Maintenance on CanadaBuys

The CanadaBuys website and SAP Fieldglass will be down for scheduled maintenance at the times listed below. We apologize for any inconvenience.  

  • CanadaBuys on Friday, October 11 from 8:00 pm until October 12 10:00 am (EDT) 

  • SAP Fieldglass on Friday, October 11 from 8:00 pm until October 12 10:00 am (EDT) 

Tender opportunities

Browse the list of tender opportunities and sign up for notifications to stay up to date. To download contracting information posted on CanadaBuys and contract history: 

Notice categories:

50 of 163039
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Supply and Deliver Pick-up Trucks to Government of Yukon Goods 9999/12/31 9999/12/31 Yukon
Supply Septic Eductions (Pump-Outs) Carmacks Area Services 9999/12/31 9999/12/31 Yukon
Mayo Water Reservoir Replacement Construction 9999/12/31 9999/12/31 Yukon
Beaver Creek Sewage Lagoon - Construction Construction 9999/12/31 9999/12/31 Yukon
Town of Watson Lake - Infrastructure Upgrades Construction 9999/12/31 9999/12/31 Yukon
Wolverine Mine Reclamation Project Design Services 9999/12/31 9999/12/31 Yukon
REMOTE SITE COMMS SHELTER Goods 2024/10/09 2024/11/18 Royal Canadian Mounted Police
3D Terrestrial Scanners & Licences Goods 2024/10/09 2024/10/29 Fisheries and Oceans Canada
F3731-240018 Newport - Harbour Revitalization - Phase 2 Construction 2024/10/09
2024/10/22 Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO)
Software as a Service backup solution Services 2024/10/09 2024/10/29 Housing, Infrastructure and Communities…
TSPS 3.11 Communications Consultant– Level 2 Services 2024/10/09 2024/10/28 National Research Council of Canada
Maintenance services for identification-detection-access control and… Services 2024/10/09
2024/10/17 Indigenous Services Canada
Specialized weather reporting and monitoring services. Services 2024/10/09
2024/10/28 Canadian Heritage
Psychometric assessment services for senior leadership positions Services 2024/10/09 2024/10/23 Canadian Defence Academy
Executive search services for Governor in Council (GIC) position:… Services 2024/10/09 2024/10/23 Canadian Defence Academy
Website Redesign Services 2024/10/09
2024/10/28 Polar Knowledge Canada
Laser Range Finder Binoculars Goods 2024/10/09 2024/11/08 Department of National Defence
Elder Services Services 2024/10/09
2024/10/09 Correctional Services Canada
Flatbed Trailer ATV Goods 2024/10/09
2024/10/09 Department of National Defence…
Type 2 Structure Protection Units Goods 2024/10/09 2024/10/24 Halifax Regional Municipality
Gambling Literacy Awareness Services 2024/10/09 2024/11/06 Nova Scotia Gaming Corporation
Human Resources and Employee Relations Consultants Services 2024/10/09 2024/10/24 Polar Knowledge Canada
Chartering of Helicopters for Migratory Bird Monitoring in Eastern Canada Services 2024/10/09 2024/11/08 Environment and Climate Change Canada
Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (SI) Services 2024/10/09
2024/10/09 Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Lip Light Goods 2024/10/09 2024/11/07 DGAEPM
Social Media Account Management Tool Services 2024/10/09
2024/10/16 Elections Canada
Purchase of SCBA Equipment with Communication System Goods 2024/10/09
2024/10/15 National Research Council of Canada
Domain and IP Intelligence Platform Services 2024/10/09
2024/10/24 Canadian Radio-television and…
TBIPS - P.7 Project Coordinator Level 3 Services 2024/10/09
2024/10/21 Director of Electronic Systems…
Tree Planting and Related Services along Boulevard Fournier Services 2024/10/09
2024/10/11 National Capital Commission (NCC)
Skid Steer Loader, Prince Albert National Park Goods 2024/10/09 2024/10/15 Parks Canada Agency
Tractor, Configuration A Goods 2024/10/09
2024/10/09 Indigenous Services Canada
Multimodal Visibility Project Services 2024/10/09
2024/10/09 Transport Canada
Cyber Protection Services Services 2024/10/09
2024/10/09 Correctional Service Canada
Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC),… Services 2024/10/09
2024/10/09 Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern…
50MT Payload Low Bed Trailer System Goods 2024/10/09
2024/10/09 Department of National Defence…
Request for Information - Provision of Registered Education Savings… Services 2024/10/09
2024/10/09 Employment and Social Development Canada
Supply Arrangement/Aviation Parts Goods 2024/10/09 2024/11/18 Department of National Defence
Halifax Common Skatepark Replacement Detailed Design Services 2024/10/09 2024/11/07 Halifax Regional Municipality
Invitation to Qualify to Artificial Intelligence Source List Services 2024/10/09
2024/10/08 Department of Public Works and Government…
ACAN - LASREF II Inertial Reference Unit Repair and Overhaul Services 2024/10/09 2024/10/24 Director Aerospace Procurement (DAP)
GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES Services 2024/10/09 2024/10/31 VIA HFR
Competitive Request for Proposals Services 2024/10/09
2024/11/15 Department of Community & Government…
Airtightness Testing Data of Manufactured Homes Services 2024/10/09 2024/10/25 National Research Council Canada
Science equipment - Profilometer Goods 2024/10/09 2024/11/18 Natural Resources Canada
Halifax class spares - HPA Valves Goods 2024/10/09
2024/09/25 National Defence
Forensic Microscopes Goods 2024/10/09
2024/10/25 Royal Canadian Mounted Police
VALVE, GLOBE Goods 2024/10/09
2024/10/31 National Defence
NPP 24-58181 Diamond Windows Goods 2024/10/09 2024/10/22 National Research Council Canada
NPP – S5083399 – THS SA – One (1) “Computer Application Support”.… Services 2024/10/09
2024/10/09 Department of National Defense
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 124704
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Cyber Protection Services Services 2025/09/25 2027/03/31 Fisheries and Oceans Canada
H1020-246872 Waters Upgrade Plan waters_connnect Ntwk Goods 2025/09/01 2025/09/30 Department of Health (HC)
Service Delivery and Organization Transformation and Costing Renewal Services 2025/05/30 2025/06/30 Employment and Social Development Canada…
GSIN 4820 Non-Powered Valves HFX Class Goods 2025/05/21 2025/05/21 National Defence
Oracle Unlimited Licensing Agreement (ULA) for PSPC Goods 2025/05/14 2026/05/13 Department of Public Works and Government…
Purchase of a Cell Imager and Analyzer System Goods 2025/03/31 2024/11/15 National Research Council of Canada
Janitorial Services ISED Shirleys Bay Campus Services 2024/11/30 2024/10/31 Innovation, Science and Economic…
W6854-240346 Car Wash and Vacuum Systems Services 2024/11/01 2025/10/31 Department of National Defence (DND)
Installation of an access ramp to the 1G courtyard Construction 2024/10/14 2024/10/31 Correctional Service Canada
Software Licensing Supply Arrangement (SLSA) Goods 2024/10/09
2028/09/29 Department of Public Works and Government…
10 of 524188
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Waters Limited CW2374025 Department of Health (HC) 2025/09/01 CAD 239,136.96
Oracle Canada ULC CW2364345 Department of Public Works and Government… 2025/05/14 CAD 2,572,767.07
Valcom Consulting Group Inc. CW2360147 Department of National Defence (DND) 2024/11/16 CAD 7,107,736.00
2849723 Ontario Inc E. G. Spence Maintenance and Construction CW2366055 Department of National Defence (DND) 2024/11/01 CAD 27,659.01
NARRATIVE RESEARCH INC. EN578-181138/005/CY Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/10/09
CAD 0.00
SkyFly Solutions Inc. CW2309422 Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/10/09
CAD 0.00
Cryotic Consulting CW2309422 Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/10/09
CAD 0.00
ASC Group, Inc. CW2309422 Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/10/09
CAD 0.00
Mattawa IT Solutions Inc. CW2309422 Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/10/09
CAD 0.00
Horizant Inc CW2309422 Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/10/09
CAD 0.00

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