Entering your payment information in SAP Ariba



Has your business been awarded a contract with Public Services and Procurement Canada? If yes, this resource guide will walk you through how to add payment information to your SAP Ariba account. 

Even if you received your contract by bidding through Buyandsell, remember that you will still need to enter your payment information in SAP Ariba. 

Don't already have an account? Refer to the guide on registering and logging in to SAP Ariba.

Fill out the final section of the questionnaire

To enter your payment information, you’ll need to fill out question 9 of the Government of Canada’s questionnaire in SAP Ariba following the steps below. If you have questions or need help filling out this information, contact the CanadaBuys Service Desk.

Note: If your business was awarded a contract through SAP Ariba, the contracting authority will notify you when you need to fill out the payment section. 

Step 1

Log in to SAP Ariba. If you need help doing this, refer to the guide on registering and logging in to SAP Ariba

Step 2

You will be brought to the SAP Ariba home page. From there, click on the circle with your initials in it at the top-right of the page and select "Company Profile" from the drop-down menu. 

A screenshot of the SAP Ariba home page, with red boxes around the circle icon in the top right-hand corner and Company profile in the drop-down menu.

Step 3

This will open the Company profile page. From this page, click on the "Customer Requested" tab. Under the Sourcing customer list, click the "Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada" link to go to the questionnaire. 

A screenshot of the Customer requested tab of the Company profile page, with a red box around the Customer requested tab and the Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada link.

Step 4

The questionnaire will open in a pop-up window. If you already completed the first part of the questionnaire, scroll down to question 9 to begin entering your payment information. 

Step 5

Starting with question 9.1, answer if your organization is in the process of finalizing an award of contract with the Government of Canada. Select "Yes" from the drop-down menu to continue. 

Note: Only businesses that are finalizing a contract will be able to proceed to question 9.2 and onward.

A screenshot of question 9, with a red box around 9.1.

Step 6

For question 9.2, indicate if your business has a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) business number. If yes, answer the following three questions:

  • In question 9.3, indicate the CRA ownership type from the drop-down menu
  • In question 9.4, enter your CRA business number
  • In question 9.6, indicate the supplier type from the drop-down menu, and depending on your response, complete all corresponding questions, such as country, method of payment, and banking information

Note: If you operate a Canadian business and don’t have a CRA business number, register for one using the Business Registration Online service. If you are a non-Canadian business, register using the Non-Resident Business Number and Account Registration Web Form

A screenshot of question 9, with a red box around 9.3, 9.4 and 9.6.

Step 7

Next, respond to question 9.8 by selecting your preferred method of payment from the drop-down menu.

  • For instructions on setting up direct deposit, continue to step 8
  • For instructions on setting up payment by cheque, continue to step 10

A screenshot of question 9, with a red boxes around 9.8 and the answer drop-down.

Step 8

If you choose direct deposit as your preferred method of payment, fill out the following information:

  • In questions 9.10 and 9.11, enter the bank name and address, including its city, postal code, and country
  • In questions 9.12 to 9.15, enter the name of the account holder, the Financial Institution Number, the branch number and the account number

A screenshot of question 9, with red boxes around 9.10, 9.11, 9.12, 9.13, 9.14 and 9.15.

Step 9

In question 9.16, upload a copy of a void cheque or a bank confirmation letter. Click on the "Attach a file" link to open the Add attachment box. Click the “Browse” button to look for the file on your computer. Select your file and click “Open.” The selected file will show in the box. To attach the file, click "OK" at the top-right of the screen.

You can now skip ahead to Step 12. 

A screenshot of question 9, with a red box around 9.16 and the Attach a file link.
A screenshot of the Add attachment pop-up box, with a red box around the browse link.

Step 10

If you select cheque as your preferred method of payment, go to question 9.28 and click the "References" link. A list of reference documents will appear. Select "Alternative payee Form – Formulaire – destinataire du paiement alternatif" to download and open the alternative payee form.

A screenshot of question 9, with red boxes around 9.28, the References link and the Alternative payee Form – Formulaire – destinataire du paiement alternatif link.

Step 11

Complete the form according to the English instructions on page three of the document. You must complete all mandatory fields in sections 1-4 of the document.

Once you have completed the form, save the document to your computer, and email it to your PSPC contact.

Step 12

When you are finished filling out all the required information in the questionnaire, click the "Save as draft" button at the bottom-right of the page. A message will appear at the top of the page stating that your changes have been saved. 

Note: If any information is incomplete, a red banner will appear at the top of the page indicating the problem. You will have to fix those problems before proceeding.

A screenshot of the top of the questionnaire, with a red box around the confirmation of changes message.

Step 13

Finally, click the "Submit" button at the top-right of the page. A confirmation message will appear indicating that you have successfully submitted your information to the Government of Canada.

Tip: If you ever need to update your pay information, you can follow the same instructions above to go back and change your answers in the questionnaire.

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