHINE.  Mabey Bridge
    Limited, UK (U7336) P/N AB547HAD; or Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON
    (3AG42) P/N AB547HAD, or equal.
    Line 86, NSN 5306-99-619-2203, BOLT, MACHINE.  Mabey Bridge
    Limited, UK (U7336) P/N AB549HAD; or Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON
    (3AG42) P/N AB549HAD, or equal.
    Line 87, NSN 5306-99-794-9761, BOLT, MACHINE.  Mabey Bridge
    Limited, UK (U7336) P/N AB548HAD; or Acrow Ltd., Bolton ON
    (3AG42) P/N AB548HAD, or equal.
    The Contractor must ship the goods FCA Plant
    Alternate or equivalent parts will be considered
    Delivery Date: Above-mentioned
    The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any
    Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada.

    Contract duration

    Refer to the description above for full details.

    Trade agreements

    • World Trade Organization Agreement on Government Procurement (WTO GPA)
    • Canada-Panama Free Trade Agreement
    • Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT)
    • Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement
    • Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement (CPFTA)
    • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

    Partner with another business

    The functionality to add your company name to the list of interested businesses is temporarily unavailable.

    This list does not replace or affect the tendering procedures for this procurement process. Businesses are still required to respond to bid solicitations, and to compete based on the set criteria. For more information please read the Terms of use.

    Contact information

    Contracting organization

    Public Works and Government Services Canada
    11 Laurier St, Phase III, Place du Portage
    Gatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5
    Contracting authority
    Turner, Louie
    (819) 956-3975 ( )
    (819) 956-5227
    11 Laurier St./11, rue Laurier
    7A2, Place du Portage, Phase III
    Gatineau, Québec, K1A 0S5

    Buying organization(s)

    Department of National Defence
    101 Colonel By Dr
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1A0K2
    Bidding details

    Full details regarding this tender opportunity are available in the documents below. Click on the document name to download the file. Contact the contracting officer if you have any questions regarding these documents.

    Tender documents
    Document title Amendment no. Language Unique downloads Date added

    Access the Getting started page for details on how to bid, and more.

    Eligibility and terms and conditions

    Government of Canada tender and awards notices, solicitation documents, and other attachments are fully accessible and available free of charge and without having to register on CanadaBuys.

    Information may be available on another source prior to being available on CanadaBuys. You may have received this information through a third-party distributor. The Government of Canada is not responsible for any tender notices and/or related documents and attachments not accessed directly from

    Government of Canada tender or award notices carry an OpenGovernment License - Canada that governs its use. Related solicitation documents and/or tender attachments are copyright protected. Please refer to our terms and conditions page for more information.

    Summary information

    Notice type
    Request for Proposal
    English, French
    Region(s) of delivery
    Quebec (except NCR)
    Commodity - GSIN
    Click the links below to see a list of notices associated with the GSIN codes.

    Support for small and medium businesses

    If you have questions about this tender opportunity, please contact the contracting officer, whose information is found in the Contact information tab. 

    Refer to our Support page if you need help or have questions about the government procurement process, including how to bid or how to register in SAP Ariba. You can also contact Procurement Assistance Canada, which has offices across Canada.


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