SAP Ariba system maintenance

SAP Ariba will be unavailable for scheduled maintenance at the times listed below. We apologize for any inconvenience.

  • Saturday, February 08 from 7:00 pm until 11:00 pm (Eastern Time) 

Tender opportunities

Browse the list of tender opportunities and sign up for notifications to stay up to date. To download contracting information posted on CanadaBuys and contract history: 

Notice categories:

10 of 13237
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Atlantic Salmon Enumeration Activities on Harry’s River Services 2014/04/17
2014/04/25 Fisheries and Oceans Canada
CONCESSION SERVICES AT HARRIS PARK 2025/02/05 2025/02/20 City of Pitt Meadows
Harris Park Shoreline Restoration Construction 2024/06/27
2024/06/18 City Of London
Concession Services Harris Park 2024/11/12
2024/11/14 City of Pitt Meadows
L3Harris Radio Equipment Goods 2023/01/19
2023/01/26 Public Safety and Emergency Services
2024/08/06 City of Pitt Meadows
Harry Stevens Building Renovations Construction 2013/06/06
2013/06/07 Public Works and Government Services…
Harris & Glenmore Road Storm Pipe Re-alignment 2023/02/03 2023/02/28 City of Abbotsford
NPP for Harris Radio System Components Goods 2023/02/08
2023/02/15 Public Safety and Emergency Services
Harry Bailey Aquatic Centre Renovations Construction 2024/06/06
2024/06/06 City of Saskatoon
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 6167
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
i2 Analyst Laptop Licenses - Harris Computer Corporation Goods 2023/10/31
2023/10/31 Department of Industry (ISED)
Logiciel Analysts Notebook-i2 N. Harris computer Corporation Goods 2023/10/31
2023/10/31 Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
M2989-232944 HARRIS I2 RENEWAL Goods 2023/10/31
2023/10/31 Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
i2 Harris - RCMP - Maintenance and Support Services 2023/10/31
2023/10/31 Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
i2 Harris - RCMP - Subscription, Maintenance and Support Services 2023/10/31
2023/10/31 Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
W8484-230344 DND ( i2 Harris Maintenance and Support) Services 2023/10/31
2023/10/31 Department of National Defence (DND)
Daniel Pilon - i2 N. Harris Renewal - September 1, 2022 to October 31,… Goods 2023/11/21
2023/10/31 Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
W8484-230385 - Department of National Defence (i2 Harris software… Goods 2023/10/31
2023/10/31 Department of National Defence (DND)
Amend 005 - Repair and Overhaul Services - L3Harris Technologies Inc. Services 2024/06/27
2025/06/30 Department of National Defence (DND)
Business Continuity Management Services and Corporate Security Services Services 2024/02/28
2024/02/28 Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation
50 of 29580
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Harris Corporation W0125-190027/001/TOR Department of National Defence 2019/10/08 CAD 66,297.00
Harris Corporation W0125-190027/001/TOR Department of National Defence 2020/03/27 CAD 67,240.00
Harris Corporation W0125-160001/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2018/03/28 CAD 72,020.00
Harris Corporation W0125-160001/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2017/11/02 CAD 69,864.00
Harris Corporation W8485-226639/001/QF Department of National Defence 2022/10/04 CAD 1,273,410.00
Harris Corporation W8472-185679/001/QF Department of National Defence 2021/08/26 CAD 10,000,000.00
Harris Corporation W8472-135496/001/QF Department of National Defence 2020/01/10 CAD 150,958.00
Harris Corporation W8472-185679/001/QF Department of National Defence 2019/11/25 CAD 10,000,000.00
Harris Corporation W8472-135496/001/QF Department of National Defence 2019/06/28 CAD 2,670,335.00
Harris Corporation W8472-185679/001/QF Department of National Defence 2018/09/28 CAD -3,000,000.00
Harris Corporation W8472-135496/001/QF Department of National Defence 2016/02/16 CAD 25,235,787.00
Harris Corporation W8485-226639/001/QF Department of National Defence 2022/10/19 CAD 2,320,661.00
Harris Corporation W8472-185679/001/QF Department of National Defence 2022/07/05 CAD 10,000,000.00
Harris Corporation W8485-226639/001/QF Department of National Defence 2022/04/25 CAD 1,047,251.00
Harris Corporation W8472-135496/001/QF Department of National Defence 2020/08/28 CAD -1,267,751.00
Harris Corporation W8472-135496/001/QF Department of National Defence 2019/10/15 CAD -26,044.00
Harris Corporation W8472-185679/001/QF Department of National Defence 2019/03/12 CAD 10,000,000.00
Harris Corporation K3D32-170290/001/HN Environment Canada 2018/11/28 CAD 500,628.00
Harris Corporation K3D32-170290/001/HN Environment Canada 2018/11/15 CAD 78,010.00
Harris Corporation W8472-185679/001/QF Department of National Defence 2018/09/05 CAD 13,000,000.00
Harris Corporation K3D32-170290/001/HN Environment Canada 2018/03/01 CAD 500,628.00
Harris Corporation K3D32-170290/001/HN Environment Canada 2018/02/28 CAD 500,628.00
Harris Corporation K3D32-170290/001/HN Environment Canada 2018/02/20 CAD 500,628.00
Harris Corporation K3D32-170290/001/HN Environment Canada 2017/12/04 CAD 79,575.00
Harris Corporation W8472-135496/001/QF Department of National Defence 2017/03/30 CAD -222,946.00
Harris Corporation K3D32-170290/001/HN Environment Canada 2017/01/18 CAD 295,749.00
Harris Corporation W8482-156426/001/QE Department of National Defence 2015/01/15 CAD 1,653,632.00
N. Harris Computer Corporation - i2 Group CW2271476 Department of Industry (ISED) 2023/10/31
CAD 254,882.01
N. Harris Computer Corporation - i2 Group CW2271476 Department of Industry (ISED) 2023/02/08 CAD 254,882.01
Harris Corporation W8472-215841/001/QD Department of National Defence 2024/02/09 CAD 36,000.00
Harris Corporation W8476-226484/001/QD Department of National Defence 2021/08/31 CAD 8,742,500.00
Harris Corporation W8486-120801/001/QD Department of National Defence 2021/07/26 CAD 2,413,120.00
Harris Corporation W8486-120801/001/QD Department of National Defence 2021/02/19 CAD 2,413,120.00
Harris Corporation W8486-120801/001/QD Department of National Defence 2017/09/06 CAD 2,413,120.00
Harris Corporation W8476-145030/001/QD Department of National Defence 2014/09/26 CAD 1,299,000.00
Harris Corporation W8486-089784/001/RA Department of National Defence 2012/03/28 CAD 7,380.00
Harris Corporation W8486-089784/001/RA Department of National Defence 2012/03/15 CAD 5,407.00
Harris Corporation W8486-114465/004/HN Department of National Defence 2011/10/21 CAD 36,120.00
Harris Corporation W8486-114465/004/HN Department of National Defence 2011/09/23 CAD 36,120.00
Harris Corporation W8486-117589/001/HN Department of National Defence 2011/03/15 CAD 135,400.00
Harris Corporation W8484-116685/001/QD Department of National Defence 2010/11/19 CAD 199,305.00
Harris Corporation W8486-089784/001/RA Department of National Defence 2010/11/09 CAD 415,094.00
Harris Corporation W8486-089784/001/RA Department of National Defence 2009/06/18 CAD 9,973,782.00
Harris Corporation W8476-226484/001/QD Department of National Defence 2021/12/16 CAD 6,755,100.00
Harris Corporation W8486-120801/001/QD Department of National Defence 2021/11/18 CAD 2,413,120.00
Harris Corporation W8486-120801/001/QD Department of National Defence 2020/07/15 CAD 2,413,120.00
Harris Corporation W8486-120801/001/QD Department of National Defence 2019/11/07 CAD 606,320.00
Harris Corporation W8474-146720/001/QD Department of National Defence 2017/04/03 CAD 1,506,173.00
Harris Corporation W8474-167200/001/QD Department of National Defence 2016/05/25 CAD 81,374.00
Harris Corporation W8474-146720/001/QD Department of National Defence 2015/05/27 CAD 1,506,173.00

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