Tender opportunities

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Notice categories:

10 of 55064
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Security Services North Vancouver UPCC Guard Service 2023/11/21 2023/12/05 Provincial Health Services Authority (…
Supply & Installation of Scour Protection For the North Vancouver… 2024/05/06 2024/06/05 Greater Vancouver Regional District (…
(RFP) Multi-disciplinary team for North Vancouver Transit Centre… 2023/06/23 2023/07/29 TransLink(South Coast British Columbia…
Veterinary Care for Aquatic Vertebrate Animals in the wet lab facilities… Services 2023/10/04
2023/10/04 Environment and Climate Change Canada…
Flight Suits Goods 2018/01/31
2018/02/09 Department of National Defence
FAIRNESS MONITOR SERVICES FOR METRO VANCOUVER PROJECTS 2023/06/07 2023/06/29 Greater Vancouver Regional District (…
DRY SUIT Goods 2013/05/30
2012/11/05 Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Tactical Dry Suits Goods 2012/08/10 2012/09/20 Department of National Defence
Residential Property Management Services For Regional Parks 2023/02/24 2023/03/07 Greater Vancouver Regional District (…
Veterinary Care for Aquatic Vertebrate Animals in the wet lab facilities… Services 2023/09/13
2023/09/13 Environment and Climate Change Canada…
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 54468
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
2016 ACCOMMODATION DIRECTORY Services 2016/01/29 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
2013 ACCOMODATION DIRECTORY-REGULAR MARKETS Services 2013/01/16 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
2015 - ACCOMMODATION DIRECTORY - RM Services 2015/03/11 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
2014 ACCOMMODATION DIRECTORY FOR REGULAR MARKETS Services 2014/02/11 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Hotels, Motels and Commercial Accommodation Services 2016/02/10 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Hotels, Motels and Commercial Accommodation Services 2012/01/01 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Hotel & Conference Facilities - North Bay Services 2013/02/13 N/A Department of National Defence
Third Joint Ministerial Conference Vancouver BC Services 2016/03/16 N/A Transport Canada
CAF Hotel and Meal services in Vancouver Services 2020/12/22 N/A Department of National Defence
Hotels, Motels and Commercial Accommodation Services 2016/02/10 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
50 of 354756
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Canadian Resort Hotels Limited Partnership DBA FHR Vancouver Airport… 47890-136509/001/XSB Canada Border Services Agency 2012/06/12 CAD 230,000.00
Canadian Resort Hotels Limited Partnership DBA FHR Vancouver Airport… 47890-136509/001/XSB Canada Border Services Agency 2016/07/26 CAD 230,000.00
North Edmonton Inn & Suites Ltd E60LP-130003/354/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2014/02/13 CAD 162,271.00
North Edmonton Inn & Suites Ltd E60LP-120003/388/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2013/01/17 CAD 25,000.00
North Edmonton Inn & Suites Ltd E60LP-110003/404/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2012/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
North Edmonton Inn & Suites Ltd E60LP-110003/404/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2012/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
North Edmonton Inn & Suites Ltd E60LP-100003/467/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2011/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Richmond E60LP-150004/666/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2016/03/18 CAD 25,000.00
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Burlington E60LP-150004/508/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2016/02/15 CAD 25,000.00
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Merrimack E60LP-150004/668/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2016/03/18 CAD 25,000.00
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Burlington E60LP-140004/517/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2015/04/29 CAD 25,000.00
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Merrimack E60LP-100004/324/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2011/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
InnVest Hotels LP E60LP-150003/527/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2016/02/16 CAD 362,500.00
InnVest Hotels LP E60LP-140003/423/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2015/04/10 CAD 362,500.00
HOLIDAY INN FRANKFURT AIRPORT NORTH E60LP-130003/432/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2014/02/14 CAD 25,000.00
HOLIDAY INN FRANKFURT AIRPORT NORTH E60LP-120003/462/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2013/01/17 CAD 25,000.00
HOLIDAY INN FRANKFURT AIRPORT NORTH E60LP-110003/471/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2012/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
HOLIDAY INN FRANKFURT AIRPORT NORTH E60LP-090003/607/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2010/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
HOLIDAY INN FRANKFURT AIRPORT NORTH E60LP-140003/462/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2015/04/15 CAD 25,000.00
HOLIDAY INN FRANKFURT AIRPORT NORTH E60LP-100003/548/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2011/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
HOLIDAY INN FRANKFURT AIRPORT NORTH E60LP-080004/278/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2009/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
INNVEST HOTELS LP E60LP-150002/379/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2016/02/02 CAD 83,000.00
INNVEST HOTELS LP E60LP-140002/340/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2015/03/17 CAD 83,000.00
Williams Hotels (2007) E60LP-130003/388/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2014/03/12 CAD -159,000.00
Williams Hotels (2007) E60LP-120003/414/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2013/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
Williams Hotels (2007) E60LP-110003/427/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2012/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
Williams Hotels (2007) E60LP-090003/563/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2010/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
Williams Hotels (2007) E60LP-080004/227/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2009/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
Williams Hotels (2007) E60LP-130003/388/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2014/02/13 CAD 159,000.00
Williams Hotels (2007) E60LP-100003/496/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2011/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
WW Hotels (Whistler) Limited Partnership E60LP-150003/245/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2016/02/10 CAD 125,000.00
WW Hotels (Whistler) Limited Partnership E60LP-140003/175/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2015/03/18 CAD 125,000.00
Zainul & Shazma Holdings (1997) Ltd. E60LP-150004/259/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2016/02/11 CAD 51,500.00
Zainul & Shazma Holdings (1997) Ltd. E60LP-130004/157/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2014/02/24 CAD 63,200.00
Zainul & Shazma Holdings (1997) Ltd. E60LP-120004/221/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2013/02/25 CAD 25,000.00
Zainul & Shazma Holdings (1997) Ltd. E60LP-110004/278/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2012/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
Zainul & Shazma Holdings (1997) Ltd. E60LP-140004/180/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2015/03/30 CAD 51,500.00
Marquee Hotels E60LP-150003/568/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2016/02/17 CAD 48,500.00
Marquee Hotels E60LP-140003/456/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2015/04/15 CAD 48,500.00
Marquee Hotels E60LP-130003/423/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2014/02/14 CAD 46,000.00
Marquee Hotels E60LP-110003/462/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2012/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
Marquee Hotels E60LP-100003/538/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2011/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
Marquee Hotels E60LP-090003/602/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2010/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
Marquee Hotels E60LP-080004/274/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2009/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
Marquee Hotels E60LP-120003/453/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2013/01/17 CAD 25,000.00
InnVest Hotels XIV Limited E60LP-130003/390/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2014/02/13 CAD 334,000.00
InnVest Hotels XIV Limited E60LP-120003/416/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2013/01/17 CAD 25,000.00
InnVest Hotels XIV Limited E60LP-090003/565/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2010/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
InnVest Hotels XIV Limited E60LP-110003/429/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2012/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
InnVest Hotels XIV Limited E60LP-100003/498/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2011/01/01 CAD 25,000.00

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