Printing Services for the Communications & Marketing Branch (CMB)

Status Awarded

Contract number 800098

Solicitation number 800098

Publication date

Contract award date

    This contract was awarded to:
    Bradda Printing Services

    1.0 TITLE

    Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada – RFSO for Printing Services


    Communications and Marketing Branch (CMB) is responsible for providing printing services for all ISED sectors and in support of Ministerial announcements. CMB is in the process of establishing a long-term competitive contracting process for these services moving forward.


    As government priorities increase within the Communications and Marketing Branch, there is a requirement for the services of several firms to be able to provide on-demand printing services for the Branch on an as-required basis. The Branch currently requires the ability to quickly access printing services on an outsourced basis as demands increase due to the changing and evolving scope of project deliverables and demands put on the Branch.

    This standing offer vehicle will allow for direct and predetermined access to dedicated service providers who can provide quick scale to our service delivery on creative services projects in order to meet our internal demands.

    The Standing Offer Holder(s) will provide high-quality printing services to the Branch for products aimed to accompany the Ministerial events taking place throughout the year. Services will be contracted on an as-required basis through the issuance of a Call-up against the Standing Offer.

    It is anticipated that we will be able to identify up to 5 Standing Offer holders as a result of this solicitation process.

    The Initial Standing Offer Period will be from Standing Offer Award to March 31, 2021 with two (2) additional 1-year Option Periods.

    Information about the Official Languages Act and policies can be found on the Treasury Board of Canada, Secretariat web site at:

    3.1 Categories of Service:

    The resulting Standing Offer Holders will be providing services under the following category:

    1. Printing Services for Ministerial Events

    Offerors MUST submit only one (1) offer in response to this Request for Standing Offer.

    4.0 SCOPE

    4.1 Overview

    To provide PRINTING SERVICES FOR ISED EVENTS on an "as and when requested" basis.

    4.2 Scope of Work

    The Standing Offer Holder will provide a full range of printing services publishing and other needs of the Government of Canada. The Standing Offer Holder will be provided with details for each requirement on a project-by-project basis by the Identified User.

    Business address
    - iPrint Media Group
    - The Printing House
    - Trico Group Inc.
    Procurement method
    Competitive – Open Bidding

    Contract duration

    Refer to the description above for full details.

    Commodity - GSIN

    • T000GA - Communication Promotional Material (including printing and identification)
    Contact information

    Contracting organization

    Industry Canada
    Contracting authority
    Leroux, Eric
    235 Queen Street
    Ottawa, ON, K1A 0H5

    Buying organization(s)

    Industry Canada
    Date modified: