Inductively-Coupled Plasma Triple Quad Mass Spectrophotometer System (ICP-QQQ-MS)
Solicitation number H4004-163491/A
Publication date
Closing date and time 2016/12/06 14:00 EST
Trade Agreement: WTO-AGP/NAFTA/AIT/Canada FTAs with Peru/Colombia/Panama Tendering Procedures: Generally only one firm has been invited to bid Non-Competitive Procurement Strategy: Exclusive Rights Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement: No Vendor Name and Address: Agilent Technologies Canada Inc. 6705 Millcreek Unit 5 Mississauga Ontario Canada L5N5M4 Nature of Requirements: Inductively-Coupled Plasma Triple Quad Mass Spectrophotometer System (ICP-QQQ-MS) H4004-163491/A Marshall, Cindy Telephone No. - (905) 615-2077 ( ) Fax No. - (905) 615-2060 ( ) 1. An ACAN is a public notice indicating to the supplier community that a department or agency intends to award a contract for goods, services or construction to a pre-identified supplier, thereby allowing other suppliers to signal their interest in bidding, by submitting a statement of capabilities. If no supplier submits a statement of capabilities that meets the requirements set out in the ACAN, on or before the closing date stated in the ACAN, the contracting officer may then proceed with the award to the pre-identified supplier. 2. Definition of requirement Health Canada’s Ontario Health Products Laboratory located in Toronto has a requirement for the provision of an Inductively-Coupled Plasma Triple Quad Mass Spectrophotometer System (ICP-QQQ-MS) with a High Pressure Liquid Chromatography System (HPLC ICP MS/MS) in accordance with the Specification. The HPLC ICP MS/MS will be operated at Health Canada’s Health Products Laboratory, shared with the Food Laboratory, and used to collaborate with Lonqueuil Health Products Laboratory existing equipment and to share methods, SOP’s and expertise. The Tandem ICP-QQQ (triple quad) technology is critical for the provision of a complete range of interference management techniques for characterization and elimination of polyatomic, isobaric, wing overlaps, anddoubly charged interferences in the elemental analysis of our samples. The instrument will be used to verify compliance of the content of contaminants or toxic metals (Ex: Arsenic, Mercury, Chromium, Cadmium, Lead, etc.) to existing standards (total and species) in complex natural health and pharmaceutical products, separate and analyze minerals and iodine samples. 3. Criteria for assessment of the Statement of Capabilities (Minimum Essential Requirements) Any interested supplier must demonstratebyway of a statement of capabilities that its equipment meets the following requirements: Mandatory Operational Performance Requirements: The Ontario Health Products Laboratory and Food Laboratory require an HPLC-ICP-QQQ that meets all of the following specifications: 1 The ICP-MS purchased must be a true triple quad as defined by the international Union of Pure and Applied Chemists (IUPAC). IUPAC is an international authority in the definition of chemical terminology. By their definition,atriple quad is a tandem mass spectrometer comprising two transmission quadrupole mass spectrometers in series, with a non-resolving (RF only) quadrupole between them to act as a collision cell. References: & A. K. Shukla, J. H. Futrell. Mass Spectrom. Rev.12, 211 (1993) 2 The ICP-MS system must have a tandem ICP-QQQ (triple quad) configuration which consists of a Collision Reaction Cell between two quadrupole mass filters (QMF), each of 1 amu resolution. This configuration is critical for the provision of a complete range of interference management techniques for characterization and elimination of polyatomic, isobaric, wing overlaps, and doubly charged interferences in the elemental analysis of our samples. 3 The first filter must only allow a 1 AMU mass range for each analyzed compound to enter into the second filter (Reaction/collision cell). 4 The first QMF preceding the cell, Q1, and the second QMF after the cell, Q2, are independently controlled by system software to permit each and ALL of the following modes of operation: - QQQ operation: Q1 is set to admit only the target precursor ion with 1 amu mass resolution into the cell, and Q2 isset to measure only the product ion with 1 amu mass resolution. - Single Quad mode: Q1 acts as an Ion Guide, allowing all ions to the cell. - Precursor Ion Scan: Q2 is set to a single target mass; and Q1 Scans over a defined mass range, with 1 amu mass resolution, to select the precursor ions for entry into the Octopole cell. - Product Ion Scan: Q1 is set to allow only the target precursor ion; with 1 amu mass resolution, while Q2 is scanned to measure all the product ions formed in the cell. - Neutral Gain Scan: Q1 and Q2 are scanned together, with a user-defined mass difference on Q2, to allow monitoring of product ions from a particular transition for all ions in the Q1 scan range. For example: Q2 scans at Q1 + 16 amu (with Q1 at 1 amu mass resolution) for O-atom addition reactions. 5 The system must have a guaranteed abundance sensitivity specification of 10-10 based on 133Cs+. This specification eliminates bias arising from wing overlaps. This specification is important in the resolution of high bismuth tailing on 208Pb+. Only the QQQ eliminates this interference. Bismuth is found in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Pb is regulated by USP <232/233/2232>. 6 The first QMF selects a single mass-to-charge (m/z) ratio before the ions enterthe Collision Reaction Cell. This prevents the admission of co-existing ions from the plasma into the cell which either cause unwanted secondary reactions or interferes with the product. A quadrupole inside a cell filled by a reactive gas cannot function as a QMF. At best, it functions as a wide band pass or a low mass cut-off which is unable to reject the undesired precursor ions until they traverse a finite distance into the cell, forming reaction products that may interfere with the analyte. It is therefore imperative that the QMF is under vacuum and situated before the cell. 7 The abundance sensitivity must be 10-10 or better 8 The sensitivity for the following compounds must be achieved in order to obtain the lowest level of detection: Lithium 200 Mcps/mg/L Ytrium 700 Mcps/mg/L Thallium 400 Mcps/mg/L These sensitivities must be achieved with a Cerium Oxide level of 1.5% or lower 9 The following detection limits must be achieved for the stated integration time per sample (a)In the no-gas mode (integration time of 3 seconds) Beryllium 0.1 ng/L Indium 0.05 ng/L Uranium 0.05 ng/L (b) In the reaction mode with Oxygen (integration time of 3 seconds) Sulfur 50 ng/L Phosphorus 50 ng/L. (c) In Hydrogen mode (integration time of 10 seconds) Selenium 1 ng/L 10 Must have four mass flow controllers, with the provision to add a fifth. 11 The ICP-MS must meet the following performance application specifications, that are relevant to Health Canada’s core work: a. The system must be able to analyze 75As+ as 75As16O+ for better detection limits and to avoid interferences from 40Ca35Cl+ and 40Ar35Cl+. The As instrument detection limit (IDL), determined as three times the standard deviation of ten replicate measurements of 500 ppm Ca in 1% HCl, shall be 1 ppt or lower, using an integration time of 0.5s or less. A single-quadrupole ICP-MS using a band pass or a low mass cut-off in the cell cannot remove 56Fe35Cl+ without also removing 75As16O+. Iron (Fe) is ubiquitous and can be present at very high concentrations in pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, and food. Arsenic (As) is regulated by USP <232/233/2232>. b. Remove 1 ppm Mo interference (95Mo16O+) on 111Cd+ to less than 10 ppt 111Cd using an O2 andH2blend, with a 111Cd IDL of 2 ppt or better using an integration time of 0.5s or less. The IDL is defined as three times the standard deviation of ten replicate measurements of 1 ppm Mo under instrument conditions that deliver the low interferences. The first QMF prevents 95Mo+ from entering the cell which would otherwise react with O2 to create MoO. Molybdenum is found in dietary supplements, milk, cheese, cereal grains, legumes, nuts, leafy vegetables, and organ meats. Cd and Mo are regulated by USP<232/233/2232>. c. Remove 2 ppm W interference on 201Hg+ to less than 10 ppt 201Hg using an O2 and H2 blend, with a 201Hg IDL of 3ppt or better using an integration time of 0.5s or less. The IDL is defined as three times the standard deviation of ten replicate measurements of 2 ppm W under instrument conditions that deliver the low interferences. The first QMF prevents W+ from entering the cell which would otherwise react with O2 to create 184W17O+ and 183W18O+ and interfere with 201Hg+. Tungsten, W,has been found in some rice protein powders up to 10 ppm. Mercury (Hg) is regulated by USP <232/233/2232>. d. The system must be able to analyze mono-isotopic 51V+ as 51V16O+ using O2 in the cell to avoid interferences from 35Cl16O+ and for better detection limits. The V IDL, determined as three times the standard deviation of ten replicate measurements of 2% HCl, shall be 1 ppt or lower, using an integration time of 0.5s or less. A single-quadrupole ICP-MS using a band pass or a low mass cut-off in thecell cannot remove 67Zn+ and 134Ba2+ without also removing 51V16O+. Vanadium (V) is regulated by USP <232/233/2232>. e. The system must be able to analyze 48Ti+ which has about ten times greater sensitivity and lower detection limits than Ti at masses47 and 49. 47Ti+ is interfered by 31P16O+, 49Ti+ is interfered by 24Mg25Mg+, and 48Ti+ is interfered by 24Mg24Mg+ and 48Ca+. By reacting Ti with ammonia, the Ti(NH3) 6+ adduct is measured at mass 150. Interferences on 48Ti+ from 100 ppm P+ shall be 1pptor less, from 100 ppm Mg+ shall be 1ppb or less, and from 100 ppm Ca+ shall be 0.1ppb or less. Titanium (Ti) is found in sunscreens and as a pigment in drug products. 12 The instrument must be coupled with a fully integrated HPLC system. 13 The instrument must have an octopole in the cell portion of the instrument that allows for collision and reaction events. 14 The Collision Reaction Cell has the following properties: - Accepts up to 4 cell gases, each fully and independently mass flow controlled, and allows mixing of different gases within the cell. - One of these gases must be pure hydrogen, which delivers a guaranteed 1 ppt detection limit for selenium. The use of pure hydrogen must be supported by the manufacturer. 15 The sampleintroduction system must have an integrated injection flow system with 1 mL sample loop made with Teflon and peek. 16 Must have a reliable on-line internal standard addition capability. 17 Must have an integrated flow injection system or equivalent. 18 The flow injection sample introduction system must have the capability to provide for a 20 second rinse time between samples (at 1 to 3 ml/min of 20% methanol) and 2 minutes of rinse time for 2% nitric acid. 19 The flow injection system tubing and T mixing connectors must not contain any PVC or latex joints. 20 The instrument must be provided with an integrated autosampler with teflon coated carbide probe (ID 0.8 mm) 21 The electronic background must be 0.2 counts per second (cps) or less on Masses 9 and 238. 22 Detector must be EM dual mode detector offering a minimum of 10 orders LDR 23 The total analysis time per sample must not be longer than 5 minutes for a 60 isotope bundle. 24 Must include Software that allows a user to operate the instrument and process data. 25 Must include Training and familiarization for 4 participants. 4. Applicability of the trade agreement(s) to the procurement This procurement is subject to the following trade agreement(s): - AgreementonInternal Trade (AIT) - World Trade Organization - Agreement on Government Procurement (WTO-AGP) - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 5. Justification for the Pre-Identified Supplier The only known supplier of an ICP-MS system with a triple quad configuration, meeting all the above required technical specifications is Agilent Technologies. For this reason, it is proposed to negotiate this requirement with Agilent Technologies. 6. Government Contracts Regulations Exception(s) The following exception to the Government Contracts Regulations is invoked for this procurement under subsection 6(d) - "only one person is capable of performing the work. 7. Exclusions and/or Limited Tendering Reasons The following exclusion(s) and/orlimited tendering reasons are invoked under the: Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT) Article 506.12.b - where there is an absence of competition for technical reasons and the goods or services can be supplied only by a particular supplier and no alternativeor substitute exists; (CAP code 71) North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Article 1016.2.b - where, for works of art, or for reasons connected with the protection of patents, copyrights or other exclusive rights, or proprietary informationor where there is an absence of competition for technical reasons, the goods or services can be supplied only by a particular supplier and no reasonable alternative or substitute exists; (CAP Code 71) World Trade Organization - Agreement on Government Procurement (WTO-AGP) Article XV1.(b) when, for works of art or for reasons connected with protection of exclusive rights, such as patents or copyrights, or in the absence of competition for technical reasons, the products or services can be supplied only by a particular supplier and no reasonable alternative or substitute exists.(CAP Code 71) 8. The period of the proposed contract or the delivery date(s) The equipment must be delivered on or before March 31, 2017. 9. A cost estimate of the proposedcontract The estimated value of the contract, including option(s), is $434,950.81 (GST/HST extra). 10. Name and address of the pre-identified supplier: Name: Agilent Technologies Address: 6705 Millcreek Drive, Unit 5, Mississauga, ON, Canada L5N 5M4 11. Suppliers' right to submit a statement of capabilities Suppliers who consider themselves fully qualified and available to provide the goods, services or construction services described in the ACAN, may submit a statement of capabilities in writing to the contact person identified in this notice on or before the closing date of this notice. The statement of capabilities must clearly demonstrate how the supplier meets the advertised requirements. 12. The closing date for a submission of a statement of capabilities. The closing date and time for accepting statements of capabilities is December 06, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. EST 13. Inquiries and submission of statements of capabilities Inquiries and statements of capabilities are tobe directed to: Name: Cindy Marshall Title: Supply Specialist Organization: Public Works and Government Services Canada Acquisitions Branch Ontario Region 33 City Centre Drive, Suite 480C Mississauga, ON L5B 2N5 Telephone: (905) 615-2077 Facsimile: (905) 615-2060 E-mail address: Delivery Date: Above-mentioned You are hereby notified that the government intends to negotiate with one firm only as identified above. Should you have any questions concerning this requirement, contact the contracting officer identified above. An Advance Contract Award Notice (ACAN) allows departments and agencies to post a notice, for no less than fifteen (15) calendar days, indicating to the supplier community that it intends to award a good, service or construction contract to a pre-identified contractor. If no other supplier submits, on or before the closing date, a Statement of Capabilities that meets the requirements set out in the ACAN, the contracting authority may then proceed with the award. However, should a Statement of Capabilities be found to meet the requirements set out in the ACAN, then the contracting authority will proceed to a full tendering process. Suppliers who consider themselves fully qualified and available to provide the services/goods described herein, may submit a statement of capabilities in writing to the contact person identified in this Notice on or before the closing date of this Notice. The statement of capabilities must clearly demonstrate how the supplier meets the advertised requirements. The PWGSC file number, the contracting officer's name and the closing date of the ACAN must appear on the outside of the envelope in block letters or, in the case of a facsimile transmission, on the covering page. The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement. Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada.
Contract duration
Refer to the description above for full details.
Trade agreements
World Trade Organization Agreement on Government Procurement (WTO GPA)
Canada-Panama Free Trade Agreement
Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT)
Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement
Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement (CPFTA)
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Reason for limited tendering
A contracting officer can use limited tendering for specific reasons outlined in the applicable trade agreements. The reason for this contract is described below:
Exclusive Rights
Contact information
Contracting organization
- Organization
Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Address
11 Laurier St, Phase III, Place du PortageGatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5Canada
- Contracting authority
- Marshall, Cindy
- Phone
- (905) 615-2077 ( )
- Fax
- (905) 615-2060
- Address
Ontario Region
33 City Centre Drive
Suite 480Mississauga, Ontario, L5B 2N5
Buying organization(s)
- Organization
Health Canada
- Address
Address Locator 0900C2Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0K9Canada
Bidding details
Details for this tender opportunity are provided in the Description tab.
Please contact the contracting officer to get the full solicitation documentation, access information on how to bid, or if you have any questions regarding this tender opportunity.
Note that there may be fees to access the documents or bid. These should be outlined in the Description tab.
We recommend that you contact the contracting officer as soon as possible, as there may be deadlines for receiving questions.