The applicable rates for profit determination table

This table includes the current rates to be applied in the Capital Employed (Section 5.2.1) factors of the profit principles for negotiated pricing. Specifically, it includes the rates to be used in the profit determination for contracts starting September 2023 and onwards. Updated calculated rates will be posted one week after the end of each month.

*Starting from May 2024, fixed capital – Tiers 2 & 3 will incorporate the Canada marketable bond over 10-year yield combined with the CPI inflation rate forecast into the monthly profit rate calculation.

In the case that profit determination is related to previous periods, applicable rates for that time period must be used. For example, if the negotiation is for January 2021, use the applicable rates for January 2021.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the rates, please contact the Price Advisory Group at:

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