Mercury Analyzer
Solicitation number K8C13-180389/A
Publication date
Closing date and time 2017/11/29 14:00 EST
Trade Agreement: NAFTA / CFTA / FTAs with Peru / Colombia / Panama / Korea Tendering Procedures: Generally only one firm has been invited to bid Non-Competitive Procurement Strategy: Government Objectives Representing Best Interests/Value to Govt Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement: No Vendor Name and Address: Brooks Rand Ltd 3958, 6th Avenue NW Seattle Washington United States 98107 Nature of Requirements: Joseph, Marc Telephone No. - (514) 496-3666 Fax No. - (514) 496-3822 1. Advance Contract Award Notice (ACAN) An ACAN is a public notice indicating to the supplier community that a department or agency intends to award a contract for goods, services or construction to a pre-identified supplier, thereby allowing other suppliers to signal their interest in bidding, by submitting a statement of capabilities. If no supplier submits a statement of capabilities that meets the requirements set out in the ACAN, on or before the closing date stated in the ACAN, the contracting officer may then proceed with the award to the pre-identified supplier. 2. Definition of the requirement The Department of Environment Canada must purchase a mercury analyzer with an atomic fluorescence detector. This instrument will be used for the analysis of mercury at ultra-trace levels in water samples, filtered or not The Technical specifications of the mercury Analyzer are as follows: 1.1 Perform measurements of total mercury in filtered and un-filtered water using a device designed to work pre-concentration with gold amalgam traps to meet the requirements of the internationally recognized EPA method 1631. 1.2 Maintain or improve the current laboratory detection limit of 0.03 ng / L for a liquid sample of approximately 45 mL. 1.3 Increase laboratory productivity by allowing parallel use of two gold amalgam traps for pre-concentration of samples. 1.4 Increase laboratory productivity through the use of an autosampler. 1.5 Store samples in sealed vials at all times, even in the autosampler, which should allow the use of closed vials with a septum. The analyzes are done in a clean room where ventilation is very strong, and our sample groups sometimes include a mixture of very diluted samples and highly concentrated samples. An autosampler with open flasks placed in a closed chamber is not adequate. 1.6 Purge volatile mercury directly into sample vials without liquid transfer. Given the large variations in concentration in the samples we are analyzing, we need to reduce contamination from a concentrated sample, and this configuration is the only way to meet this need. Direct purge is also desired because it reduces the amount of reagents used and waste generated, eliminate the use of pumps and a gas-liquid separator, and simplify the maintenance of the device. 1.7 Have a modular construction, with the detector in a separate module of the sample processing module, and to adapt the instrument for the measurement of methyl mercury. The LEEQ also carries out measurements of methyl mercury, and it is possible that in the future we would like to adapt the mercury analyzer for the direct measurement of methyl mercury. A modular construction will allow us to use the instrument for the direct measurement of methyl mercury by purchasing only a new sample processing module, and by reusing the other components (detector, autosampler, independent control system and software). 1.8 Have software that can handle all system operations, which allows the transfer of data into a database or spreadsheet, and operates under Windows 10. 3. Criteria for assessment of the Statement of Capabilities (Minimum Essential Requirements) Any interested supplier must demonstrate by way of a statement of capabilities that its product meets the following requirements: (See Technical specifications of the Mercury Analyzer at point 2) 4. Applicability of the trade agreement(s) to the procurement This procurement is subject to the following trade agreement(s) o Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) o North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 5. Justification for the Pre-Identified Supplier Environment Canada believes that the only product on the market that can meet their needs as defined below is the one offered by the company Brooks Rand supplier and meets all of the following requirements: - meet the requirements of EPA Method 1631; - detection limit; - use of two gold amalgam traps; - use of an autosampler - sealed vials; - purge in sealed vials; - modular system compatible with our methyl mercury system; - have software that can handle all the mercury system operations and export the data. Brooks Rand develops and manufactures their instrument (IP) and they are better equiped to provide effective technical support. This type of instrument is highly specialized and the number of existing devices is limited, which allows a comprehensive analysis of the market. 6. Government Contracts Regulations Exception(s) The following exception(s) to the Government Contracts Regulations is (are) invoked for this procurement under subsection 6(d) - "only one person is capable of performing the work". 7. Exclusions and/or Limited Tendering Reasons The following exclusion(s) and/or limited tendering reasons are invoked under the o Canadian Free Trade Agreement: Article(s) 513.b).III and 513.b).V o North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) - Article(s) 1016.2 (b) 8. Period of the proposed contract or delivery date The product must be delivered as soon as possible or by the latest date of March 31st, 2018. 9. Cost estimate of the proposed contract The estimated value of the contract, including option(s), is between 50 000$ and 80 000$ (GST/HST extra) 10. Name and address of the pre-identified supplier Brooks Rand Instruments; 4415, 6th ave NW Seatle, WA - 98107 - USA 11. Suppliers' right to submit a statement of capabilities Suppliers who consider themselves fully qualified and available to provide the goods, services or construction services described in the ACAN may submit a statement of capabilities in writing to the contact person identified in this notice on or before the closing date of this notice. The statement of capabilities must clearly demonstrate how the supplier meets the advertised requirements. 12. Closing date for a submission of a statement of capabilities The closing date and time for accepting statements of capabilities is: November 29th 2017 at 2 Pm 13. Inquiries and submission of statements of capabilities Marc JOSEPH Senior Supply Officer Public Services and Procurement Canada Place Bonaventure, 1st Floor 800 de la Gauchetière Street West, Suite 1110 Montreal (QC), H5A 1L6 By facsimile: (514) 496-3822 E-mail: Delivery Date: Above-mentioned You are hereby notified that the government intends to negotiate with one firm only as identified above. Should you have any questions concerning this requirement, contact the contracting officer identified above. An Advance Contract Award Notice (ACAN) allows departments and agencies to post a notice, for no less than fifteen (15) calendar days, indicating to the supplier community that it intends to award a good, service or construction contract to a pre-identified contractor. If no other supplier submits, on or before the closing date, a Statement of Capabilities that meets the requirements set out in the ACAN, the contracting authority may then proceed with the award. However, should a Statement of Capabilities be found to meet the requirements set out in the ACAN, then the contracting authority will proceed to a full tendering process. Suppliers who consider themselves fully qualified and available to provide the services/goods described herein, may submit a statement of capabilities in writing to the contact person identified in this Notice on or before the closing date of this Notice. The statement of capabilities must clearly demonstrate how the supplier meets the advertised requirements. The PWGSC file number, the contracting officer's name and the closing date of the ACAN must appear on the outside of the envelope in block letters or, in the case of a facsimile transmission, on the covering page. The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement. Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada.
Contract duration
Refer to the description above for full details.
Trade agreements
Canada-Panama Free Trade Agreement
Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement (CKFTA)
Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA)
Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement
Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement (CPFTA)
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Contact information
Contracting organization
- Organization
Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Address
11 Laurier St, Phase III, Place du PortageGatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5Canada
- Contracting authority
- Joseph, Marc
- Phone
- (514) 496-3666 ( )
- Email
- Fax
- (514) 496-3822
- Address
Place Bonaventure,
800 rue de la Gauchetière Ouest
Voir aux présentes - See hereinMontréal, Québec, H5A 1L6
Buying organization(s)
- Organization
Environment Canada
Bidding details
Details for this tender opportunity are provided in the Description tab.
Please contact the contracting officer to get the full solicitation documentation, access information on how to bid, or if you have any questions regarding this tender opportunity.
Note that there may be fees to access the documents or bid. These should be outlined in the Description tab.
We recommend that you contact the contracting officer as soon as possible, as there may be deadlines for receiving questions.