James Lloyd Consulting Inc

est intéressé par un partenariat pour cette occasion de marché :

Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: Ressources humaines et paye du gouvernement du Canada - Prochaines étapes

Date de publication 2018/08/24

Date et heure de clôture 2024/06/28 14:00 HAE

James Lloyd Consulting Inc détails

HR and Information management, Audit, Risk Assessment

James (Jim) Lloyd is a highly experienced information management and audit professional with over thirty-five years of experience in the federal government. Jim’s areas of expertise include IT auditing, human resources management and information management leadership. Fully bilingual, Jim brings Central Agency and line department experience as well as a strong track record of managing strategic change initiatives and supporting the priorities of government accountability. Jim also has significant experience as a Fairness Monitor, providing oversight to large procurement projects. Jim created the IT audit function in Transport Canada and led the IT Audit Development Centre (ITADC) in the Office of the Comptroller General (now part of the Treasury Board Secretariat). The ITADC developed audit programs and created an IT Audit community across the Canadian Federal government. As Director General, HR Information Management, Jim was instrumental in reducing the number of HR applications employed in the federal government, clustering departments around three applications. Jim spearheaded an EDI initiative to transfer personnel records between federal departments and agencies. Jim has managed, led and assisted in numerous internal audits of IT systems and functions, transfer payment programs and organizational entities. Jim has also led and conducted risk assessments in support of departmental priorities and he has been engaged as a fairness monitor over large procurements.

Prénom James


Nom de famille Lloyd

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