Canadian Coastal Zone Information System
Solicitation number EN578-20ISC3/51
Publication date
Closing date and time 2020/09/25 14:00 EDT
Last amendment date
*** NEW – September 23, 2020
- An attachment has been added to extend the closing date for this challenge to September 25, 2020 at 14:00 EDT.
September 4, 2020
An attachment has been added. The document contains questions and answers related to the Challenge.
September 1, 2020
- An attachment has been added to extend the closing date for this challenge to September 23, 2020 at 14:00 EDT.
August 17, 2020 - Amendment 1 & 2 attached
This Challenge Notice is issued under the Innovative Solutions Canada Program (ISC) Call for Proposals 003 (EN578-20ISC3). For general ISC information, Bidders can visit the ISC website.
Please refer to the Solicitation Documents which contain the process for submitting a proposal.
Steps to apply:
Step 1: read this challenge
Step 2: read the Call for Proposals
Step 3: propose your solution here
Challenge Title: Canadian Coastal Zone Information System (CCZIS)
CHALLENGE SPONSOR: Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)
Funding Mechanism: Contract
Multiple contracts could result from this Challenge.
The maximum funding available for any Phase 1 contract resulting from this Challenge is $150,000.00 CAD excluding applicable taxes, shipping, travel and living expenses, as required, for up to 6 months (excluding submission of the final report).
Estimated number of Phase 1 contracts: 2
The maximum funding available for any Phase 2 contract resulting from this Challenge is $1,000,000.00 CAD excluding applicable taxes, shipping, travel and living expenses, as required, for up to 12 months (excluding submission of the final report). Only eligible businesses that have successfully completed Phase 1 will be considered for Phase 2.
Estimated number of Phase 2 contracts: 1
This disclosure is made in good faith and does not commit Canada to contract for the total approximate funding. Final decisions on the number of Phase 1 and Phase 2 awards will be made by Canada on the basis of factors such as evaluation results, departmental priorities and availability of funds.
TRAVEL: It is anticipated that the successful bidders will not require any travel in Phase 1. The meetings will be arranged via teleconference or webinar.
Kick-off meeting
Progress Review Meeting(s)
Final Review Meeting
All other communication can take place by telephone, videoconference, and WebEx.
Problem Summary Statement
PSPC is seeking to develop an integration coastal information portal of various sources and data types into one place along with required built-in computational tools, which will be used as a reliable one-stop decision support system for risk assessment and infrastructure design. It will also be a useful solution for decision making during emergency measure operations and disaster management in case of an extreme climate event.
PSPC provides technical services, expert advice and strategic planning for coastal and marine infrastructure, erosion protection and flood mitigation projects to federal departments (e.g., Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), Transport Canada, Parks Canada, Indigenous Services Canada) with DFO being one of the most significant. DFO is responsible for about 1,008 harbours nationwide, which includes over 10,000 structures.
One of the major challenges that the department is facing is the availability and reliability of complex coastal datasets (e.g. hydrographics, wave, wind, extreme water levels, ice condition, etc.) to provide timely and cost-effective solutions to clients. For example, there are various offshore wave data available which need to transform to nearshore through modelling and validating for each project, which is cost-intensive and time consuming.
Another major challenge is predicting climate change vulnerability and risk assessment. To date, most studies on climate change in coastal environment are limited to sea level rise which is again widely varied depending on climate change scenarios and geographic locations. Extreme waves and storm surges will be more frequent and intensified in future due to climate change; and reliable information on these are necessary for risk assessment and mitigation.
The challenge will include quality-checked hydrographic data sets for visual interpretation, modeling and infrastructure planning. Data provided would be in either an ASCII XYZ (Easting, Northing, Depth) and/or NAD83CSRS projected in the appropriate UTM zone (Geodetic Coordinates could also be created – Lat, Long, Depth).
Please note: Data is typically captured by multibeam or single beam sounders and is generally generated and read with the following types of equipment:; and/or
Essential (mandatory) outcomes
Proposed solutions must:
- Be a web accessible single platform solution with access to a collection of datasets, digital maps, tables, illustrations and include built-in computational tools capable of systematically representing sites along coastal zones of Canada (including the Arctic).
- Include tidal elevation data (higher high water large tide (HHWLT); lower low water large tide (LLWLT); Mean water level (MWL), and extreme water levels and storm surges for 1, 10, 25, 50 and 100 year return periods and maximum flood of record (as well as the ability to predict these going forward).
- Include extreme nearshore wave climate of high resolution model outputs with directional distributions and return periods (i.e. 1, 10, 25, 50, 100 years) from varying governing directions for the sites under existing conditions and for climate change scenarios over the next 50 years and 100 years.
- Be able to provide trends of changes of sea level rise, wind speed and ice thickness at the sites for the next 100 years (using 2020 as the base year) under various climate change scenarios (lower, medium and higher estimates).
- Include available high resolution nearshore hydrographic datasets with georeferenced mapping/graphical interface capability for overlaying extreme wave climate maps and infrastructure plans,
- Be able to extract or calculate nearshore coastal parameters at required point locations either from the available information in the system or using built-in computational tools.
- Be able to include small craft harbors and any other government infrastructure sites located in or near lakes, rivers, and estuaries.
- Be user friendly to extract, calculate, interpret and visualize the results and maps; and to incorporate new sites datasets, plans, reports, and drawings when they become available to update the system on a regular basis. It should be capable of displaying a graphical (map style) interface and the routines it completes should be able to be completed with minimal user selections/clicks/inputs with a Common Look and Feel (CLF) across platforms.
Additional outcomes
Proposed solutions should:
- Have 3 dimensional (3D) and geo-referenced mapping/graphical interface.
- Include all possible asset and existing infrastructure information.
- Include available historical hydrographic datasets since 2000.
- Include available geotechnical borehole logs and information.
- Be compatible in terms of the ability to use and access the solution via WIN10 machines.
- Be able to seamlessly access and load various databases, including data sets from ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) products as well as AutoDesk products at a minimum. Spatially this would mean that it should be able to deal with various geographic datum and projections where this information could vary across data sets.
Background and context
PSPC’s efforts on marine infrastructure planning and design involved extensive technical judgements based on users’ requirements, coastline geometry and geography, hydrographic survey information, extreme water levels, wave parameters, storm surge, overtopping, wave agitation, ice thickness, geotechnical conditions, climate change etc., which are largely dependent on reliable primary data. There are a whole host of data sets available, some public and some not. Data sets often vary in their type, accuracy, and reliability and few are ever updated on a regular basis. Often data sets are comprised of file types that are proprietary, accessible only by certain software which are difficult to incorporate into one system seamlessly.
Various levels of government have embarked on LiDAR missions. PSPC regularly conducts high-resolution hydrographic surveys on project basis. The challenge will include quality-checked hydrographic data sets for visual interpretation, modeling and infrastructure planning.
Extreme water levels and wave parameters are governing design parameters, which are determined by coastal modeling and probabilistic analysis of historical data. There are available data sets, e.g., MSC50, which provide offshore wind and wave hind cast covering much of the Canadian Maritime. This data can be used only as an offshore boundary for nearshore wave modeling. PSPC conducts coastal modeling through marine coastal consultants, which involves field measurements for model calibration and validation. It is sometimes cost intensive and time consuming specifically for emergency repairs and maintenances, as the field measurements are weather dependent.
Reliable information on ice thickness are important in areas where ice load governs the design as some design guidelines for ice effects are very stringent. There are online ice atlases which provide ice thicknesses based on 30 years (1981-2010) of ice data. Ice thickness based on recent ice data as well as future projections due to climate change will provide more cost-effective solutions.
Due to climate change, the present extreme events will be more frequent in future. If climate change effects are not considered in infrastructure planning and design now, it will be more difficult and cost intensive in future to keep the infrastructures safe and functional. There are various studies on Sea Level Rise (SLR); however, very limited information is available on climate change effects on wind, waves, storm surges and ice conditions. Reliable estimates of climate change effects under various climate change scenarios (lower, medium and higher estimates) are necessary for providing cost-effective and sustainable infrastructure planning.
The challenge is to bring together various sources and data types into one web-based portal where all data sets can be leveraged in the assessment of risk to marine infrastructure. Currently, there is significant built infrastructure in vulnerable areas of Canada’s coasts. This alone poses significant risk to the economies of Canada and the world. The Government of Canada has made strong commitments to address the impacts of climate change. Challenges such as those discussed in this document face many nations across the globe. A solution, as proposed, could become a reliable and world leading system to use in mitigating the risks posed due to climate change.
All enquiries must be submitted in writing to no later than ten calendar days before the Challenge Notice closing date. Enquiries received after that time may not be answered.
Contract duration
Refer to the description above for full details.
Trade agreements
No trade agreements are applicable to this solicitation process
Contact information
Contracting organization
- Organization
Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Address
11 Laurier St, Phase III, Place du PortageGatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5Canada
- Contracting authority
- Group, Pspc
- Email
- Address
10 Wellington StGatineau, QC, K1A 0S5CA
Buying organization(s)
- Organization
Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Address
11 Laurier St, Phase III, Place du PortageGatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5Canada
Bidding details
Full details regarding this tender opportunity are available in the documents below. Click on the document name to download the file. Contact the contracting officer if you have any questions regarding these documents.
Access the Getting started page for details on how to bid, and more.