Project Management Support Services - Laboratories Canada
Solicitation number EP938-212398/A
Publication date
Closing date and time 2021/11/29 14:00 EST
Last amendment date
Trade Agreement: CETA/WTO-AGP/CPTPP/CFTA/FTAs with Peru/Colombia/Panama/Korea/UK Tendering Procedures: All interested suppliers may submit a bid Competitive Procurement Strategy: Best Overall Proposal Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement: No Nature of Requirements: ** CERTIFICATION COVID-19 VACCINATION REQUIRED INTO THE BID SOLICITATION ON ITS CLOSING DATE ** Failure to complete and provide the COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement Certification as part of the bid will render the bid non-responsive. ________________________ Amendment 011:This amendment is raised to extend the bid closing date, modify the maximum score possible for RT3.7, RT3.8 & RT3.9 in the Workstream 1, the total score for the Workstream 1, the clause for the performance evaluation and answer questions received from the industry. Amendment 010:This amendment is raised to answer a question received from the industry. Amendment 009: The Amendment 009 is raised to answer questions received from the industry and make minor adjustments in the Point Rated Technical criteria in in the RFP in order to keep constancy with both versions (English and French). Amendment 008: The Amendment 008 is raised to modify the bid closing date of the RFP, correct a mistake in the Point Rated Technical criteria in the French RFP and answer questions received from the industry. Amendment 007:The Amendment 007 is raised to modify a terminology due to a question received from the industry. Amendment 006: The amendment 006 is raised to extend the bid closing date to the RFP, add a clause for the performance evaluation, modify the mandatory criteria MT1 in the RFP and revised the answer provided at the question 10 in the amendment 005. Amendment 005: The Amendment 005 is raised to modify the mandatory criteria in the RFP and answer questions received from the industry. Amendment 004: The Amendment 004 is raised to add the Covid-19 vaccination requirements to the RFP. Amendment 003:This Amendment 003 is raised to modify terminology, the mandatory criteria, the point 7.1.2 Task authorization, the Annex E - Task Authorization Form and answer questions 4 to 9 received from the industry. Amendment 002: The amendment 002 is raised to extend the bid closing date. Amendment 001: The amendment is raised to answer questions received from the industry. ________________________ REQUIREMENT DESCRIPTION Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) requires a variety of expertise in project management with knowledge and experience in supporting and managing Government of Canada Real Property Projects. Laboratories Canada will require a team of resources who will be called upon, as and when required, to provide a broad range of services to support its projects such as, but not limited to: Project Manager, Project Leader, Portfolio Planner, Project Scheduler, Project Planner and Project Administrator, Business Consultant, Organizational Development Consultant, Change Management Consultant, Communication Consultant, Financial Specialist, Risk Management Specialist, Claim Analyst. Levels of service will include junior, intermediate and senior level specialists in the various streams. The support of an integrated team, will enable and complement the skills and competencies required to successfully implement a variety of projects/initiatives across the department and as a service provider to the Government of Canada, including, but not limited to Laboratories Canada. The 13 resource categories in the RFP are divided into 3 workstreams, which will be evaluated (separate technical and financial bid to be submitted) with the intent to award three (3) individual contracts per workstream. Workstream 1: Project Management Services (Real property) (37 resource categories/levels) Workstream 2: Business Consulting / Change Management (26 resource categories/levels) Workstream 3: Project Finance and Performance Management (13 resource categories/levels) PWGSC intends to issue a maximum of three (3) Contracts per each workstream for the required services to be provided as a result of this solicitation. However, Bidders may submit a bid for one or more of the workstreams. PROPOSED PERIOD OF CONTRACT It is intended to result in the award up to three (3) Contracts per each workstream. In the event that a Bidder wants to bid on more than one workstream, a separate technical and financial bid should be submitted for each workstream. Each contract will be for five (5) years. REQUIRED RESOURCE CATEGORIES PER WORKSTREAM WORKSTREAM 1 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES (Real Property) 1 Project Manager - Junior 2 Project Manager - Intermediate 3 Project Manager - Senior 4 Project Leader - Intermediate 5 Project Leader - Senior 6 Portfolio Planner - Intermediate 7 Portfolio Planner - Senior 8 Project Scheduler - Senior 9 Project Administrator - Junior 10 Project Administrator - Intermediate 11 Project Administrator - Senior 12 Project Planner - Intermediate 13 Project Planner - Senior WORKSTREAM 2 - BUSINESS CONSULTING / CHANGE MANAGEMENT 1 Business Consultant - Junior 2 Business Consultant - Intermediate 3 Business Consultant - Senior 4 Organizational Development Consultant - Junior 5 Organizational Development Consultant - Intermediate 6 Organizational Development Consultant - Senior 7 Change Management Consultant - Junior 8 Change Management Consultant - Intermediate 9 Change Management Consultant - Senior 10 Communications Consultant - Junior 11 Communications Consultant - Intermediate 12 Communications Consultant - Senior WORKSTREAM 3 - PROJECT FINANCE AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT 1 Financial Specialist - Junior 2 Financial Specialist - Intermediate 3 Financial Specialist - Senior 4 Risk Management Specialist - Junior 5 Risk Management Specialist - Intermediate 6 Risk Management Specialist - Senior 7 Claims Analyst - Intermediate 8 Claims Analyst - Senior SECURITY REQUIREMENT Company Minimum Security Level Required: Facility Security Clearance, Secret Resource Minimum Security Level Required: Secret EVALUATION PROCEDURES AND BASIS OF SELECTION PER WORKSTREAM - The Phased Bid Compliance Process applies to this requirement. - Technical evaluation - Financial evaluation BASIS OF SELECTION PER WORKSTREAM The basis of selection is the highest combined rating of Technical Merit (70%), Price (25%) and Indigenous Participation Plan (IPP) (5%). To be declared responsive, a bid must: (a) comply with all the requirements of the bid solicitation for its workstream; (b) meet all the mandatory technical evaluation criteria for its workstream and; (c) obtain the required minimum number of points for the Point Rated Technical Criteria for its workstream. The responsive bid with the highest combined score of technical merit, price and Indigenous Participation Plan (IPP) will be recommended for award of Contract /001. The responsive bid with the second highest combined score of technical merit, price and Indigenous Participation Plan (IPP) will be recommended for award of Contract /002. The responsive bid with the third highest combined score of technical merit, price and Indigenous Participation Plan (IPP) will be recommended for award of Contract /003. ENQUIRIES All enquiries are to be submitted to the Contractual Authority: Audrey Paquin by email at: Enquiries are to be made in writing and must be received no less than seven (7) calendar days prior to the solicitation closing date to allow sufficient time to respond. BID DOCUMENTS Firms intending to submit bids on this project should obtain bid documents through the Government Electronic Tendering Service at Amendments, when issued, will be available from the same government electronic tendering service. Firms that elect to base their bids on bid documents obtained from other sources do so at their own risk and will be solely responsible to inform the bid calling authority of their intention to bid. BID RECEIVING Bids can be submitted by using the epost Connect service provided by Canada Post Corporation. The only acceptable email address to use with epost Connect for responses to bid solicitations issued by PWGSC is: Facsimile number: 819-997-9776 Delivery Date: Above-mentioned The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement. Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada.
Contract duration
Refer to the description above for full details.
Contact information
Contracting organization
- Organization
Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Address
11 Laurier St, Phase III, Place du PortageGatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5Canada
- Contracting authority
- Paquin, Audrey
- Phone
- (613) 295-8826 ( )
- Email
- Address
L'Esplanade Laurier,
East Tower 4th Floor
L'Esplanade Laurier,
Tour est 4e étage
140 O'Connor, StreetOttawa, Ontario, K1A 0R5
Buying organization(s)
- Organization
Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Address
11 Laurier St, Phase III, Place du PortageGatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5Canada
Bidding details
Full details regarding this tender opportunity are available in the documents below. Click on the document name to download the file. Contact the contracting officer if you have any questions regarding these documents.
Access the Getting started page for details on how to bid, and more.