Supply Manual

This Manual is intended to help contracting officers from Public Services and Procurement Canada with their procurement activities. It follows the general sequence of the procurement process, from planning to contract closeout. It also provides information on all relevant regulations, procedures, government and departmental policies, and more.


Note: There have been some changes to improve readability, and we will be continuing to make enhancements over time. Thank you for your patience!

Main Content

Table of contents

What's new

A summary of the revisions made to the latest version of the Supply Manual.

Chapter 1 - Public procurement

Get an overview of the Government of Canada’s procurement process. This includes information on the policies, directives, acts, trade agreements and regulations that must be followed when buying for the government.

Chapter 2 - Defining the requirement and requisition receipt

Find out how to work with client departments on defining the requirements of a procurement, from filling out the requisition form to the final review of the request. This involves reviewing environmental and accessibility factors, and more.

Chapter 3 - Procurement strategy

A procurement strategy defines in general terms how a good, service, or construction will be procured. See a list of things to consider when planning out your strategy. As part of this you must also confirm what method of supply should be used, such as a standing offer or supply arrangement.

Chapter 4 - Solicitation process

Learn about the different methods of solicitation and sourcing tools, as well as the steps for preparing, issuing and closing your solicitation. You will also find instructions on how to receive and securely handle bid submissions.

Chapter 5 - Evaluation and selecting the contractor

The main purpose of the evaluation process is to determine the bid that best responds to a solicitation, following selection criteria. Learn more about the steps for evaluating bids and selecting a supplier, including how to negotiate with bidders before a contract is awarded. 

Chapter 6 - Approvals and authorities

Get information on the types of forms, plans, reviews and approval processes associated with procurement based on the different authority levels. These forms and processes apply to both contracts and standing offers and supply arrangements. You will also find information on interpreting and using authorities.

Chapter 7 - Award of contracts and issuance of standing offers and supply arrangements

Learn about the process of awarding a contract to a successful bidder, as well as issuing the authorization to use a standing offer or a supply arrangement received from a successful offeror or supplier. This includes instructions on how to make the bid results public.

Chapter 8 - Contract management

Find details on how to manage developing, implementing and administering a contract, while maximizing financial and operational performance and managing inherent risk.

Chapter 9 - Special procurements

Check out more information on dealing with procurement that is unique or specific to a certain commodity, client or area. Examples include Major Crown Projects, Real Property Contracting, United States Foreign Military Sales, and more.

Chapter 10 - Cost and profit

Find out in what situations to use the cost and profit processes and principles outlined here. An example includes when a contract is to be awarded on a non-competitive basis for non-commercial goods or services.


Learn about procurement terms used in the Supply Manual.

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