Temporary Help Services
Solicitation number E60ZN-110002/C
Publication date
Closing date and time 2013/04/16 14:00 EDT
Last amendment date
Trade Agreement: Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT) Tendering Procedures: All interested suppliers may submit a bid Attachment: YES (MERX) Electronic Competitive Procurement Strategy: Best Overall Proposal Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement: No Nature of Requirements: NOTICE OF PROPOSED PROCUREMENT FOR REQUEST FOR STANDING OFFER (RFSO) TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES (THS) FOR Public Works and Government Services Canada Identified Users in the National Capital Area PWGSC FILE NO.: E60ZN-110002/C Offerors interested in submitting an Offer may order the Request for Standing Offer (RFSO) documents and follow all the instructions within. Notice Of Proposed Procurement (NPP) Temporary Help Services (THS) For Public Works and Government Services Canada Identified Users in the National Capital Area TITLE: REQUEST FOR STANDING OFFERS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES BACKGROUND: The procurement tool of Temporary Help Services (THS) in the National Capital Area (NCA) is made up of two methods of supply which include a Standing Offer(SO) and a Supply Arrangement (SA). The solicitation for the THS Request For Supply Arrangement is also presently posted on MERX, solicitation number EN578-060502/F. This solicitation is to replace the Standing Offers issued under RFSO no. E60ZN-110002/A and E60ZN-110002/B and to incorporate the latest revisions to the Code of Conduct introduced by PWGSC in November 2012. For information on the integrity measures introduced by PWGSC, please access: https://buyandsell.gc.ca/public-works-and-government-services-can ada-revises-integrity-measures. This solicitation is an opportunity for Offerors who have a Standing Offer issued under RFSO no. E60ZN-110002/A and E60ZN-110002/B to submit a new offer to qualify to provide services described in the Standing Offer. These Offerors will have an opportunity to qualify for classifications, streams and/or sub-streams for which they did not bid or were found not qualified under the terms and conditions of RFSO E60ZN-110002/A and E60ZN-110002/B. New Offerors are invited to submit an offer to qualify to provide the services described in the Standing Offer. This solicitation will also provide an opportunity for Offerors who are issued a SO under this solicitation (RFSO no. E60ZN-110002/C) to qualify for additional classifications, streams and/or sub-streams to be added to its Standing Offer. REQUIREMENT: Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) invites interested Offerors to respond to the Request for Standing Offer (RFSO) for the provision of THS to be provided for the NCA. PWGSC intends to issue Multiple Standing Offers for THS to be provided in the NCA as a result of this solicitation. Temporary Help Services (THS) includes five (5) streams of services; Stream 1 Office Support Stream 2 Administrative Services Stream 3 Operational Services Stream 4 Technical Services Stream 5 Professional Services Individual call-ups against the Standing Offer must not exceed the financial limitation of $400,000.00 (Travel expenses, Goods and Services Tax or Harmonized Sales Tax, overtime and all amendments included) and should not exceed the time limitation of 48 consecutive weeks (including all absences, and all subsequent amendments), whichever of the two limitations comes first. SECURITY REQUIREMENT: There is a security requirement associated with this requirement. For additional information, refer to Part 6 - Security, Financial and Insurance Requirements and Part 7 - Standing Offer and Resulting Contract Clauses. SET-ASIDE PROGRAM FOR ABORIGINAL BUSINESS (APPLICABLE ONLY TO A PORTION OF THE RFSO): A portion of this procurement has been set aside under the federal government's Set-Aside Program for Aboriginal Business (SPAB). In order to be considered, firms must certify that they qualify as an Aboriginal business as defined in the SPAB and they will comply with all requirements of the SPAB. Where an Offeror wishes its Offer to be considered for set aside for Aboriginal business under the federal governments Set-Aside Program for Aboriginal Business, Offerors must complete and sign the certification in Part 5 - Certifications of the RFSO. LOCATION OF SERVICES: Standing Offers will be issued to Qualified Offerors in the National Capital Area (NCA). The NCA boundary for PWGSC is recognized as the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton boundary on the Ontario side and the Outaouais Regional Community on the Quebec side. OFFICIAL LANGUAGES: The services to be provided will be delivered in one or both of the two official languages of Canada according to the requirements of the Identified User issuing a Call-up against the Standing Offer. MANDATORY CRITERIA: Offerors must ensure that their offer provides sufficient evidence for Canada to assess the compliance of their offer with the mandatory requirements as indicated in the RFSO document. SELECTION METHODOLOGY: Offerors will be required to meet all the mandatory requirements. Offers failing to meet these conditions will be considered non-compliant and will be given no further consideration. The Offeror selection will be conducted for each Classification. All Offerors who are compliant with all mandatory requirements will be authorized for issuance of a Standing Offer and will become Qualified Offerors. A single Standing Offer will be issued to Aboriginal Offerors who qualify for both Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Procurements. No limit will be set on the number of Standing Offers to be issued. TECHNICAL RESPONSE TEMPLATE: Offerors should use the modified response template listed below in the preparation of their offer for both the hard and soft copy. RFSO Technical Response Template Electronic File Name: Attachment 1 to Part 3 - RFSO Technical Response Template.xls The RFSO Technical Response Template has been posted on MERX and is available for download. INFORMATION REGARDING RFSO: Information regarding the RFSO can be obtained from the THS team members listed below: Lan Mao Supply Specialist Telephone: (819) 956-8465 E-mail: dgasat.acqbths@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca Carla Schonauer Supply Officer Telephone: (819) 956-1534 Email: dgasat.acqbths@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca STANDING OFFER AUTHORITY: Stephanie Riley Public Works and Government Services Canada Acquisitions Branch Professional Services Business Initiatives Directorate Portage III 11C1 11 Laurier Street Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0S5 Telephone: (819) 956-1678 Facsimile: (819) 997-2229 E-mail address: dgasat.acqbths@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca Delivery Date: Above-mentioned The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement. Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada.
Contract duration
Refer to the description above for full details.
Trade agreements
Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT)
Contact information
Contracting organization
- Organization
Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Address
11 Laurier St, Phase III, Place du PortageGatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5Canada
- Contracting authority
- Riley, Stephanie
- Phone
- (819) 956-1678 ( )
- Fax
- (819) 997-2229
- Address
11 Laurier St. / 11, rue Laurier
Place du Portage, 11C1
Phase III, Tower CGatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5
Buying organization(s)
- Organization
Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Address
11 Laurier St, Phase III, Place du PortageGatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5Canada
Bidding details
Full details regarding this tender opportunity are available in the documents below. Click on the document name to download the file. Contact the contracting officer if you have any questions regarding these documents.
Document title | Amendment no. | Language | Unique downloads | Date added |
ABES.PROD.BK__ZN.B002.E25456.EBSU005.PDF | 005 |
5 | |
ABES.PROD.BK__ZN.B002.E25456.EBSU002.PDF | 002 |
4 | |
ABES.PROD.BK__ZN.B002.E25456.EBSU001.PDF | 001 |
14 | |
ABES.PROD.BK__ZN.B002.E25456.EBSU000.PDF | 000 |
37 | |
ABES.PROD.BK__ZN.B002.E25456.EBSU003.PDF | 003 |
1 | |
ABES.PROD.BK__ZN.B002.E25456.EBSU004.PDF | 004 |
1 | |
ABES.PROD.BK__ZN.B002.F25456.EBSU001.PDF | 001 |
4 | |
ABES.PROD.BK__ZN.B002.F25456.EBSU005.PDF | 005 |
2 | |
ABES.PROD.BK__ZN.B002.F25456.EBSU000.PDF | 000 |
6 | |
ABES.PROD.BK__ZN.B002.F25456.EBSU003.PDF | 003 |
0 | |
ABES.PROD.BK__ZN.B002.F25456.EBSU002.PDF | 002 |
1 | |
ABES.PROD.BK__ZN.B002.F25456.EBSU004.PDF | 004 |
0 |
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