Future Pilot Training - Call for Industry Discussion
Solicitation number W3471-130001/A
Publication date
Closing date and time 2013/11/15 22:59 EST
Last amendment date
Trade Agreement: WTO-AGP/NAFTA/AIT/Canada FTAs with Peru/Colombia/Panama Tendering Procedures: Attachment: None Competitive Procurement Strategy: N/A - P&A/LOI Only Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement: No Nature of Requirements: The current RCAF pilot training system is based on two inter related service contracts with end dates of 2021 and 2027. Efforts are underway to ensure a seamless transition and that any future training system is cohesive and structured to leverage emerging, more flexible technologies. A Request For Information (RFI) has been released and is the first step in an engagement process intended to exploit Canadian industry experience and explore the potential for participation of industry in providing maximum value and capability for the RCAF. This RFI is intended to be a starting point. It is seen as both an examination of feasibility and a sounding board exercise as we begin the examination of options, exploring what is within the realm of the possible. It is also intended to gauge what interest and capabilities exists for industry participation. Open dialogue in both collective and individual forums will be used to examine the potential for industry involvement in the development of future RCAF pilot training systems. This is not a bid solicitation, and no contract will result from this RFI. Requirements are subject to change, which may be as a result of information provided in response to this RFI. Potential respondents are advised that any information submitted to Canada in response to this RFI may, or may not be used by Canada in the development of a subsequent competitive RFP. The issuance of this RFI does not create an obligation for Canada to issue a subsequent RFP, and does not bind Canada legally or otherwise, to enter into any agreement or to accept or reject any suggestions. There will be no short listing or pre-qualification of firms for purposes of undertaking any future work as a result of this RFI. Similarly, participation in this RFI process is not a condition or prerequisite for participation in any RFP. Companies responding to this RFI should identify any submitted information that is to be considered as either company confidential, proprietary or if the response contains controlled goods. All inquiries and other communications related to this RFI shall be directed exclusively to: Brad Koskie Lieutenant-Colonel Future Pilot Training Concepts Director Air Simulation and Training National Defence Ottawa, Canada K1A 0K2 bradley.koskie@forces.gc.ca Tel: 613-990-1605 BB: 613-618-4255 Fax: 613-992-0065 The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement. Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada. Delivery Date: 15/11/2013 The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement. Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada.
Contract duration
Refer to the description above for full details.
Trade agreements
World Trade Organization Agreement on Government Procurement (WTO GPA)
Canada-Panama Free Trade Agreement
Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT)
Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement
Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement (CPFTA)
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Contact information
Contracting organization
- Organization
Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Address
11 Laurier St, Phase III, Place du PortageGatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5Canada
- Contracting authority
- LCol Brad Koskie
- Phone
- (613) 990-1605 ( )
- Fax
- (613) 992-0065
- Address
1 Nicholas Street/1, rue Nicolas
Suite 215/Suite 215
Room 253Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0S5
Buying organization(s)
- Organization
Department of National Defence
- Address
101 Colonel By DrOttawa, Ontario, K1A0K2Canada
Bidding details
Full details regarding this tender opportunity are available in the documents below. Click on the document name to download the file. Contact the contracting officer if you have any questions regarding these documents.
Document title | Amendment no. | Language | Unique downloads | Date added |
ABES.PROD.PW__NF.B006.E24040.EBSU000.PDF | 000 |
255 | |
ABES.PROD.PW__NF.B006.F24040.EBSU000.PDF | 000 |
59 |
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