Tender opportunities

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Notice categories:

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List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Integrated Pest Management Services- Parks Canada Collections and… Services 2023/09/26
2023/09/26 Parks Canada
W0113-23CS03 Pest Management Instructor Services 2022/07/21
2022/08/05 Department of National Defence (DND)
Minor Use Pesticide Program (MUPP) Good Laboratory Practices (GLP)… Services 2024/09/04 2024/10/16 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Minor Use Pesticide Program (MUPP) Field and Greenhouse Research Trials… Services 2024/02/02
2024/02/02 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Minor Use Pesticide Program (MUPP) Residue Analysis - Pest Management… Services 2023/08/30
2023/08/30 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Displaying 1 - 21 of
21 of 21
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
W0113-23CS03 Pest Management Instructor Services 2022/12/01
2022/12/01 Department of National Defence (DND)
Minor Use Pesticide Program (MUPP) Field and Greenhouse Research Trials… Services 2024/03/07 2025/03/31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Minor Use Pesticide Program (MUPP) Field and Greenhouse Research Trials… Services 2024/03/05 2025/03/31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Minor Use Pesticide Program (MUPP) Field and Greenhouse Research Trials… Services 2024/03/04 2025/03/31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Minor Use Pesticide Program (MUPP) Field and Greenhouse Research Trials… Services 2024/03/01 2025/03/31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Minor Use Pesticide Program (MUPP) Field and Greenhouse Research Trials… Services 2024/03/01 2025/03/31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Minor Use Pesticide Program (MUPP) Field and Greenhouse Research Trials… Services 2024/02/29 2025/03/31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Minor Use Pesticide Program (MUPP) Field and Greenhouse Research Trials… Services 2024/02/29 2025/03/31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Minor Use Pesticide Program (MUPP) Field and Greenhouse Research Trials… Services 2024/02/29 2025/03/31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Minor Use Pesticide Program (MUPP) Field and Greenhouse Research Trials… Services 2024/02/29 2025/03/31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Minor Use Pesticide Program (MUPP) Field and Greenhouse Research Trials… Services 2024/02/29 2025/03/31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Minor Use Pesticide Program (MUPP) Field and Greenhouse Research Trials… Services 2024/03/13 2025/03/31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Minor Use Pesticide Program (MUPP) Field and Greenhouse Research Trials… Services 2024/03/05 2025/03/31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Minor Use Pesticide Program (MUPP) Field and Greenhouse Research Trials… Services 2024/03/05 2025/03/31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Minor Use Pesticide Program (MUPP) Field and Greenhouse Research Trials… Services 2024/03/04 2025/03/31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Minor Use Pesticide Program (MUPP) Field and Greenhouse Research Trials… Services 2024/03/01 2025/03/31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Minor Use Pesticide Program (MUPP) Field and Greenhouse Research Trials… Services 2024/03/01 2025/03/31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Minor Use Pesticide Program (MUPP) Field and Greenhouse Research Trials… Services 2024/02/29 2025/03/31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Minor Use Pesticide Program (MUPP) Field and Greenhouse Research Trials… Services 2024/02/29 2025/03/31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Minor Use Pesticide Program (MUPP) Field and Greenhouse Research Trials… Services 2024/02/29 2025/03/31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Minor Use Pesticide Program (MUPP) Residue Analysis - Pest Management… Services 2023/10/11 2025/03/31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
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List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
C. Schwan Educational Services CW2236470 Department of National Defence (DND) 2022/08/17 CAD 36,684.32
C. Schwan Educational Services CW2236470 Department of National Defence (DND) 2022/12/01
CAD -4,768.96
C. Schwan Educational Services CW2236470 Department of National Defence (DND) 2022/09/09
CAD -4,768.96

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