Build in Canada Innovation Program (BCIP) Call 006

Solicitation number EN578-15BCIP/B

Publication date

Closing date and time 2017/01/09 14:00 EST

Last amendment date


    2017/01/03 - The purpose of this amendment is to change the solicitation closing date to January 09, 2017 at 2pm EST. Bidders will be able to submit proposals at any time up to this closing date and time. **Please note that if a large number of Bidders access the web-based system at the same time, electronic submission of proposals may be delayed. Bidders are solely responsible for ensuring their proposal is submitted properly** All proposals must be submitted by the solicitation closing date and time and will be evaluated in accordance with the evaluation procedures outlined in this Call for Proposals. Any proposals which have not been submitted by the closing date and time will not be evaluated and given no further consideration. BCIP Call for Proposals - Call 007 The BCIP Call for Proposals, EN578-17BCIP/A Call 007 will be published via the Government of Canada Electronic Tendering Service ( the week of January 09, 2017, after closing of Call 006. ****************************************************************************************************************** On-going Opportunity for Qualification The Notice of Proposed Procurement (NPP) will be published on the Government Electronic Tendering System (GETS) on an ongoing basis to allow suppliers to qualify under the Build in Canada Innovation Program at any time. A continuous intake approach is in effect for Call 006, which means suppliers can submit proposals at any time prior to the solicitation close date. Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), Office of Small and Medium Enterprises and Strategic Engagement (OSME-SE) under the Build in Canada Innovation Program (BCIP) has a requirement to procure: a) Research and Development (R&D) innovative pre-commercialized goods and services (referred to as “Innovations”) that are in late stage development; and, b) Support services such as installation, training and testing support services for the pre-commercialized innovations procured for the federal government. The BCIP is a R&D program aimed at testing and evaluating R&D pre-commercialized goods and services in the late stage development. The Program has two components: Standard and Military. Bidders should visit the Buy and Sell website at for specific information on the BCIP and its requirements, including:  PRIORITY AREAS – STANDARD COMPONENT o Enabling Technologies o Environment o Health o Safety and Security  PRIORITY AREAS – MILITARY COMPONENT o Arctic and Maritime Security o Command & Support o Cyber-Security o In-Service Support (ISS) o Protecting the Soldier o Training Systems  TECHNOLOGY READINESS LEVELS (TRL) o TRL 7, 8 and 9  BCIP DEFINITIONS o Innovation o Pre-Commercial Innovation o Pre-Qualified Innovation o Testing Department o Commercial Sales  EVALUATORS o National Research Council – Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP) The Call for Proposals will result in two Pre-Qualified Pools of Bidders. The establishment of the Pre-Qualified Pool is “approved in principle” and will not constitute a guarantee on the part of Canada that a contract will be awarded. Approved in principle for contract consideration is defined as conditional acceptance of the Proposal subject to meeting the criteria identified in Part 5, Basis of Selection and the available funding. BCIP will notify Pre-Qualified Bidders directly and publish a notice on the Government Electronic Tendering Service (GETS) should fiscal funding no longer be available, pending new fiscal year or until funds are available. The Contract Award Process will continue and proposals under contract negotiations will take priority when funding is available. The continuous intake of proposals, the evaluation process and the pre-qualification of proposals will continue. Bidders are also encouraged to view the DRAFT RESULTING CONTRACT CLAUSES to view a representative contract under the BCIP. The Draft Resulting Contract Clauses is published under the References section in the electronic Proposal Submission form, and can be viewed on the BuyandSell website. The Draft Resulting Contract Clause forms part of this Call for Proposals Call 006 and will be used for contract negotiations under section 2, Part 5 of this Call for Proposals. Canada reserves the right to require that all Work, including delivery of the Innovation, to be completed within 12 months from date of contract award. The maximum funding available for any BCIP contract resulting from this Call for Proposals is: $500,000.00 CAD for the Standard Component; and $1,000,000.00 CAD for the Military Component (Applicable Taxes, shipping and Travel and Living expenses are extra, as applicable). The Financial Proposal Cost Breakdown in the electronic Proposal Submission Form cannot exceed the BCIP funding requirements. Any cost in excess of the maximum funding will be construed as a Contractor’s commitment of additional funding to the Contract. Details of the Bidder co-funding is to be provided in the Financial Total Cost Comment section. This disclosure does not commit Canada to pay the maximum funding available. Technical Proposal The Bidder’s responses to the series of questions presented in the electronic Proposal Submission Form will form the Bidder's Technical Proposal. Bidders should respond to each question in a thorough, concise and clear manner within the allotted character count for each question. The Bidder must provide Technical Proposal content that clearly addresses in sufficient depth the points that are subject to the evaluation criteria against which the proposal will be evaluated. Bidders may only submit an Innovation for the Standard Component or the Military Component, but not both. In the event a Bidder submits the same Innovation for both the Standard and Military Components, the first proposal submitted will be accepted for evaluation, unless otherwise specified by the Bidder. The system time stamp indicating the date and time of the submission will be utilized to determine the first Proposal submission for evaluation. All other proposals for the same innovation will be set aside and no further consideration given. Bidders may submit one or more Innovations, but must submit a separate proposal for each proposed Innovation. Each proposal will be evaluated separately on its own merit. Bidders must only submit 1 proposal per Innovation. Any proposal(s) submitted more than once per Innovation will not be considered. The first proposal submission will be determined by the system time stamp. Bidder will only be awarded one contract per Innovation under the BCIP Program. Any Proposal submitted for an Innovation that has previously been awarded a BCIP or Canadian Innovation Commercialization Program (CICP) contract will be declared as non-responsive. A proposed Innovation that has previously been identified in a Pre-Qualified Pool will be accepted only if the bid validity period for that proposal has expired. Bids will remain open for acceptance from date of proposal submission for 16 months. Trade Agreements The Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT) applies to this procurement. The requirement is excluded from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) as per Annex 1001.1b-2 Research and Development, all classes, and excluded from the application of the World Trade Organization – Agreement on Government Procurement (WTO-AGP) under Appendix 1, Annex 4. Notes regarding application of the Agreement on Internal Trade to this Call for Proposals: The process described in this Call for Proposals has the unique outcome that the types of innovative goods and services that are being proposed are not responding to an already identified government requirement, but rather are informing that need. Therefore, only one supplier, the proponent of a pre-qualified proposal will be considered to meet the requirements of the associated procurement. Therefore, in accordance with Agreement on Internal Trade Articles 506 (12) (a), (b) or (h), this procurement may use procedures that are different from those described in Article 506 (1) through (10). Policy Statements The requirement is limited to Canadian suppliers and Canadian goods and/or services. The following may apply to the resulting contract(s), based on the Innovation and Testing Department: a) A security requirement may be associated with this requirement. For more information on personnel and organization security screening or security clauses, bidders should refer to the Industrial Security Program (ISP) of Public Works and Government Services Canada website. ( . b) The region of delivery for the goods and/or services may be delivered in an area subject to Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements (CLCAs). c) Any resulting procurement may be subject to the Controlled Goods Program. d) The Federal Contractors Program (FCP) for employment equity applies to the Military Component of this procurement. See the Article titled Federal Contractors Program for Employment Equity – Certification of the Certifications and Additional Information document and the Draft Resulting Contract Clauses, published in the References section of the electronic Proposal Submission form or can be viewed on the BuyandSell website. BCIP Bidder’s Conference Multiple Bidders' conference will be held throughout the year. Bidders are encouraged to check the BCIP website for the date, time, and language profile of the event. The scope of the requirement outlined in the bid solicitation will be reviewed during the conference and questions will be answered. It is recommended that bidders who intend to submit a proposal attend or send a representative. Any clarifications or changes to the bid solicitation resulting from the Bidders' conference will be included as an amendment to the Call for Proposals solicitation and will be published on the electronic Proposal Submission Form on the Online Submission site at: Evaluation Process The evaluation of proposals will be conducted using a two-stage process divided into 5 phases as detailed below. The process is the same for both the Standard and the Military Components. Stage One – Mandatory Requirements Stage One includes two Phases, and reflects mandatory requirements that must be met in order to proceed to Stage Two - Point Rated Criteria. Phase 1 – Mandatory Criteria MC-1 Canadian Bidder: The Bidder must be Canadian and must be submitting the proposal on its own behalf. A Canadian Bidder is defined as a Bidder having a place of business in Canada where the Bidder conducts activities on a permanent basis that is clearly identified by name and accessible during normal working hours. MC-2 Canadian Content: The Bidder must certify that a minimum of 80% of the financial proposal costs are Canadian goods or Canadian services, as defined in the Canadian Content certification. MC-3 Ownership: The Bidder must be the owner of the Intellectual Property (IP) for the proposed innovation, or have a licence to the IP rights from a Canadian licensor for the proposed innovation and not be infringing on any IP rights. MC-4 Standard Priority Area: The proposed innovation must fall within one of the four (4) Priority Areas: Environment, Health, Safety and Security and Enabling Technologies. MC-4 Military Priority Area: The proposed innovation must fall within one of the six (6) Priority Areas: Arctic and Maritime Security, Command & Support, Cyber-Security, In-Service Support (ISS), Protecting the Soldier, Training Systems. MC-5 Commercial Sales: The Bidder must certify that the proposed pre-commercial innovation is not openly available in the market place or has not been previously sold on a commercial basis as defined in Certifications required with the Proposal. MC-6 Maximum Funding: The Bidder’s Financial Proposal must not exceed $500,000.00 CAD for the Standard Component and $1,000,000.00 CAD for the Military Component, applicable taxes, shipping costs and proposed travel and living expenses extra, where applicable. Phase 2 – Screening Criteria Proposals that have successfully completed Phase 1 of the evaluation will be evaluated against the Screening Criteria identified in the electronic Proposal Submission Form. There are three screening criteria: • Innovation • Readiness • Commercialization Capacity Bidders must pass all three Screening Criteria in order to proceed to the next Stage. Failure to meet any criterion will render the Bidders’ proposal non-compliant and it will be given no further consideration. Stage Two – Point Rated Criteria Stage Two includes three Phases, and reflects point rated requirements that must be met to be included in the Pre-Qualified Pools. Phase 3 – Point Rated Criteria Proposals that have successfully completed Phase 2 will be evaluated against the Stage Two - Point Rated Criteria identified in the electronic Proposal Submission Form. Proposals will be evaluated and assigned points based on the assessment of the Evaluators. To be declared responsive proposals must obtain a minimum overall pass mark of 96 points out of 192 points. Proposals not meeting the minimum overall pass mark requirements will be deemed non-compliant and given no further consideration. Phase 4 - Pre-Qualified Pools Bidders that successfully completed Phase 3 will be placed in the Pre-Qualified Pools. The establishment of the Pre-Qualified Pool does not constitute a commitment on the part of Canada to award contracts. Contract award is conditional upon the selection of a Proposal in accordance with the selection criteria identified in Part 5, Basis of Selection and the availability of BCIP funding. Phase 5 – Debriefing PWGSC Contracting Authority will release the Bidder’s debrief letter noting the final results of the evaluation. The letters will reflect the following: a) Non-Compliant: The Bidder did not meet one or more of the criteria in Phase 1 or Phase 2. b) Non-Compliant: The Bidder did not achieve the minimum overall pass mark required for Stage Two - Point Rated Criteria. c) Compliant: The Bidder met the criteria identified in both Stage One and Two above and achieved the minimum overall pass mark required for Stage Two - Point Rated Criteria and inclusion of the Bidder in one of the Pre-Qualified Pools. Upon receipt of the evaluation results, Bidders may request a formal debriefing on the results of their proposal. Bidders should make the request to the Contracting Authority within 10 working days of date of receipt of the debrief letter. The debriefing may be in writing or by telephone. The Pre-Qualified Pool for each Component will be published on the BCIP website. Phase 5 represents the completion of the BCIP evaluation process. Basis of Selection To be considered for contract award a proposal must: (a) comply with all the requirements of the Call for Proposals solicitation; (b) be placed in the Pre-Qualified Pool; and (c) successfully complete step 1 to 4 of the Contract Award Process as detailed in section 2 of this Call for Proposals. Enquiries Enquiries regarding this Call for Proposals solicitation must be directed to:

    Contract duration

    Refer to the description above for full details.

    Trade agreements

    • Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT)
    Contact information

    Contracting organization

    Public Works and Government Services Canada
    11 Laurier St, Phase III, Place du Portage
    Gatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5
    Contracting authority
    Seguin, Jean-Luc
    11 Laurier Street
    Gatineau, Québec, K1A 0S5

    Buying organization(s)

    Public Works and Government Services Canada
    11 Laurier St, Phase III, Place du Portage
    Gatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5
    Bidding details

    Full details regarding this tender opportunity are available in the documents below. Click on the document name to download the file. Contact the contracting officer if you have any questions regarding these documents.

    Tender documents
    Document title Amendment no. Language Unique downloads Date added

    Access the Getting started page for details on how to bid, and more.

    Summary information

    Notice type
    Request for Proposal
    English, French
    Region(s) of delivery
    Region of opportunity
    Procurement method
    Competitive – Open Bidding
    Commodity - GSIN
    Click the links below to see a list of notices associated with the GSIN codes.