Audio Visual Production - RFIC # 2
Solicitation number EN578-150098/B
Publication date
Closing date and time 2014/08/07 14:00 EDT
Trade Agreement: Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT) Tendering Procedures: All interested suppliers may submit a bid Attachment: None Competitive Procurement Strategy: Best Overall Proposal Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement: No Nature of Requirements: REQUEST FOR INDUSTRY COMMENTS (RFIC) # 2 REQUEST FOR SUPPLY ARRANGEMENTS FOR AUDIO-VISUAL PRODUCTION SERVICES FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OF CANADA Responses must be submitted by 2:00 pm Eastern Daylight Savings Time on August 7, 2014 INTRODUCTION This second RFIC is a result of the first industry day. This RFIC is to seek industry input on the proposed RFSA evaluation and selection criteria and the subsequent selection and evaluation criteria for the Supply Arrangement Request for Proposals (SARFP). The purpose of the second Information Session is to finalize the evaluation criteria. The second Information Session is intended to be an open forum allowing PWGSC to communicate with interested suppliers and seek their input on the the proposed evaluation criteria. Suppliers interested in participating in the second information session are asked to provide the names, e-mail addresses and phone numbers of all proposed attendees with their RFIC submission. It is anticipated that the Information Session will be held at 350 Albert Street in Ottawa on August 14, 2014 at 10:00AM. 1. NATURE OF REQUEST FOR INDUSTRY COMMENTS This is not a bid solicitation. This RFIC will not result in the award of any contract, therefore, potential suppliers of any goods or services described in the attached project outline should not earmark stock or facilities, nor allocate resources, as a result of any information contained in this RFIC. Nor will this RFIC result in the creation of any source list, therefore, whether or not any potential supplier responds to this RFIC will not preclude that supplier from participating in any future procurement. Also, the procurement of any of the goods and services described in this RFIC will not necessarily follow this RFIC. This RFIC is simply intended to solicit feedback from industry with respect to the matters described in this RFIC. 2. NATURE AND FORMAT OF RESPONSES REQUESTED Respondents are requested to provide their comments, concerns and, where applicable, recommendations on how the requirements or objectives described in the project outline could be satisfied. Respondents should explain any assumptions they make in their responses. 3. RESPONSE COSTS Canada will not reimburse any respondent for expenses incurred in responding to this RFIC. 4. TREATMENT OF RESPONSES: i. Use of Responses: Responses will not be formally evaluated. However, the responses received may be used by Canada to modify procurement strategies or any draft documents contained in this RFIC. Canada will review all responses received by the RFIC closing date. Canada may, in its discretion, review responses received after the RFIC closing date. ii. Review Team: A review team composed of representatives from PWGSC will review the responses on behalf of Canada. Canada reserves the right to hire any independent consultant, or use any Government resources, which it deems necessary to review any response. Not all members of the review team will necessarily review all responses. iii. Confidentiality: Respondents should mark any portions of their response that they consider proprietary or confidential. Canada will treat those portions of the responses as confidential to the extent permitted by the Access to Information Act. iv. Follow-up Activity: Canada may, in its discretion, contact any respondents to follow up with additional questions or for clarification of any aspect of a response. 5. CONTENT OF THIS RFIC This RFIC contains the evaluation criteria roughly based on the previous Request for Supply Arrangements (RFSA). This document remains a work in progress and respondents should not assume that new clauses or requirements will not be added to any bid solicitation that is ultimately published by Canada. Nor should respondents assume that none of the clauses or requirements will be deleted or revised. Comments regarding any aspect of the proposed procurement are welcome. 6. ENQUIRIES Because this is not a bid solicitation, Canada will not necessarily respond to enquiries in writing or by circulating answers to all potential suppliers. However, respondents with questions regarding this RFIC may direct their enquiries to: Robert Pelot at (613) 990-6842 or by email at: 7. SUBMISSION OF RESPONSES i. Time and Place for Submission of Responses: Suppliers interested in providing a response should deliver it directly to the Contracting Authority by the time and date indicated on page 1 of this solicitation document. The preferred method of response is by e-mail at: ii. Responsibility for Timely Delivery: Timely delivery and correct direction of responses is the sole responsibility of the respondent. PWGSC will not assume or have transferred to it those responsibilities. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Contracting Officer named above. 8. SOME SPECIFIC QUESTIONS: Is the evaluation criteria for the Supply Arrangement specifically appropriate for this commodity? Is the evaluation criteria for the subsequent RFPs under the Supply Arrangement (SARFPs) specifically appropriate for this commodity? Do you have any specific suggestions regarding the evaluation criteria and selection methodology for the RFSA and subsequent RFPs? 9. REQUEST FOR SUPPLY ARRANGEMENTS: Please see the following evaluation criteria for reference. Audio Visual Production Services Request For Supply Arrangements (RFSA) Proposed Evaluation Criteria - Supply Arrangement EVALUATION PROCEDURES AND BASIS OF SELECTION 1. EVALUATION PROCEDURES Offers will be assessed in accordance with the entire requirement of the Request for Supply Arrangement including all of the criteria stipulated herein. An evaluation team composed of representatives of Canada will evaluate the arrangements. 1.1. TECHNICAL EVALUATION 1.1.1 MANDATORY TECHNICAL CRITERIA M.1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE FIRM The Supplier MUST identify the owners and management of the firm and the legal incorporated name as well as the organizational structure. M.2 INTERNET SITE Suppliers MUST have an Internet site that is accessible by Client Departments and Agencies. The purpose of this Internet site is to provide information on the services available and the Supplier's qualifications to provide those services. Therefore, in order to meet this mandatory requirement, the Supplier MUST have an Internet site and provide the active Internet address. M.3 EXPERIENCE OF THE FIRM (The demo samples will be rated under R.1) The Supplier MUST demonstrate their experience by submitting one (1) USB key demo of at least four (4) samples produced and completed within the last five (5) years. The total running time of the samples MUST not exceed twenty (20) minutes in length. The productions MUST have been completed entirely by the Supplier in its original language under a contract with the public sector or private industry. One (1) of the samples MUST demonstrate the Suppliers ability to produce a video based audio-visual production for internal or external audiences for government (federal, provincial or municipal), for non-government organizations (NGA's) or be a corporate video. One (1) of the samples MUST demonstrate the Suppliers ability to produce an audio-visual production that was tailored and posted to the Internet or adapted for Internet use. One (1) of the samples MUST demonstrate the Suppliers ability to work in both official languages (English and French). Productions that have voice-overs, fully narrated or subtitled are not acceptable to demonstrate bilingual capability. For added details, a bilingual production is one in which there is both English and French equally and substantively represented in the same production. An adaptation is where after a production is produced in one language, it is then adapted into the other language taking into consideration the social and cultural differences of the target language population. An adaptation is not a straight translation. OFFERS NOT MEETING ALL OF THE MANDATORY TECHNICAL CRITERIA WILL BE GIVEN NO FURTHER CONSIDERATION. 1.1.2 POINT RATED TECHNICAL CRITERIA R.1 EXPERIENCE OF THE FIRM AND QUALITY OF SAMPLES PROVIDED (Maximum 100 points - Minimum 70 points) The Supplier shall be assessed against the demo samples provided in accordance with M.3. The USB demo should be able to be played on any laptop computer. The demo should be menu driven. To better understand the samples submitted for the mandatory criteria M3., the following information should also be provided for each sample. Please complete the Video Demo - "Proposed Project Fact Sheet" located in Appendix "2" . Client; Client contact; Description and purpose of production; Target audience(s); Creative approach; Production dates; Production budget; Project outcomes. The video demo will be evaluated on the following rated criteria: R.1.1 Demo samples demonstrate creative and technical excellence (40 points). At a minimum, we are looking for the following criteria: your approach (is it attractive, creative, innovative or appropriate); the quality of images; quality and effectiveness of cinematography, the use of special effects and graphics; use of camera angles; lighting; editing; and effective use of music and sound. Percentage factors utilized for the evaluation of the demo samples: Not acceptable (0): The information provided was unsuitable or insufficient. Limited (0.5): Criterion addressed, but not enough information provided and/or technically not acceptable. Less than established minimum. Acceptable (0.7): This is the established minimum. All of the above mentionned criteria are acceptable. Meets the minimum for technical standards. Demo demonstrates some creativity and innovation. Good (0.8 ): Slightly exceeds the established minimum, with one or two criteria that are very good. Approach demonstrates creativity and innovation. Very Good (0.9): The majority of the criteria are very good. One or two criteria may be excellent. Approach demonstrates very good creativity and innovation without being outstanding. Outstanding (1): Very unique, bold, and creative approach. Has excellent quality and use of images. Outstanding cinematography. Demo demonstrates excellent use of special effects and graphics and lighting. Has very appropriate use of music and sound. R.1.2 The effective use of treatment, script, language and visual techniques to communicate the themes and messages. (40 points) At a minimum, we are looking for the following criteria: engaging and complete storyline, clear script, appropriate use of language, quality of translation, effective communication of content and messages both in narration and on-camera and use of other techniques to get the message across. The success in conveying messages in both English and French is equivalent. Percentage factors utilized for the evaluation of the Treatment, script, language and visual techniques: Not acceptable (0): The information provided was unsuitable or insufficient. Limited (0.5): Criterion addressed, but not enough information provided and/or technically not acceptable. Less than established minimum. Acceptable (0.7): This is the established minimum. All of the above mentionned criteria are acceptable, and meets the established minimum. The treatment, script, language and technique adequately help convey themes and messages. Good (0.8): Slightly exceeds the established minimum, with one or two criteria that are very good. Treatment, script, language and technique help convey the themes and messages. Very Good (0.9): The majority of the criteria are very good. One or two criteria may be excellent. Treatment, script, language and techniques effectively communicate themes and messages without being outstanding. Outstanding (1): Outstanding delivery of content, themes and messages. Treatment, script, language and techniques are communicated very well, both in narration and on-camera. Appropriate techniques were used. R.1.3 Demonstrate a wide variety of visual and dramatic devices, such as: graphic animation sequences; typography/on-screen text; motion graphics and animations; still imagery; imported (stock) film footage; off-camera and on-camera narration; music; sound and special effects (10 points). At a minimum, we are looking for the use of six (6) of the ten (10) above-mentioned visual or dramatic devices. Percentage factors utilized for the evaluation of the visual and dramatic devices: Not acceptable (0): The information provided was unsuitable or insufficient. Limited (0.5): Criterion addressed, but not enough information provided and/or technically not acceptable. Less than established minimum. Acceptable (0.7): This is the established minimum. At least six (6) of the listed devices are effectively used, and the demo meets the established minimum. Good (0.8): Slightly exceeds the established minimum, with two (2) or three (3) of the devices that are very good. Very Good (0.9): The majority of the criteria are very good. Four (4) or five (5) criteria may be excellent, without being outstanding. Outstanding (1): A very effective blend of six or more visual or dramatic devices and are relevant to the subject matter. The quality and effectiveness of at least six (6) devices are outstanding. R.1.4 The audio-visual production outcomes. (10 points) At a minimum, the Supplier should describe the success of the projects. What was the feedback from the audience, if any? We are aware that many Suppliers are not in control of evaluating the projects success/use, nor always able to monitor audience feedback, however a written and signed client testimonial on how the video's were used and received would suffice. Percentage factors utilized for the evaluation of the outcome of the videos: Not acceptable (0): The information provided was unsuitable or insufficient. Limited (0.5): Criterion addressed, but not enough information provided and/or technically not acceptable. Less than established minimum. Acceptable (0.7): This is the established minimum. The supplier communicated in an approriate manner the outcome of the projects. Good (0.8): The supplier communicated its subject matter in a manner that is rather effective and appropriate of the outcome of the projects. Very Good (0.9): The supplier communicated its subject matter that is very effective and appropriate of the outcome of the projects. Very good details were provided. The client testimonial confirmed the high level of audience acceptace. Outstanding (1): The supplier communicated its subject matter that is excellent and appropriate of the outcome of the projects. Outstanding details were provided. The client testimonial confirmed the high level of audience acceptace. 2. BASIS OF SELECTION 2.1 Minimum Point Rating To be declared responsive, a supplier must: comply with all the requirements of the Request for Supply Arrangement (RFSA); and meet all mandatory technical evaluation criteria; and obtain the required minimum of 70 percent of the available points for each rated criteria and an overall passing mark of 80 points on a scale of 100 points. Suppliers not meeting (a) or (b) or (c) above will be declared non-responsive. All fully responsive suppliers and all fully responsive Aboriginal suppliers will be listed on the "Standard" list of Supply Arrangement Holders. A separate list will be created for Aboriginal suppliers only under the Set-Aside Program for Aboriginal Business. There is no limit to the number of Supply Arrangement's to be put in place. DETAILED EVALUATION PROCESS FOR REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS ISSUED UNDER THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT (SARFP) 1. EVALUATION CRITERIA The evaluation criteria will be delineated in the request for proposal the Supply Arrangement Request for Proposals (SARFP). Evaluation criteria will be categorized either as mandatory or as rated evaluation criteria. Associated weighting factors with regard to rated requirements will be identified. Evaluation criteria can be subject to both a mandatory and a point rated evaluation system. 1.1 Mandatory Evaluation Criteria Mandatory evaluation criteria identify at the outset the minimum requirements for bids to be considered. Mandatory evaluation criteria are evaluated on a simple pass/fail basis. When mandatory evaluation criteria are used, the SARFP will clearly indicate that failure to meet any of the mandatory criteria will render the bid non-compliant and that it will be given no further consideration. Mandatory criteria will be expressed by using imperative verbs such as "must" and "will". 1.2 Point Rated Evaluation Criteria The SARFP will clearly state all evaluation factors and their relative importance. Point rated evaluation criteria will be used to establish the minimum requirements (by setting a passing mark) that a bid must meet to be considered a valid and responsive proposal. The evaluation can be set to include an overall pass mark for proposals or pass mark for each individual evaluation criterion, and/or a group of criteria. Point rated criteria identify those elements that can be evaluated on a variety of characteristics to determine the relative technical merit of each proposal. 2. BASIS OF SELECTION The highest point rated proposal within a specified budget will be selected. With this selection method, the supplier who has provided a firm price that is within the project budget and who has received the highest point rating for their technical proposal will be recommended for contract award. 3. BASIS OF PAYMENT A Firm Price contract will be used. Multiple invoice payments will be permitted. 4. STEPS IN THE RFP PROCESS FOR ALL COMPETED REQUIREMENTS The SARFP as issued by the PWGSC Contracting Authority will include a Statement of Work (SOW), the evaluation criteria, the basis of selection and a bid closing date. The SARFP will be sent electronically to SA Holders via e-mail. An SARFP Under the Supply Arrangements is used for requirements valued at more than $25,000 but less than $400,000 excluding applicable taxes. Supply Arrangement Holders will be invited to submit a proposal for this solicitation process based on the following selection process: Two Suppliers picked on a rotational basis; and Two Supply Arrangement holders as recommended by the Client; and One Supply Arrangement Holder selected at random by PWGSC. The "random" selection will be made using the RAND () function in Microsoft Excel, all of which are determined in accordance with the Basis of Selection at article 2 in Part 4 of the solicitation document. NOTE: The Suppliers will be given 48 hours from the time they are invited to bid to confirm their intention to bid. If a supplier intends not to bid on a particular invitation, they must advise the contracting officer who will remove them from that invitation and pick an other supplyer using the random selection criteria identified above. This will only be done once to avoid having to extend the bid closing date. As a result and as much as possible, all SARFPs will have at least five bidders to maintain fair competition. Overall, individual contracts under the Supply Arrangements must not exceed $400,000.00 (Goods and Services Tax or Harmonized Sales Tax excluding). As indicated in the SARFP, the SA Holder will be required to submit a proposal within the specified time frame. The time frame will be determined based on the complexity of the requirement. As requested, the SA Holder will submit a proposal only to Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) Bid Receiving Unit by the date, time and place indicated in the Mini-RFP or RFP. The Bidder's proposal is not intended to duplicate the SOW, but rather to offer a description of how and when the Bidder proposes to satisfy the requirement, along with the proposed prices for doing so. Bidders may request written clarification of SARFP requirements. Such requests for clarification will be sent to the PWGSC Contracting Authority though electronic means or through written correspondence by the date indicated in the SARFP and within the parameters stated in the SARFP. The PWGSC Contracting Authority will answer clarification requests to all bidders. As a result of clarification requests, the PWGSC Contracting Authority will determine if any revisions to SOW requirements or evaluation criteria is required, and if necessary, issue an amendment to the Mini-RFP/RFP. 5. EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS The proposals will be evaluated consistent with the evaluation factors identified in the SARFP. SAMPLE SARFP EVALUATION CRITERIA MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS M.1 FINANCIAL PROPOSAL The Bidder MUST submit a financial proposal with a firm price not exceeding $XXXXX (Goods and Services Tax or Harmonized Sales Tax extra, as appropriate). The maximum amount includes travel expenses. The Bidder must submit a detailed pricing proposal (indicating units e.g. days, weeks, hours, dollar rates, etc.) that correlates with the production schedule and resource allocation of the project. The Bidder must also provide sufficient budget details in terms of categories, line items, unit prices/rates, level of effort, with consistent budget structures and breakdown for each production phase. The Bidder must treat any travel expenses as a separate item. Note that the Bidder's fee should include the travel expenses associated with attending mandatory meetings. Travel costs should be calculated according to Treasury Board Travel Rates and Policies which can be found at the following weblink: 1.1.2 RATED TECHNICAL CRITERIA Proposals will be evaluated and scored in accordance with specific evaluation criteria as detailed in this section. To be considered compliant, bidders must obtain the required minimum of 70 percent of the points for each rated criteria and an overall passing mark of 96 points. The rating is performed on a scale of 120 points. Proposals scoring less than 70 percent in one of these criterion will not be given further consideration. NOTE: Percentage factors will be the basis used to allocate points for all rated requirements. The number of points will be calculated depending on the total value given for each criterion. For example, if we give 0.7 as a score for R.1.1 (35 points X 0.7 = 24.5 points), this is equal to 70% of the total value given for that criterion. We cannot deviate from the established scoring grid. For example, we could not give a score of 0.75 (75%). We would have to choose between a 0.7 or a 0.8 (70% or 80%). CREATIVE APPROACH AND TECHNICAL METHODOLOGY (MAXIMUM : 70 POINTS) R.1 will be evaluated on the following rated criteria: R.1.1: Understanding of the scope and challenges of project and degree to which these are addressed. (Maximum 35 points - Minimum 24.5 points) At a minimum, we are looking for: details and examples of how you demonstrate your understanding of the project's scope and challenges; how your understanding of the scope and the challenges are reflected in the approach. Not acceptable (0): The information provided was unsuitable or insufficient. Limited (0.5): Criterion addressed, but not enough information provided and/or technically not acceptable and/or the proposal did not demonstrate an understanding of the scope and/or most of the information was transcribed from the Statement of Work (SOW) without providing additional information. Less than established minimum. Acceptable (0.7): This is the established minimum. Acceptable understanding of the project's scope and challenges. The approach outlines challenges of project. Methodology addresses the objectives. Good (0.8): Slightly exceeds the established minimum. Good understanding of the project's scope and challenges. The approach provides a good outline of challenges with some solutions. Methodology stands a good chance of achieving the objectives. Very Good (0.9): Very good understanding of the project's scope and challenges. The approach is good and provides analysis of challenges with solutions. Approach and methodology stands a very good chance of achieving the objectives. Outstanding (1): Outstanding understanding of the project's scope and challenges. The approach is outstanding and provides excellent analysis of challenges with well thought out solutions. Approach and methodology will effectively achieve the objectives. R.1.2: The outline of the proposed production treatment is easy to visualize. (Maximum 35 points - Minimum 24.5 points) At a minimum, we are looking for: clear visualization of both the structure and the creative approach of the production treatment. Not acceptable (0): The information provided was unsuitable or insufficient. Limited (0.5): Criterion addressed, but not enough information provided and/or technically not acceptable and/or the story idea is average and/or not appropriate and/or it is unlikely to achieve the goal(s) of the project. Less than established minimum. Acceptable (0.7): This is the established minimum. It is easy to visualize the structure of the story and the creative approach of the production treatment. The overall structure is fine without being perfect. The story idea is average. Good (0.8): Slightly exceeds the established minimum. It is easy to visualize the structure of the story and the creative approach of the treatment. The story idea is good. Content is accurate or mostly accurate. Very Good (0.9): It is very easy to visualize the story and the creative approach of the production treatment. The overall structure holds very well from the beginning to the end. The story idea is strong. Content is accurate or mostly accurate. The look-and-feel of this production is obvious. A good script may also be provided. Outstanding (1): Visualization of the video is crystal clear throughout and the creative approach of the production treatment. The overall structure holds very well from the beginning to the end. The story idea is very strong. Content is accurate. Other means are used to help visualize the content/look-and-feel of the video such as mock-ups and/or illustrated storyboards. A strong script may also be provided. PROJECT MANAGEMENT APPROACH (MAXIMUM : 30 POINTS) R.2 will be evaluated on the following rated criteria: The Bidder should propose a preliminary project management approach that provides flexibility and considers client needs as described in this RFP. It should reflect how the Bidder proposes to work in collaboration with the Project Manager and Project Team on the development of the treatment and production and outline the key areas that require input from the Client. It should illustrate how the Bidder will ensure that performance, quality, scheduled goals are achieved, and illustrate a detailed work plan and schedule that identifies the significant milestones and deliverables within the development process. The following criteria will be evaluated: R.2.1 Project Management Approach (Maximum 30 points - Minimum 21 points) Provide a detailed description of the proposed project management approach and procedures, schedule controls, risk mitigation, as well as the tools and techniques that will be used to plan, organize, direct and control the Project including the milestones and deliverables. The project management approach should also outline how the Bidder proposes to work in collaboration with the Project Authority to insure sufficient time for review and Government approval process. Explain why your project plan will ensure smooth delivery of your proposed approach and methodology. At a minimum, we are looking for: Project management approach that provides sufficient details on process, processes for working with the Project Authority, schedule controls, timelines suitable and realistic; risk mitigation, planning tools and techniques that will be put in place and used to plan, organize, direct and control the project Not acceptable (0): The information provided was unsuitable or insufficient. Limited (0.5): Criterion addressed, but not enough information provided and/or technically not acceptable. Less than established minimum. Acceptable (0.7): This is the established minimum. Details on process; schedule controls; planning tools techniques are minimal. Good techniques to be put in place and used to plan, organize, direct and control the project. Correctly identifies risk areas and provided some mitigation strategies. Timelines are mostly realistic, and include client involvement in plan and approach. Good (0.8): Project management approach has sufficient details on process; schedule controls; planning tools and techniques. Good techniques to be put in place and used to plan, organize, direct and control the project. Correctly identifies risk areas and provides good mitigation strategies. Timelines are realistic, and include client involvement in plan and approach. Approach for working with Project Authority is good. Very Good (0.9): Project management approach has complete details on process; schedule controls; planning tools and techniques. Very efficient techniques to be put in place and used to plan, organize, direct and control the project. Correctly identifies risk areas and provides very good mitigation strategies. Timelines are suitable and realistic, and include good level of client involvement in plan and approach. Approach for working with Project Authority is very good. Outstanding (1): Project management approach has the most complete details on process; schedule controls; and planning tools and techniques. Very efficient and innovative techniques to be put in place and used to plan, organize, direct and control the project. Correctly identifies risk areas and provides clear and valid mitigation strategies. Timelines are suitable and very realistic while offering flexibility and include excellent client involvement in plan and approach. Approach for working with the Project Authority is flexible. Delivery Date: Above-mentioned The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement. Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada.
Contract duration
Refer to the description above for full details.
Trade agreements
Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT)
Contact information
Contracting organization
- Organization
Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Address
11 Laurier St, Phase III, Place du PortageGatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5Canada
- Contracting authority
- Pelot, Robert
- Phone
- (613) 990-6842 ( )
- Address
360 Albert St. / 360, rue Albert
12th Floor / 12ième étageOttawa, Ontario, K1A 0S5
Buying organization(s)
- Organization
Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Address
11 Laurier St, Phase III, Place du PortageGatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5Canada
Bidding details
Details for this tender opportunity are provided in the Description tab.
Please contact the contracting officer to get the full solicitation documentation, access information on how to bid, or if you have any questions regarding this tender opportunity.
Note that there may be fees to access the documents or bid. These should be outlined in the Description tab.
We recommend that you contact the contracting officer as soon as possible, as there may be deadlines for receiving questions.